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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. you're right, I mis understood it. But the north south stuff boils my blood after listening to people hate on the way Nix, and Chan spoke. It kinda changed my view on some Bills fans. This time I was out of place, and I'm sorry.
  2. I'm from the south. This chit people say is embarrassing on both accounts. You sound the same as what you're offended about.
  3. Than we can beat them a second time this year in the playoffs!!!! I'm in, no early festivities needed!!!
  4. wow. Really, chad 2.0? Just wow. How do you even respond to that? NO. SJ13 is a leader on the BILLS. Chad never was a leader. I live in a town with a BAD team. In Jacksonville we can at least tell who is good, and who isn't.
  5. Hughes rushes the passer. He meant Hughes. Lawson is the strong side line backer.
  6. yes. Crazy, but yes. I'm not saying were going to, but is it possible? Hell yea. Defense has played better every week, the entire team is healthy for the first time this year (and at the perfect time) and EJ had his best game as a pro against a tough Jets team a week ago. (the crow I would eat would be sooooo tasty if EJ plays well the rest of the way). If you can't see the shot our Bills have, and need to take hold of, than you're void of any optimisim. I am going to hold my breath. Really. The fans can will it........ima try. troll. Go away.
  7. I'll be at the BILLS game at Jags. I wear a blue Spiller jersey, and my wife wears my navy blue Bledsoe jersry from childhood.(or a black Fred Taylor jersey) I get MWR/ USO tickets and wonder the stadium for good seats...(all empty). If you see somone fitting that description, say hey!
  8. the defense has been a breath of fresh air, and very fun to watch. We are sitting at 4 wins, and are showing signs of life. I am optimistic about it. All that being said its not the first time I felt this way about our team in the last 13 years.
  9. heck yea, and we have the weakest schedule in the NFL left. One game at a time....MAKE A RUN, GO BILLS!!
  10. that's not my point at all. I just prefer to not think of it as rebuilding. We stink. We have stunk, and the only thing to change that is to stop stinking. I'm not faulting anyone. I liked parts that we had along the way.
  11. Decade. Rebuilding decade. We have a chance to make it this year, but because the AFC is so horrible this year.
  12. people are crazy. SJ13 may be the best receiver the Bills have ever had. Could you imagine Kelly as his QB? I know..... Fantasy football. I have a buddy who is into that. Fantasy football doesn't always equate to reality football.
  13. have you ever even seen him play? Maybe against Revis, or Sherman? How many guys in the NFL now have 3 consecutive years at 1000+ yards?
  14. I can agree with that. I think we're getting better as well.
  15. I liked the part where Lawson says the team can take chances on big hits, knowing kiko is there to clean up.
  16. I even heard Whaley repeat a Nix sentiment: its a game of big men, and we want to get bigger.
  17. He seems to think he could do better than the coaches. That's the impression I get from him. Through the "operation patience" crap, to this, he seems to be a dissenter. Just spitballing
  18. The guy who went to the Olympics for track doesn't have Olympic speed? Or he doesn't have Olympic 100m speed. It's kind of a stupid argument. Also, to say speed isn't important is like saying talent isn't. The form is all and good, but if you don't have the god given speed, it doesn't matter how good you're form is.
  19. I wear my Bills gear with pride. My Durango wears its Bills gear with pride. All year long. I once got punched in the ribs multiple times after a Jags v Bills game. The game Fitz hit T.O. for a 99 yard TD. We lost, but I may have gloated over that play a bit. i live in Jacksonville. They have no pity for Bills fans, lol
  20. every team gives up yards in gabage time. Its kinda the point. Keep it IN bounds, and the clock rolling.
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