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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. yea.... I'm remembering it funny for some reason... I think they asked him if he would be a back up, and he wouldn't or something. You are right, I just remember there being more to it. Just looked it up. Released after he wouldn't take a pay cut.
  2. it's just..... We read something different in the same words.
  3. I'm a military brat, raised by a jets fan, in a patriots family. I'm 32 and started to get interested in football during the Bills glory years. Not really having a true home team I was free to pick who I liked, and have never looked back. Over the course of my dad, than my military careers I have had the Seahawks, chargers, Panthers, jets/ giants and Jags as home teams. I pull for and follow the home team where I live. Always, unless the Bills are playing. When the Bills are playing...... Nothing else exists....
  4. I agree, if he can move the team up the field and let the defense rest.....Yes!
  5. I hope and wish. Just not expecting. If we can't beat pressure, over the top of it, it won't stop. I expect more teams will do what Pitt did. Force us into long passing downs by pressuring the short field and flats on first and second down, and covering the RBs dump offs on 3rd.
  6. I'm going with one..... To Tillman.... SHOW ME SOMETHING EJ. I'm really expecting a bunch of three and outs. Defense will play well for first 5 or 6 series, than Peter out. Game stays close for two to three quarters.
  7. If EJ could play QB, teams wouldn't commit to the run so hard. Let's be honest, until we have a guy that that defenders can't squat on, the run isn't going to be easy. Until EJ looks like anything other than post Adrian Wilson Trent Edwards, were not going anywhere. maybe it's a case of how the position changed, not went away. It's not like they let Jimmy Graham say he was a WR. Most teams need guys who can do multiple things. If Summers wasn't a core special teams guy, I'm not sure he makes the team.
  8. I'm not routing against him. I just haven't got my pair of rose colored specticals issued to me yet.
  9. I don't care if they light fires or pat his back and give him ice cream.... As long as it works for him. I tell non Bills fans I know; EJ is everything you want in a QB...until he steps on the field. I live down in J-Ville, so I've seen plenty of Bortals the last few weeks. Poise, pocket presence and decisiveness are what I've seen in him. Bortals does appear to have some accuracy issues but damn, the game doesn't seem to overwhelm him like it does EJ. It makes me think that accuracy isn't what will hold EJ back in the end. Maybe the game will slow for EJ someday but it pains me to see other young QB's progress as rookies, and our guy regress.
  10. Hope is a word used to view the future. The OP asked why he should have hope and many answered because it's pre season. My question is why should I be excited about the season? I should be hopeful because we haven't lost yet? No. Seattle's fans should be hopeful. Denver's fans should be hopeful. Bills fans have no reason to expect anything. We look exactly like the Bills.
  11. I saw EJ lose track of the clock letting the QT expire, throw past the line of scrimmage and take a sack/fumble. Did I miss anything? I'm sooo excited to see him in a full game.
  12. EJ had time to pat the ball and check down. No excuses. I watched Bortals stand tall in the pocket and make plays last night. Bortals struggled with accuracy issues, his pocket presence was incredible. We have no choice but to wait EJ out, but I think we missed the boat with QB.
  13. EJ had regressed. Looked lost. God I hope the light switches on soon.
  14. and yet some people make enough money off of music they can threaten to buy you're football team. People get paid for talent. Not what they do.
  15. that, and Jackson is almost four years older..... And plays RB...
  16. most musicians own their own instruments. If their counting on a job that only has 8 days of actual work, yea.... I can't believe anyone would think that's a job.
  17. I always thought the coaches and SJ said the spot was all that was important. SJ ran his routes funny, but made it to the spot on time. I see bloggers here say he free lances. What does that mean? Was he running streaks when he should have been running a slant? I can't find the interview right now, but Sherman talks about covering SJ. He describes how SJ works away from DB's leverage to get open. I think SJ would be great with a great west coast type QB. Brady and Peyton would shred with SJ. Kap is more of a vertical offense QB. Less timing, more arm strength. Bress or Rodgers type Qb/offense wouldnt fit SJ.......IMO.
  18. Sherman plays the left boundary almost exclusively. You can control who lines up across from him.
  19. I'm excited about the chance for SJ to go up against Sherman twice. The last time SJ had his way with him.
  20. Cheese and rice...... All the English professors on TBD get annoying. I could read it. No problem. Was it good for a term paper, military memo, legal finding or physics dissertation? No. If it really bothers you that much, don't read it. If you can't read it, you may want reasses you're own intelligence. Or you like the view from you're pedestal so much, it doesn't matter that you're BLOGGING with people of various backgrounds and education levels. Some people can't help but be Richards.
  21. see, and I got a 42. It seemed to me to be more about drawing conclusions. Also, regardless of how many times the grammar police come at me, it won't change a thing. So...... Let's get back at the Bills. Not me.
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