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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. than I guess we haven't really signed Kolb either, huh?
  2. I don't belive that I've heard any of the players (cut players included) voice a "WTF is this team doing" sentiment. As a matter a fact by all accounts Coach Doug is a man with a plan.
  3. well, a brand new coaching staff is entitled to make drastic changes IMHO. Especially in the first year. Doug is not Chan. Doug, I'm sure doesn't value players the same way Chan did. Nah, your right. Give me the nails. Lets put'em in the coffin.
  4. I don't think we should get all worked up over who the bills starter will be. By the time final cuts are made, their is no telling what QB's will be on the roster. We don't even know what kind of offense the Bills will run. We don't know what the coaches think about the players they inherited. We don't know much... And coach Doug has made a point to be like that. The most important thing is the fact that their is movment. The QB position is being addressed. We may all have different ideas on how to get the job done. But its being addressed.
  5. agreed. Some one said earlier their previous stats and records are irrelevant. What have you done for me latley. Or better yet, who looks good with OUR team in camp. I do like the idea of drafting two rookies QB's as well. Find a QB. The Hell with linebackers, wide outs, or any other position. Until we get a QB, none of that matters. When we find our QB, I think our future draft picks will look better.
  6. The ONLY thing the coaches are doing, is providing the best competition they can at the position. We as fans love penciling starters based on our opinions. I don't think this staff, who have never coached any of the players on this team, even know who the starting QB is. Bring guys in, whip to a froth, and let the cream rise.
  7. but he can rush the passer. In san Fran, he was a 34 olb. He rushed a lot. The last two years, he was a 43 olb. Didn't rush so much. With us he, and that position will be hybrid. I am Sooo excited to see how it turns out. Dude can cover, rush, and may be our fastest line backer now. I see him as the closest thing to a three down linebacker we have
  8. Rinse & repeat. Who looks good for head coach in three years?
  9. the lack of line backers and and a right defensive end didn't help. Marcel didn't play great last year, but I'm not sure that he was the problem.
  10. our own defensive cordinator has said we're not a 34 defense. He even said its fans trying to pidgin hole the new bills d as 34 or 43. We are to be an attacking defense, that's multiple front, dictated by the opponent. Also, a lot of 34's don't have a fat guy up front. Dallas had 305lb Ratliff, and he went to the pro bowl.
  11. I agree 100%. I just don't think he did as bad as people think. Doug Whaley is going to have a decent roster to start with.
  12. I would say the addition of Urbik, Pears, and Rinehart also count. Nelson, and D Jones (even though gone) were okay.
  13. I don't think nix, and Eli made Cruz. Cruz showed he belongs on an NFL field the first time he played. And it was without Eli, and nix. I belive Cruz made the giants better. I've been a Cruz fan since he scored three touch downs, in three receptions, against the jets. All over 20 yards. He is a good size reciver, with speed, catches with his hands at the high point. With this year's draft class, give up #8 and get a guy you KNOW makes your team better. Second and third rounds get defenders, and keep an eye out for first round QB's next year.
  14. well, giving a top ten pick for a young guy, who has developed into legit #1 WR, with no off field issues, is a much worse idea than drafting no sure thing, with a pick that people don't think their is a deserving player to use the 8th pick on. I'd be ok with it. I remember watching his first game against the Jets. He was incredible. I thought Cruz was their #1 WR. I think they like to move him to get match ups. I would go with 20 something on the way up Cruz, over a 30 something on the decline Jennings. We pick up Cruz, WR is set for years. Pick up Jennings, and were looking at WR next year still. I'd take bowe though.
  15. Nelson didn't really impress me either, and I don't think anybody is scared of him. Good player, great person, was third reciver on a team with no wide outs, he'll be a role player somewhere else. Nelson scored three touchdowns, in three receptions, his first time on a pro field? Nelson can destroy man press coverage deep? Let's not talk about Nelson and Cruz in the same breath. Being a "good" reciver on the bills is like being the tallest midget. You're still a midget.
  16. its funny when really good, to great and a playmaker, is not what were looking for. James hardy any one?
  17. wow. Man, It dosent matter what Whaley meant. It seems like your going to work what ever point your trying to make out of this. I'm just going to leave it at; I read into it very diffrently, from the conclusions you've drawn.
  18. The fact that a corner is your best player is the problem. Not, that Revis wouldn't be the best player on most teams, but its a problem I wouldn't want either. You can pay Revis a new contract every one or two years,to play corner, or you could spend the money on QB, WR, RB, pass rusher, safety, or O line. All of witch the jets neeeed Soooo bad. Not that I think the jets are handling it well, but revis has made him self into a guy that I just don't care if things work out for him.
  19. didn't McGee restructure his contract last year, to basically league minimum: and heavy incentives? I thought with his lack of playing time he was cheap? But I couldn't tell you how insentive laden contracts affect the cap.
  20. everything you said is not the truth. Byrd had 5 tackles for loss last year, and is mentioned as being good in run support. Anyone remember Payton Hillis try and hurdle Byrd? Didn't end well for Hillis. You also don't take into account Pettin coached the only player in the NFL, that has Byrd's same skill set. (ed reed). Reed and Byrd are the only true center fielders in the league. This does lead me to believe your right about one thing, who ever our strong safety ends up being, will be very physical.
  21. I vote no, only because I believe he retires first.
  22. nah, they called the game even for both teams. They let them play. The good thing is we can focus on this one thing, and lose interest I a week. If the refs been throwing flags all day, ok i'd be mad. But I watched the whole game. No ejections, and easy on the flags. It was actually nice to see a game played that way..... remember when we used to complain the game was getting to soft.........
  23. Cam has the physical tools to play any position he wanted. I can't think of any other QB in history as physically talented as Cam, so he is the exception to durability concerns.
  24. ya know, the wild cat worked for like two, three years in the legue. Than people figured it out. I like the option attack teams are using now, but I'm still going to take a wait and see approach. I like RGIII as much as the next guy, but Luck has the rules of the NFL built protect him. We've seen what happened to RGIII. The Frisco Kid has played smart, but its still Russian roulette. Wilson I think is asked to run less ( unless you run man coverage and don't blitz ). As a whole, pocket passers will always be a hot commodity. Mobility is a plus, but an Aaron Rodgers, or even like Jeff Garcia is more than enough for me.
  25. I just wish they would stop putting on the collard shirts under their jerseys.
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