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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. I have super cheap USO tickets. But I'm going to have to drink so much during the game, I'm going to do it from the house...and maybe root for the Jags.
  2. Really, minus two runs, the defense played well. What do you expect when they start nearly all the scoring drives on our side of the field. If we can't field a team that can't get first downs at all on most drives, the defense will get beat. Do you think the offense plays so many snaps because the move the ball? Or because the defense actually gives them more chances to fail.
  3. no. Stop calling the same damn freakin option play everytime. Especially when you, me, the defense, and everyone else knows its going outside to the left. Stop using the option. We DO NOT have an option QB. We should have been a run heavy playaction team, that welcomes pressure, to use the screen, and deep ball. Instead were a spread it, and run it offense, with no threat of intermediate or deep routs.
  4. Yea, no. Kiko has played well. The team has not.
  5. no kidding, for the first time, I really don't care. The Jags have been more exciting for the last month. I will admit, during Bills games I become way to emotionally invested. That Bucs game was more pleasant not caring anymore. the only reason to give pettin a C, is if Hackett had done ANYTHING positive this season. I give Pettin an A. Hackett gets a did not complete.
  6. I understand he could turn into packman Jones. I do, really. But to not even take a chance? For Hogan? Come on, keep telling me that was a good idea.
  7. that's not the point. No one said he was Calvin. Many talented players slip through the cracks. The point is we had a very cheap player, that most thought (and still think) will be a very good player. We kept Hogan. it wouldn't be the first time it takes time for a player to adjust.
  8. And many of us I'm sure are fustrated, because we thought he could play like this. I expect more too.
  9. I'm upset over it. I can't belive that kid 7/11 got a spot. Has he done anything....in his career? In a few games we could have used a big body guy. To cut an undrafted rookie because he didn't learn the playbook is crazy. Its more of a chance to let him go, than spend the no money it took to sign him, and work with him. But that's just my thoughts.
  10. If Hackett is back next year, I'm not spending a dollar on the bills
  11. Don't care. And if the offense is left with the same people running it, I won't care next year.
  12. I have suday ticket I watch most games. I will say bad calls have directly affected the out come of at least three games. It happened to belecheat once this year, and he rolled tape on it to show his players they should have won.
  13. I'm all about defending you're property, but I also don't think every transgression upon another person automatically justifies killing another man. Life, limb or Eye sight is what I've stuck to. If the thief attacked the father, that's all it takes in my eyes, but if the thief was trying to get away, the father deserves some time. Thus doesn't sound like a random crime either.
  14. I like the idea of getting rid of Mario, and Bryd. To much money for guys who don't make enough game changing plays.
  15. I remember on old crappy, non HD TV, he would disappear in the pile, than bam, out the side running for the end zone. I think it was Reggie White who said Barry was so good, he could make you look bad twice, on the same play.
  16. Its not like the plan is to go 110 miles per hour, %100 of the time. Its dictated by the situation. If you have a mis match or two you like, and can take advantage of, hit the gas. Other times sub to get in the appropriate personal. Also, Goodwin, Graham, don't seem like the kinda guys who get tired from running.
  17. I feel a little like Francis now. I thought that's were you were going.... Lol, but I had coffee now. I'm good....
  18. In Jax I've only heard Yankees fans called Yankees, and carpet baggers are from civil war history. We were actually a union city in the south.
  19. But, back on topic. The win is all on how long we can keep the ball out of Ryan's hands. The Falcons have had a BAD year, but I still think Ryan is a dangerous QB. its cool, after a few trips to Afghanistan, im used to it.
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