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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. I could be wrong about the purple heart. Im in the ARMY. 9 years now.
  2. Not purple hearts, the congressional medal of honor. That being said, you cant apply military regulations when dealing with a ten year old at the gas station, or football players on the field. I enlisted to serve. And it was of my own accord. I don't care if civilians don't understand military regulations. I understand civilians. The intent of the salute by civilians to service members is ment to honor them. Personaly, I'm greatful. but you can't choose how people try to show there respect. I didn't imply you have been disrespected, or haven't received enough. Just that if they coose to salute you, will you correct them? Or tell them its inappropriate? That's all.
  3. I don't know about you're "he shouldn't salute, because he didn't serve" theroy. I've always been greatful of any appreciation given to me in uniform. And any salute given by any civilian I have always returned. Remember, we work FOR the great people of our country. Don't put you're self on a pedestal. Sua sponte
  4. Wow, people have to crap on this kinda thread? They both seem poised to make their rosters, and probably would not have without the trade. Good situation for both.
  5. You can't have you're cake and eat it too. It's a start to national coverage. Even Kolbs knee injury was a story line on NFL network. Bills news seems a little more relevant this year.
  6. heck yea, that driver did you a service. Tip a driver.... But the girl who rang in you're order? Come on. Nothing to see hear.
  7. the answer to you're question is most likely yes. Especially in this thread.
  8. I think the point was, their are plenty of guys who have an arm ( JP Losman ). Not a lot of guys command the respect of a room when they walk in. ( EJ ). This is also coming from guys like Urbik.
  9. Scott Chandler. We know what C.J. can do, and Stevie as well. If we're going to not talk about QB, than how about his security blanket in the passing game? Wasn't he second on the team in touchdowns last year?
  10. the crusades, the mongals, the romans, the inquisition, nazis...... there will always be evil, but it by far not the most violent period in human history.
  11. no. The battle of Gettysburg had a higher loss of life than we lost in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam combined. The number of soldiers that have even spent one day in Afganistan or Iraq pale in comparison to the numbers that lined up and hacked each other to pieces with dull blades and sticks, for ONE battle in the crusades. Current media allows for a information to spread at an astonishing rate. if teams keep addressing the issues, the commish dont need to do skit.
  12. so we should take your opinion, about the culture of a locker room, over a guy who straped on a chin strap? Just because he is a punter?
  13. Stevie's worst game came against Houston. They ONLY respected Stevie. Linebackers, and safety support over, and under.
  14. if other teams best cover man can't cover you, your a # 1. ask Sherman or revis if he is a #2. Sherman gave up two scores, and two 100 yard games last year. Calvin, & Stevie.
  15. maybe leaving, going to another team, put a new perspective infront of him. Anyone can become complacent.
  16. didn't Levitre have his knee looked at last year, at the end of the season. I remember Chan saying somthing to the effect of, it was not surgical. Just the same, having to sit out OTA's isn't any indication of his success this year. Good luck Andy.
  17. unless the Steelers go back to winning next year, and we are two years off from another coaching swap. I understand you may feel slighted, but he was honest, and most fans agree with him. Revealing? I think even coming from the locker room last year team effort was in question. So to think that millionaire athletes cant become complacent is unrealistic.
  18. QB ratings throwing into his coverage, and TD's given up wouldn't support you're view. He is great in run support. Average? Not in my opinion. I'm not sure what safety I would take before him. Bryd's style of play IMO is comparable to ed reed. So, I would expect Pettin to use him like he used Ed .
  19. Hate that fat man, Wilfork, but have to agree. Besides, doesn't he count as two people?
  20. Its all just opinions. In fact, Stevie is a #1 reciver. Stat, and depth wise. Its not trolling. Just his opinion. That being said, they still have to cover him. And nobody has done a great job of that yet.
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