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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. it seems as though somewone has to "remind" us were a 6-10 team if anything positive comes up about our players. we had Lynch, and drafted Spiller. It's why J. Bell didn't make the team.
  2. He did. Not a bad job in Detroit either. The best of his last three years was at Miami. Bush had a 5 yard average. I just know that CJ can give us a 6 yard average season.
  3. of all the backs that the Saints have had the last few years, only thomas was a low investment. They have had a lot of talent in their back field. Sproles and Bush are comparable IMO. Both great recivers out of the back field, but I've never liked either running the ball a lot. McCoy and Charles I find comparable to each other, the opposite of the first two. Great runners, not so great recivers. CJ we have seen excel at both. I'm excited for a healthy CJ this year.
  4. we just disagree a little. And it's not that I don't think we need a better TE. I just see other guys that are worse.
  5. this last year he had a bad fumble, but in his total time with us I never would have called his hands inconsistent. This last year maybe. As far as blocking, I said willing. And he is. I'm not trying to make him out to be great, but I also don't believe he's the garbage you're describing.
  6. I thought a few teams were interested.... But I can't substantiate that... So I guess not, maybe?
  7. I agree, at 6'6" and 275 lbs, I see Chandler as a very fluid route runner. Good hands, willing blocker.
  8. unless you're under water. Like how our beloved franchise has felt for so long.
  9. well, that's an interesting parallel you're trying to draw..... what smoke? The eagles asked about spiller. Bills said no. Marrone told SJ he won't be traded. Everything else is garbage from media outlets, or assumtions from boards like this.
  10. I think going into year two, we still could write up the same scouting report on EJ. I like him, but I'm not holding my breath.
  11. Damn. You mean there going to have to get jobs? And work? Like the rest of the woman I know? There are woman working next to men, doing the same job as men, and not compensated the same. I'm worried about them.
  12. I don't think you can compare the two in a vacuum. Sanchez was already accused of being a little distracted. EJ has been the model of what you're rookie QB should be off the field.
  13. this has been my response to the steve trade talk for a while. I would rather he be out played by another player on the team, than discarded for a pick (witch really is a Crap shoot).
  14. I think all of this value, and movment up and down the board is just the perspective of outsiders. I'd be willing to bet that in any GM's scouting dept, or draft room, perspectives are very different.
  15. don't over analyze it. And please don't add some political twist to my views, by assuming I'm what's wrong with this country. I'm routing for EJ; l'm just not sure he's a franchise QB. Like I said, I'd be happy to be wrong, and often am.
  16. I'm not the biggest EJ supporter, but I do love what the kid is as a person. He is a natural leader. I hope to eat crow about him.
  17. this is so stupid. I can't believe after giving up like three sacks in two years you still want to f****** run this guy off?
  18. Just stop. We have a great LT. Leave it. As soon as a player performs well. Our fans pack their bags for them. This is not andy Levitre at LG,this is our franchise LT. They will pay him the big bucks.
  19. @ firechan The only two from you're list I would add are McCoy and Charles. If you disagree, we have a diffrent definition of bell cow back. Few of the teams you mentioned run their offense through one back. (McFadden? Richardson? MJD?) We were talking about focusing the offense around a situational back. I said I think we can with two talented backs.
  20. @ beerball. That why I called them non situational backs. What I meant is they are cow bell backs..... But cow bell backs are more rare than talented QB's at this point.
  21. I didn't realize so many people are done with Spiller already. I'm glad that that the Bills didn't even entertain the offer. What people need to really see is that Fred will be the first out the door. So, I believe there is a short list of non "situational" backs. Peterson, Lynch, Forte... Not many. I believe you can build an offense around a situational back. But with two talented situational backs it's could be very effective. I would love to see them take a late round power back to develop behind Fred. I dont think the team has many holes. Don't toss a talented player for a draft pick. Keep the talent. People seem to throw the idea of tradeing talented players for picks, like there guaranteed hits. Better QB play will improve the running game and everything else.
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