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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. what if all the lineman gave up their two pressures on the same two plays. Than for 15 plays the QB is UN harassed. I don't think it helps to extrapolate a statistic form a vacuum and make any assumptions.
  2. we haven't had a run game for a month, and we've trended to a more pass heavy team with Orton at QB. Why would the Jets not expect ANY pass attempts? We're 5 and 3. This morning I woke up and realized we are what are record says we are. Were not a bad team anymore. We have a great defense and a scrappy 'O'. The season is half over. No more "samples". We go out and win, or we don't. I don't think any players performances are a shock to anyone anymore. I guarantee KC isnt taking us lightly.
  3. Someone will still offer him good money. I'm not sure we're going to be in a position to get in any kind of bidding war over him. I want Spiller in a Bills uniform. The better the offense performs the more of an asset he'll become. I hope Sammy can help keep him in town.
  4. What true freshman tells his coach what play to run. What true freshman's coach listens to him.
  5. their is no animosity twords Hogan. It's just some people are putting his one play on a pedestal. Some of us need more than that to anoint him anymore than a role player.
  6. Orton finished his day with three of his best passes ever. Chandler, Hogan than Watkins......for the win!
  7. I've said before: Nate Hackett draws up some good plays, be just has NO IDEA when to use them.
  8. Laugh. And ask myself what else I expected. Not proud of it.... But true. yea, gotta secure the next generation of Bills fans!
  9. well, the nosy neighbors noticed too, this time. Last week we had Refs throwing flags at air, with no call after the fact. This week we had uneven calls. How was Woods flagged for PI, and Gronk never was.... Why did they flag Hughes? I guess youre the target audience for this new NFL. Slow games, lots of laundry.
  10. you're one example is the one call EVERYONE agreed with. You're right. Duke committed PI on that play.
  11. you're point of enfises proves our point a little more, and you're "conspiracy" accusations less. Duke's foul was an obvious flag. If youre going to throw that out as you're example, than you've failed to demonstrate you understand the argument. Just because they made a few good calls doesn't mean they didn't schit on others.
  12. No... young player put in a tuff spot. If it was Aaron Williams we would have a problem. Move along.
  13. duke Williams was put in an incredibly tough spot today. He got flagged while in man coverage against a WR, witch was bone headed, and played the Gronk. I'll remember this game, but not make my final judgment on him by it.
  14. The guy who pays the refs. Run game, and Hackett. Can't Hackett is still calling a game that I can predict. I've seen great play design from him, he just doesn't know how or when to call plays. Orton is exactly what I thought he would be. He is good enough to win with this team. It didn't help that his momentum was constantly thwarted by strangely timed flags. Many one way bad calls in this game, and at home so far this year. Good teams overcome that. We're still not a good team. I don't think we're a bad team but we still lack killer instinct and leadership on offense. We have our playmakers... Our orchestra...... We need our conductor desperately.
  15. Maybe it's his future health they are worried about.
  16. I hope so. But that doesn't make you right. One is you're task.... You're mission The other is you're life style, friends, co workers and is a little more intimate. Are you assuming Pepper is our DC? Because he's not the one comming up with any game plans..... The question is if he has experience enough with the how the coaching staff in NE thinks and likes things.
  17. I didn't realize you were speaking from experience. So you're telling me that Schwartz know the pats better than pepper, cous' Schwartz watched film on them this year...... A pepper was a coach on the team .... Naw, you win. Makes perfect sense.
  18. I know of a boat captain who crashed his boat and left before he let anyone know.... Further evidence captains ain't to smart.
  19. do you really believe that watching tape of a team is as insightful as being educated in the system? Even stat sights acknowledge they don't know what assignments players had on any given play. Either you're attached to the prideful position you've taken..... Or you're having a bad day....
  20. we went from self loathing to being defensive over something we miss understood. Progress!
  21. ok dude, I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make. you seem to know my opinion better than I do. I'm not trying to say he's Tom Brady right now.
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