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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. I think most if the Russ hate came when we didn't really know the extent of his involvement. Now that his finger print on the franchise is becoming more apparent, I feel more fans will appreciate his work.
  2. agreed. Just something about EJ reminds me of Trent Edwards. I hope EJ can become more aggressive.(Thad started one as a brown, so four games difference.)
  3. Thad and EJ have started nearly the same number of games I believe. I felt more comfortable with Thad in. It's obvious that EJ has more physical talent, and has a greater team investment; but if that's what were banking on.......
  4. I'm tired of where the high road has taken us. Sign him. If he f7'?s up cut him. But until than.... He IS going to play ball. Might as well be our team. growing up in Cali, I learned to throw a bloods sign just to make it to school every day, and had friends in gangs. The situations you grow up in do make a difference.
  5. I changed the Defensive playbook to Seattle, the offensive playbook to Philly and simulated the season. Lost the super bowl. Was very surprised for a change in playbooks to make a big difference.
  6. Well, the Raiders and Chargers (AFC West teams) would probably have no home field advantage against each other. They'd be an hour from each other.
  7. Please no. If we lose Spiller for a second round pick, I'll be sick to my stomach. I think the Bills have produced enough good running backs to other teams.
  8. Well, the bad news is were spending a draft pick on S no matter what now. If were going to, It would be in our best interest to trade down. OL, LB, WR and now S. And we need starters at each. This free agency period will be crucial. Were going to need another Lawson type player at one of the mentioned positions.
  9. Nothing about that uniform says Buccaneer. I don't mind the attempt to modernize the uniform, but how do digital looking numbers go with a torn waving pirate flag?
  10. If Rice is brought in, I don't think that keeps us from drafting a WR high. It would be nice to have a tough cut decision at WR, instead of Hogan, Kaufman or Easley.
  11. I would argue it's also a more comfortable environment. Not sleep deprived. Not having to worry about scheduling and interviews. I'm not saying numbers don't get inflated, but I'm sure some prospects actually perform better.
  12. first off I am not calling the entire board amazing just a specific few. I also haven't had any praises for Stevie Johnson. Just listed his stats over the last 4 years. This one year he was injured had an undrafted rookie free agent, practice squad player with one start, and EJ. That, and it seemed that all three were in rotation! I'm tired of you not even understanding my point. If you think it's fair to judge SJ on just this year, than you're right. He doesn't deserve that middle of the road WR contract he got. If you prefer to take his career into the situation, personally, I keep the guy getting me 1000 yards a year. That's called production. I believe SJ will return to form next year. it's not like we're trying to make a case for no production Lee Evans. If you respond to this, you will have the last word.
  13. look. I want a WR. Just, not with our 9th overall, unless Watkins is there. I'm not arguing that SJ is or should be our "#1" WR. I don't believe in number what evers. I'll change my wording just for you. I think we should add a play maker with SJ13. I also believe that if SJ had what had become a typical year for him, you wouldn't think he is over paid..........blah blah blah, I think you understood the rest of what I was trying to say.
  14. I was never one of the believers in our line. Levitre, and the oft injured Wood were our best. Now Wood is good, Glenn is great, and the other three needed to bring shovels to help bury the QB.
  15. how about instead of arguing semantics, take it the way I intend, and not how it would work in you're head yo make me wrong.
  16. holy Crap. Folks here are relentless.Ok. I think the screen door on a submarine is the biggest problem. We may have the worst O line in football. I agree that SJ13 is not "elite". The only thing is, elite is a phrase I have not used. At all. Now, try to understand I have NOT compared SJ to anyone. You did. What I did imply, is that a talented O line may grant more time to EJ. This may help EJ progress. This and an off-season may develop into stevie having a break out 1000 yard, 10 TD season..... Oh wait... He had three..... Why are we cutting him again? Oh yea, he sucks. He didn't turn EJ into Joe Montana. (or Thad, or Tuel) Back to my actual point. Get the QB some good protection, and stop the run. If Watkins is available you have to take him, but he won't be.
  17. If brandon doesn't handle this right, we may not be able to higher, or retain any coaches, or GM's until the three stooges are gone.
  18. I would LOVE mack..... But I don't see that happening. I don't think any of the QB needy teams ahead of us take a QB. To have a chance at Watkins or Mack, QB's and OT's need to be taken early.
  19. My point was not to say that we don't need another playmaker at wide receiver. It was just that people hang a lot of hate on stevie after ONE down season...played with 3 QB's, with one collective start between them..... Watkins won't be available to us IMO. I would love to have a dominant O line, that can make a mediocre QB look good (SF49). And a run stuffing line backer. Enlightener: more like opinionated, and dosent hear what was said... And makes angry incorrect assumptions at other posters intent.
  20. I liked the raiders, and the chargers. All others should be burned, buried and forgotten. I did like the big Bills on big Willie.
  21. 301 catches and 3,832 yards after being drafted in the seventh round, all we remember is a drop, and a fumble. Amazing. I want O line. Big, nasty, mean lineman. I think our WR's will look better when EJ can have faith in his protection. Take a LB in the second. I don't want to throw around names (only know the names repeated regularly here) but with an improved O Line, and LB core, EJ will have less pressure in trying to get a first down.
  22. Chandler caches a lot of Crap from our fan base for no reason in my opinion. He's obviously not elite, but he is 6'7, 260+ pounds, has great body control, and good hands. He easily catches balls over the heads of defenders with good position. Hes not a great blocker, but has great size. I'm all about bringing in a pass catching TE too, but mot a fan of not resigning Chandlers as well.
  23. If be interested. Not sure what the qualifications are. I've been around years longer than my profile.
  24. I think he was poking at Richard Sherman's "thug" status.
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