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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. well, he only steped aside..... And was replaced by a guy he trained the last few years... So if you feel it was an era of incompetence, don't start holding you're breath. I think he drafted, and brought in more young talent than Modrak ever did. In fact out side of coaching and QB, I think we have the most talent in the AFC east.
  2. Hope. Some people have it. For others its tiresome. I love koolaid this time of year.
  3. I can't see why more people are not excited about EJ. Didn't we want a guy with Fitz's smarts, and VY's physical talents? I Loved Fitz. Right mind, wrong arm.
  4. I've been searching for the interview, icant find it yet. He more or less said that he was not there for his team mates, just himself. I'll admit that its not exactly like Geno. The only point I'm trying to make is the caliber of person who is the QB, makes a difference. Being a "Franchise" QB is more than just playing Sunday's. And if I'm wrong about RJ I'm sorry. But he has now convoluted the point I was trying to make.
  5. what had EJ been doing at FSU? Ryan.... Yes, but Rob came to us with an attitude comparable to how Geno was described. My point is, for a QB, you have to have a guy who WANTS to own that job.
  6. Manningx2, Brady, Rodgers and Brees all have somthing in common with EJ. Work ethic. J Russel, Eric Leaf, rob Johnson, all have somthing in common with Geno. They came into the league as the best. I'm not saying one will succed, and they other won't.....just that the odd are in EJ's favor.
  7. I don't think the fans have as much power to run a guy out of town, as they think. That being said, it was mutually beneficial for Lynch to go. I would love to have lynch and Spiller, but lynch may not have been playing anything if he stayed.
  8. It does speak to effectiveness. Spiller is more of a threat to break a big run than Marshawn. Who cares how the tackle was broken. Just that he got past the defensive players. with how many carries? Was it a number similar to Lynch, or Spiller.... Or more like Felix Jones's numbers?
  9. Mario was on pace for a career year playing outside linebacker a few games in Houston. Think Demarcus Ware. I'm sure Pettin will know how to use him.
  10. I think EJ needs to play. This could be the foundation of the Bills offenses for years. CJ is going to have a good time running. With the possible speed, and power combinations at reciver, you can't focus on our only weapon from last year.
  11. Its going to be a fast break offense. They look like they have a few guys who can take the short pass the distance as well.
  12. unmotivated his way to ten sacks. Just layed down and happened to knock over a QB, or two, or ten. I agree he didn't play up to "expectations", but come on.
  13. I would agree, interviews and backround checks. I bet that DB from LSU ain't gonna get drafted.
  14. were returning four of five starters, and have three more guys with in game experience. I loved Levitre, but I'm not that worried about time to gel.
  15. I think the more reactionary the position is, the less it matters how well you know or learn the playbook.(within reason) remember it was a combination of Fred's great year, and spiller's lack of pass protection knowledge that kept him off the field.
  16. I have taken the wonderlic. I took it for a job, and scored rather well. This test doesn't test literacy. Trust me. Its more like a resoning and association test.
  17. I like the new blue, on tv they almost glow. I think its funny, but my 9 month old love's the blue jerseys. Only in home uniforms, she claps and laughs. I think the colors they are now, are to highlight them on tv.
  18. Yea, hate the white collar. Looks like they have a collard shirt, under a sweater kinda thing.
  19. Isn't it kinda cruel and unusal to go to jail for 3.5 years for having to take an unexpected layover in NYC?
  20. after paying $100 mil for Mario last year, were back to Ralph is cheap.... And why, because we didn't pay $34 mil on Elerby, or some other crazy amount for a player who will do nothing more than take cap space?
  21. outstanding. Thank you for the research as well. Great post.
  22. I don't think it was a strait up comparison of players, like you believe he is making. Just that you can't strictly say its all Kolb's fault, or the line he played behind. Players play differently. I don't know, but were they winning or losing with the other QB's? I still would like a QB in the second round just the same.
  23. what if D Ware, & Clay Mathews were your two outside line backers. I wouldn't worry about the run, who is covering the wideouts? You would need faaaast coverage linebackers.
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