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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. He's so dangerous in the center of the field. Many of the plays he makes, he leaves his guy, and attacks the actual play instead. Along with blitz timing, and screen recognition, I don't know if you even want him on the perimeter. He fits soooo well in the slot (and not just covering slot recivers)
  2. nope, best football of the year last weekend.
  3. Wow. So many people ready to commit violence. All for some guys dunking a foam ball. Get over you're selfs. If it happened to me I'd laugh my ass off.
  4. witches don't exists. I've, we've seen enough of Crossman. Also, this is more about Marrone's perceived decision making prosses, witch is looking more good ole boy, than merit.
  5. wrong. Many of us questioned it when it happened, and through the whole season.
  6. well.... This is the Crossman thread...... Isn't it? Or did I get lost......
  7. very good point. I guess my hope is that the game would draw Toronto fans into buffalo for home games as well.
  8. if you haven't followed my posts in this thread, don't jump on. You obviously haven't, or you don't understand what I've been saying. I'm not so worried about home field advantage for one year, as I am worried about were home field will be in 5 years. I just hope were not looking back, and asking what else could have been done. That is all. That, and I understand their efforts.
  9. I think we all agree that it sucks playing in Toronto. But I don't think many people are willing to admit why they need to. The Bills under new ownership may, or may not want to keep the team in buffalo. All I see is Russ Brandon trying to make it more attractive to stay to new ownership. Me personally will have to choose a new team if they move. I don't want to. As for the players not liking it: if the team goes away, their not out of the job. Why should they care about the viability of the team. They can just play elsewhere. The fans of the team on the other hand should care. But lets vilify all efforts to keep the team in buffalo.
  10. all I'm saying is they also are trying to put the team in the best position to stay in buffalo.
  11. look, it sucks. I agree. But it's not why we lost. You can huff and puff about it all you want. We had two chances to win that game. We didn't. Drops are drops. When the bills move, you're going to have to ask, did they do enough to stay? What could they have done to become more viable?
  12. by you're own logic, the game could have been much worse if it was a t home too. It's not like were a lock to win at home.
  13. that's funny. I thought we stunk, and couldn't finish games....
  14. Beerball: you're problem is with how they determine a catch. I feel everyone has done a fine job explaining how the "plane of the end zone" rule works, and in my opinion, it makes perfect sense.
  15. I don't think Toronto was, is, or is going to be the problem with winning.
  16. I have no problem with Henne. I live in J-ville. I've seen plenty of him. I wouldn't mind him on the team.
  17. I said it mid season. This defense was great at giving the offense chances. The offense normally went three and out.
  18. I want him. I just don't think he wants to be here.
  19. I have no problem with it. It's a QB driven league. I would expect the bills to draft a middle round QB as well. Just please get a QB coach.
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