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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. that's beside the point. I responded to the OP's position that the D line didn't generate pressure. That is all.
  2. I wish the stats showed how many Brady threw into the dirt.
  3. I wish the rats wouldn't return to the ship after they say its sinking. Just swim away rats....
  4. relax, were one game into the season. Everybody knew that our offense was going to have youth issues. Without arguably our two best defenders on the field we held NE to 23 points, and kept Brady under duress for most of the day. If the offense can learn, and grow quickly enough, maybe that next game would mean somthing.
  5. I'm actually very excited after this game. Don't get me wrong, I'm frustrated with the outcome, but Brady was under duress. The whole game. The young part of our team (offense) made far to many mistakes. They also made bone head turnovers. But I don't feel we got beat. I also think every mistake made can be corrected. I thought we could win this one, I know we can win the rematch. To be clear, it looked like a competitive loss. Not a Bills loss.
  6. didn't imply a conspiracy at all. And yes, he has done some to make him self look bad, but the media does like to report that "sources" say this, and that. You know regular Jets stuff. I never said he wasn't a Turd, just everyone wants to put a lot of emphasis on it. Back to my point, nothing says he can't mature.
  7. That's actally what I stated from the very beginning. The point I was making; with a talented roster, he can win. When he played with a good jets team, he took them to the AFC title game, twice. When he played for a bad jets team, he was the focal point of a failing organization.
  8. I've already said my piece on Sanchez, and I don't care to reiterate. Like I said before, we can disagree....plain and simple. Now Geno is, what...22 or 23? Far to young for anyone to be making declarations on his ability to mature. I agree that the media has done its best to make him look like a Turd, but that's it at this point.
  9. i think it's all on if he can mature. Maybe he lights it up, maybe he plays poor and doesn't care, maybe he gets his but whooped, and he eats some humble pie. I don't think being a Jet does him any favors though. They will let issues fester until the become larger issues.
  10. with Goodwin, and graham on either side of the formation, you can dictate what the safety's do.
  11. I'm expecting to see him in just a handful of plays, but I hope the Bills can find a way to use him on motion plays, screens, reverses and such....... Than BANG!!!! Wheel, streak or seam route TO THE HOUSE!!!!!! I don't need to see him out there every play, of every down. But I need him to be used, ya know? man, Woods is open all day for me on madden. I use him in the slot. And he catches everything.
  12. how many times did poor decisions by fitz, put us down early? im not trying to turn this into a "what if" Fitz had a defense conversation. My only point is that Sanchez is a good QB still. Not great. And with weapons around him, he can make plays to win big games. Like I said before, 6 TDs to 0 Int in his last playoff appearance. Regardless of who the Jets start, unless they fix the coaching and managing issues, is probably going to fail.
  13. lets just see. They can talk about stoping anything they want. On Sundays we'll see. Until guys actually get hurt running the option, I find it a mute point to say getting hurt is the reason not to run it. How is standing in the pocket, and being able to be stoic while Adrian Wilson, or London Fletcher effectivly end you're carrer a better option than a designed run, where you're prepared to defend you're self? I think some folks just don't want to see it.
  14. considering all of the possessions fitz gave way I wouldn't agree with that. But I do think we would have won more games.
  15. I agree with you. That's why I wouldn't call him great. I never thought he could carry a team, but they stripped away his run game, gave him little talent to throw to. If he were a bill last year, would Fitz out play him? Sanchez threw six TD's with 0 int in his last playoff run. I think the Jets had an orginizational collapse. Not a QB collapse. PS, most of our turn overs were caused by Fitz.
  16. my dad is a jets fan. I have watched almost every game Sanchez has played. We'll just disagree about him. That being said, you kinda make my point. you're 150% right about the defense. Agree with every point you made.... But I'll ask you, do remember how he played in those games? I'm not trying to say he is elite, or even great, just that the NY circus killed everyone on that team.
  17. ya know...... SJ13 WAS watching 2012 tape of the pats when he was asked a direct question about it. Sooo no ripping Stevie. Did you really compare one guy watching tape, to a guy who said (and a rookie QB) he wont? Come on man I still think Sanchez could lead a team like KC, or the Vikes to the playoffs. I would have taken him over Fitz. I know its a what have you done for me lately league, but when he had offensive weapons, he beat a lot of talnted QB's in the playoffs.
  18. It will work, until someone stops it. The new pipe line of college QB's are more athletic. It's not like they were trying to bring Arkansas's offense to the NFL, the option is one of the oldest, and somewhat common I college plays. Mike Vick ran it in ATL. Worked that whole time too. its just as scary for you're QB to be counting on a tackle, who is a revolving door. If the play is designed, and the QB can make the right read, I think he is safer than stepping back in the pocket and getting wrecked.
  19. CJ is a rare talent, and is unfair to compare SJ to him. You do have to relize that Fitz didn't put the ball on a spot, to leed a receiver. It was easy to dump the ball off 2 yards, and let Spiller make magic. It was not so easy to squeez the ball into a tight window. To be honest, I was amazed at some of the throws Fitz made last year. I don't know that EJ can leed a guy yet, but I know he can throw a laser. I'm excited to see if 3 to 13 becomes a big deal.
  20. it was a comment about NE's 2012 film, ya ten-cent head, lol. Than cut and paste to make a head line.
  21. nobody said they agree with it. But the players didn't address it. Compromises have to be made.Everybody else who received the tag signed early. Bryd has an agenda.
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