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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. nope, its always been around. Always. Certain global corporations(catholic church) have had a long history of murdering people who don't fall into line with their view. So there is a lot of history to this matter. There is a species of chimp, Bonobo's, that are ruled by a female. This female uses sex to keep her Troup in check; males and females alike. Every member if the species is bi-sexual. Also, its the only other species of primate on earth that spends most of its time walking upright.
  2. so your telling me u can go around calling everyone derogatory things, and my boss can't fire me?
  3. Dude, their are probably not any less or more gay people in the world today, than 10 years ago. Just like not to many black people in white schools 50 years ago. When people stop tolerating, intolerant violence, people will be more comfortable in their own skin. It is T.V. if you don't like the programing, change it. If you don't like any of it, why are you even watching? Do you really think that gay T.V. makes gay kids? Or is it that you don't want to teach kids to be tolerant of other people and their lifestyles? Christian anti gay groups are the best too. The bible I think mentions something about not judging people...... Oh well I don't think they know that part either. Now that I've got that off my chest, who cares what Tank said. Talking about an irrelevant man, and his ignorant opinion really makes no difference to anything.
  4. Their are drug users, wife beaters, maybe even a murderer In the NFL. One little man and his mouth are what people are going to use as a soap box.
  5. their just words, and why apologize if he really doesn't mean it? I don't agree with him, but its only an issue if WE make it one. Ignore it, and it will go away. Suspend him? No. But if his views, witch he has every right to, go against the company he works for (Browns) they can release him.
  6. what made KO so stupid, was he wasn't worth millions when he said it either.
  7. McGee, and Mckelvin were our only corners at the time Aaron Williams was drafted. That makes ya sick. just not like Matt Jones I hope. on third and desperate, Gilmore was playing physical, and tight. It didn't look like that bad a hold. Other refs may have called it a different way, and maybe not. I do love the way he goes after the ball while recivers are making the catch. What happened to the ball skills Aaron Williams had to start last year?
  8. yes he was. He also should have had that defended pass on Reggie Wayne at the end, but wad flagged. He did good against Larry Fitzgerald, and Andre Johnson as well
  9. Is it a wild idea to let Curtis Modkins call plays? I have no idea if he even has the background. I'm just asking?
  10. you gave up on not making your point, and went after my grammer, huh? Well look through the rest of my posts. Plenty our errors. Whey stop (and start) at this one? See. One right their. Fat fingered my phone. Lol. and you still haven't supported anything youve griped about. Nothing. No argument based in reality, or fact. Just that YOU think they all suck...excuse me "non could start on any other team". So lay it on me. I feel like being trolled.
  11. 49 tackles, 3 forced fumbles, 13 passes defended, Yep, Gilmore is a "massive" liability in coverage. Look up Revis island's numbers. When compaired to Gilmore, Gilmore is doing more than fine.
  12. ok, I have a dictionary in my hand right now. What am I looking up?
  13. I'm starting to think GG is trolling us. His arguments are blanket statements. If not, he has a depressing disposition. The team has holes. WR #2, QB, OLB, CB #2. But to say the players we drafted suck is asinine. Troup was the biggest bust, and we never saw if he would have developed. We have some bad players starting still, but not on the D line. And #1 corner is not it either. Justin Rodgers covering Reggie Wayne is a problem. I have been in the hold onto Fitz camp. Not because I think he is good, but because we had so many holes. Well I think this is the draft. Many of the gaps have been filled, but if were lucky, we can fill the rest this year. I think its time.
  14. what games are you watching? And are you sober while watching? What top flight wr's had their way with are dear rookie? The real problem with Gilmore, is the coaches won't let Gilmore follow them to the slot.
  15. what massive struggles are Gilmore having? And a hand full of average games for Dareus, after his brother dies... That is your argument? Next.
  16. oh so true. And with the pass rushers he colts have?! That was attempted murder to leave either tackle one on one.
  17. I'm not happy about it, but I can answer you question: Freeny, Mathis. Enough said. They do it to everyone. Week in, and week out.
  18. better than qb's. Not to bad. Didn't like troup, but other than that I'm fine with it. When the VERY young, and recently drafted players learn to play fast in our brand new defense, with our brand new DC, oh never mind. Your right. I really thought Batton, and white were going to be saviours from the sixth round..... Love Gilmore. Love Marcel. But addressing the QB is going to stop teams from scoring? I can't belive I even answered that. Really? Because you think they draft bad defensive personal, we shouldn't draft defensive players?
  19. you seem to think you know their priorities. I still think the bills were going to get the guys that they had the most confidence would improve the team. Not a QB they thought is marginally better than Fitz. The most aggravating part of all the people loosing their minds over drafting a QB is out side of the chumps, and guys with fitz's skill set, who could we have taken? Maybe Wilson, but only posters on TBD knew he was a shore thing.... I don't think Fitz is "the guy". But until we stop losing games we score 30 freaken points in, keep building that team nix. I can wait a little longer for a QB.
  20. maybe that its easy to list all the not so sure thing QB's, that are having limited success. I think Nix has always wanted a QB. Just, not the guy you think we shoulda got.
  21. Williams had a first round grade to few "experts". At the time it made sense. We needed a DB. Mckelvin was sucking, McGee was hurt, and we lost the only good corner we had the year before to the saints.
  22. I belive he was speaking of this draft. Not generally. And I agree. Not the best QB options this year, even if you in the top 10 picks.
  23. wait, so we value QB's by who they played back up to, now? Come on, Colin was a highly valued developmental QB, who has shown improvment every time he's seen the field. And other than missing a couple if deep throws, LONG, I liked how he played.
  24. the all encompassing blanket statement, love it. Soooo, you really think that all is equal in the way pats games are called? Im not in the conspiracy against the bill group, but come on. Nobody even slightly implied the games are fixed. Just that their is a double standard in the NFL. Ask Charles Woodson if he thinks Tom B has zebra striped angel on his shoulder.
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