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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. Well, his team mates are the one who are going to bear the brunt of piss poor attitude. Making game day, and scheming decisions difficult. If he is on the side lines collecting 6.9 mil.....well I'm sure players will start to feel different about Bryd's "it's just the business part" stance. Nobody will ever accuse him of being a leader.
  2. well this is still an unsubstantiated rumors..... So it really is still speculation.
  3. I put woods in as the third. He is always open.
  4. Why does Austin TX get Bills, Pats. Is that strange to anybody else?
  5. after seeing what Fitz could do to NE's defense the last few years, Im excited to see what EJ can do. What i'm really worried about is Tom Brady against our D.
  6. I see you're point, and feel that way about it as well at times. At the same time, I'm not sure how that helps his chances for a trade. He has no incentive not to play.
  7. the star of that team is a sixth round draft pick, who the owner didn't even know his name. And we want to give credit to their FO? Brady WAS dumb luck. I'm sure BB liked him, but come on folks, its kinda crazy to think BB's plan was to wait for his superstar QB for six rounds.
  8. Trent looked good in the regular season as well, people seem to forget. Trent didn't look good after Adrian Wilson crushed him like a soda can.
  9. i actually thought the opposite. D line was still in the backfield, but nobody in the line bakeing, or Defensive back corps wanted to tackle anyone. Tuel had time to look down field, but dumped off short passes. I will agree the o line didn't run block well.
  10. I am a homer. I think we're going to turn it around every year. I don't care how many bad years in a row. Yes it is very frustrating, not being a fan of a competitive team. But I don't care. I think it's just as rational to have hope that thing we were missing just might come to us one year. Maybe it's EJ. So I'm going to put my faith in him. I don't have to, I prefer to look at it this way instead.
  11. so, his pot smoking made the whole defense look bad? He wasn't the only person out of position, and playing poorly.
  12. you know, the coaching staff never told us who we were scheming for.
  13. I'm really not worried. I'm not sure how many times I saw our defensive ends just contain. They did blitz a bit, but it was by far not the same pressure packages they used the last few weeks. I also noticed they used this as an opportunity to try a lot of back ups with the first team. I noticed Ross on the field a ton. Corners were rotated a lot as well. We got out played, but we shouldn't be bashing them for one performance, after hoisting them up after two. The offense wasn't much help either. They put the defense back out on the field quick. Not many first downs. One game, and it counts as much as the last two. step away from the ledge..... it was a poor performance, but why does it have to be an excuse. It's preseason. It actually IS practice. If it happens week one, its a big deal, but I'm not ready to put a fork in a young team for being out played by a playoff team in preseason.
  14. I almost lost my father to a heart attack not to long ago. He was just 52 when he had it. It made me reevaluate my priorities in life. I have the deepest condolences to you're loss. At this point in my life, I know I'm not ready for that kinda loss. I am 30, so the Bills were the most exciting team in football when I took interest. My dad is actually a Jets fan, but he taught us loyalty. When I declared my self a Bills fan at 8 or 9 years old, while living in California, my dad made sure that I wasn't fair weather fan. I have no real ties to Buffalo. None, butI have been a loyal proud fan, as long as I can remember. It has been tough, but at the same time, I think being loyal to a team that has performed so porly, and the life lessons that my dad has (and fortunately still does) tought me have made me a better person. I know I have rambled on a bit, and I'm mot really sure what my point is, but I think I understand yours.
  15. And supposedly, no body is interested in him. That came from rapaport too.
  16. should have been orakpo, over maybin. That draft will haunt me.
  17. CJ is my favorite bill. I can't remember the last time we had a player like him. I stand up every time he touches the ball. If we passed a caliber player like he is, it would have been a mistake.
  18. you realize he won't see you're post right? Kinda self gratification. I know, you don't care
  19. I had a meniscus tear as well. I was told not to use cruches, and was back at work in less than two weeks. Strait back to static line parachuteing, and that's hell on a knee. I have faith EJ plays game one.
  20. I don't agree. That is the exact kind of hit that the NFL is trying to get away from. If he kept his head up I would agree. He put his head down, lead with the crown of his helmet. It looked great at full speed, and I didn't think at the time it should be a flag. I even said that earlier. But when youwatch it again, slow...... Well.....crown I'm tired of typing crown.
  21. when I first saw it, it didn't look high. I agree. Than I saw the slow mo. He went high, with the crown. If he didn't lead with the crown, he wouldn't have been flaged. He hit him I'm the chin..... With the CROWN.
  22. really? Have you seen that bug man run? We drafted him because he is giant AND athletic for his size.
  23. so nix doesn't get any cred for keeping that group here? I don't get this. Nix brought in 7 of 11 projected starters on a defense that we are all excited about. I think people look at the failures to hard, and don't realize how much of our current roster has Nix's finger print. Really, look. We can pretend that Nix had no influence on this draft, but Whaley is walking into a MUCH better situation than Nix did. How did that happen? Now this I'll give. I didn't get the pick from ?UCF?
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