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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. The O line all push one way together in a sweep. No pulling guards, or anything special. I refuse to belive it's just the o line. I don't think Hackett does a good job setting up the defense with play calling. He has a short list he can call for anygiven down and distance.
  2. Great, after a great season, were going to finish it with the fat and lazy Crap. I love that Marcel is on our team. I'm not going to make guesses or assumptions at what happened. WE just don't really know.
  3. No. I don't see why everyone has the idea Pettien is disloyal, and wants to jump ship. I get the impression he is more kin to Dick Lebow. I'm not a Moron fan, but I see pettin as our D-coach for a while. With all the options im sure he had, he came to Buffalo. Folk, relax. He WANTED to come here.
  4. have you ever spent time in Texas? It seems like you're just finding a way to legitimize a preconceived notion. Where I went to visit everyone from three towns out know each other. They have a different sence of community than most places (not all) up north.
  5. I would disagree. He's played great all year. He may have stopped every screen used against us this year. (ok Kiko and searcy kill screens too)
  6. nope. Just cut him. That's what we want to do with all our talented players anyway.
  7. mean people suck I have an army buddy who played for mesquite. The whole town would show up. The opposing teams town as well. It was kinda awesome.
  8. I'm not saying blindly take one randomly. Take one you like, if theirs value. Good QB's don't all come from the first overall pick. That's my point.
  9. how many starting QB's are even first round picks any more. Kaepernic, Wilson, Brees, Brady. The best QB of the last draft wasn't taken in the first. Manuel shouldn't have been taken that high. If draft position directly related NFL production you're point would be valid. Next year everyone will be using this year as EJ's excuse for under performing. I'm not cool with that. Draft some real competition.
  10. If guard is the problem, get a guard. I'd like to see a center picked up as well. I've never understood creating a hole to fix one.
  11. This year will be next year's excuse for EJ. Great. I really think we should focus on a QB again in this draft. I'm not saying first round, but earlier than later. EJ could end up good, but I still think we should be bringing in guys to compete with him.
  12. I'd heard this a lot. I don't have that all 22 to watch the whole field, but today..... Well, TJ and Chandler can both get open. A ton. They just don't get the ball. When they do, its late or poorly thrown. TJ may be somtjing special. Never thought I would say that, but man. He gets OPEN.
  13. I was at the game. For the first time I got to see the whole field as plays developed. EJ is worse than I thought. TJ, and Chandler spent the first half open. EJ dosent see wide open guys. WIDE OPEN. and if he does, you can't count on a good ball.
  14. EJ has made the worst throw imaginable on each attempt. This is embarrassing that he was drafted.
  15. EJ can not hit wide open guys. EJ has no accuracy. This is very scary.
  16. I don't think we have much of an edge. If any. Jacksonville has played well for a month now. MJD is not a league leading rusher anymore, but he is still dangerous. Shorts plays big, and Henne is surprisingly good under pressure. There defense has not been bad either.
  17. The O-line as well. Not just at left guard. Not to mention Steve, I'm not sure to include him or not. But CJ and Chandler alone were two of our best four skill players. Its rough to see that from you're best young vets on offense.
  18. Let the rookie play. Lets see how the cards fall in a couple of years. Right now, I say let him play on the middle. Don't foget he calls out the plays too.
  19. well, all our players did take a big step back after Chan left.
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