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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. this is the greatest post I've ever seen. I love it!
  2. yep. All the holes that Seattle had on defense, and at the skill positions, it was a surprise they used that many resources on the QB position. And they had so much faith in Wilson, they jumped up and snatched him before everyone else did....in the third round,was it? I'm not saying that we shouldn't have drafted Wilson, but damn guys. 32 teams passed on him. At least twice. Stop trying to nail buddy to the cross. I still feel that buddy picks what his head coach wants. GM scouts and picks the talent, and the HC let's him know what he wants. The funny thing is that they have said that in the past few weeks. A few folks have.
  3. New question, who are we the most okay with praying on a football field?
  4. wait, Tebow committed murder, or ray-ray doesn't do charity work? Witch is it? I know ray went to jail for not talking... And he does charity work... So ....Tebow killed a guy? This is more of that Christian forgiveness, and don't judge others judging. Both men, I'm sure, are very serious with there relationships with god. I I would never pick who pulls it off better. That's so stupid. Crap, I just realized this is a thread about how we perceive others during emotional religious moments.... And we have to pick one?
  5. dude, remember the Kyle Williams, no penalty, grazed Brady's leg fine? Come on? Someone posted the rule. Thought it said they don't even have to make contact when kicking or punching. Just the attempt. It does seem it could be a judgement call, but what ref in his right mind is going to not give Brady a judgment call. I don't even think it is 50/50 if they peruse this. If your Suh, 100% chance the league takes action. If your Brady, 0% chance. Everyone else is between.
  6. cause Roy Williams wasent playing safety for the cowboys yet.
  7. yea, no. I've seen Fitz throw beautiful LEAGAL blocks to spring RB's. I've seen him take hits to make a throw, or scramble for a first down. I have never seen him do ANYTHING like the Brady sissy kick. To assume that we would be good with Fitz doing something, that he had fan respect for not doing is absurd. I think we all liked how Fitz plays, just not his talent level. It's the opposite with Brady, tons if talent...to bad it didn't go to a football player.
  8. I'd say, let's see who we bring in first. I'm sure thus staff has diffrent opinions about players than the previous staff. A change of scheme may benifit some guys. I would cut older back ups first. Kelsay, Morrison, McGee, guys like that. Younger guys that have shown flashes I would hold on to. Who knows, the problem just may have been coaching. I can't even imagine losing Chandler. Yea, he isn't Gronk, or J Graham, but come on. How do you cut a 6'7" dude, who doesn't drop anything in the endzone.
  9. you can't even believe the any TV anymore. My wife watches Spanish tv. She tells me that international news reported by the likes of English stations, is not even close to how the same stories are reported in other country's. for Christ's sake, do we even know what happened at sandy hook? For a week, the story changed every day. I'm afraid of how distracted people can become, when something is so sensationalized. The facts become trivialized, for the sake of the story. And so far we are ok with that.
  10. Rob, your right. But it still irks me. Fans like to hear the feel good story's. even when all the facts don't add up. But a kid who deals with genuine tragedy, comes to work every day, but is distracted is called a bust. He needs to "solider up" or some crap like that. Most have dealt with death in some way. I would say fewer have had a family member murdered. Or died in a car accident, after dying from cancer, discovered in the fatal accident. In a town that doesn't exist. After nobody met you.... Was that to much?
  11. im not going to leave it at crickets. You're no better than ESPN. Heard a story, than built an assumption based on your preconceived notions of dealing with tragedy. Than put the kid down for dealing with it in his own way. Bravo. i wish I took names. Many people called him a bust. It was like they forgot his brother just was murdered. Or apparently he didn't deal with it well enough for some folks. Not cancer. Not an accident. MURDER.
  12. I didn't see buddy swing or miss with Fitz. He was on the roster when Nix arrived. Chan even started trentative Edwards before giving him a go. Also, until he signed that contract last year, he looked like he was going to be alright. He is the only bills QB to beat the patriots in how many years? But... One 7th round QB in three years is bad. I'm still starting to think that Chan had more to do with not drafting a QB.
  13. and over used Fitz?!? Yea, it seems more and more that Chan kinda sank himself. Maybe his inflexibility was also a factor in choosing such a young new staff.
  14. It seems to me that Nix takes the coach into account when drafting. (makes sense to me) remember when Chan said he wanted a water bug scat back? Well nix got him the best water bug scat back he could find. People seem to think that buddy picks players in a vacuum. I believe that Chan wanted to ride with Fitz, and he died by Fitz. Doug will tell Nix what he wants in a QB, and nix will find the best guy to fill the spot. In my mind that is how it works.
  15. Harrison told the president of the U.S. to pack sand. He also said he wouldn't stop head hunting, after multiple violations. Finegan supported a girl with cancer, fell in love and married her. His long time coach felt the need to take him with him to his new job. Has never had off the field issues. If anything, he talks a lot when on the field, and gets under guys skin. He is undersized, and not very fast, but can get in the head of guys like Andre Johnson. I love Cortland finnegan. If Harrison fell out of existence today, I wouldn't miss him. Pass.
  16. I don't know how to add a link, but I found found a video of this kid on Vimeo. Holy crap. I don't know if he can play in the NFL, but he was mauling dudes in college. I mean, all his hits took the ball carrier off his feet.
  17. the rebels. They have Yosemite Sam, in a confederate uniform. Never seen a Davis statue. The funny thing about the school, it was built after segregation ended. Some believe it was named that way to keep it a white school.
  18. It is a little derogatory. The capital of our nation has a team named after the people that it very nearly commited genocide against. It's a part of our history that we shouldn't be proud of, but we should still own. I think the name shouldn't change... But the argument to change it has its place. Talking about it keeps the topic alive. I live in Jacksonville Fl. Named for the man who killed more seminol Indians than god. (pres. Jackson) we have a high school named Nathan B. Forrest. For thoughs who arent familiar with the name, he was the founder of the KKK. Every year people try to change the name. Every year it doesn't happen, but every year we talk about it.
  19. well now, don't we want "fat" Darius if he is to be a nose tackle? On a side note. I read somewhere, (maybe my dad talking about it: he's a jests fan) but the jets have gone to a lot of four man fronts in the last two years. Still a base 34, but I don't think that's all he knows.
  20. well now, don't we want "fat" Darius if he is to be a nose tackle? On a side note. I read somewhere, (maybe my dad talking about it: he's a jests fan) but the jets have gone to a lot of four man fronts in the last two years. Still a base 34, but I don't think that's all he knows.
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