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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. or maybe he works for a company that values results more than paperwork. Employers don't "tolerate" their best salesman, they facilitate them. I've also been lucky enough to work for company's that value results more than the process. You also seem to have a work enemy in mind because I don't think Lynch has missed meetings, said ANYTHING or is required to do paperwork. Now if you feel he is a liability to his job for his out of work stuff (witch I feel press conferences are) than sure hate on the guy.
  2. I think it's funny that an attempt to remove himself from any kind of attention, has worked reporters and self-important fans into a frenzy. On a side note, I love when he does break down and gives an interview. A few shout outs to charity, than a bunch of Yeps.
  3. the only reason that numbering rule was adopted, was so 60 years later BB could use it to trick all of us...lol
  4. not humans. Individuals. I know a few folks from "the greatest generation" and learn as many of my life lessons from them. No, Human culture has changed for better and worse over time..... That response opened up so many thoughts and ideals about how culture changes, my mi d became to crowded to gather an organized response, lol..
  5. We've become a culture that doesn't respect the intent of a rule. If I didn't violate EXACTLY the way a rule or law was printed out, I didn't do any wrong. That is crap. I feel like when ever a rule is made, the intent needs to be explained out. If you have to carefully tip toe around a rule to not violate it...... Than you know you're not in spirit of the rule. But sure.... Tha pats are the victims here. Even if BB didn't have anything to do with the deflated balls, is he not still responsible for creating a culture where the rules of the game are of no consequence?
  6. both hall of fame talents, do you take Randy moss, or Chris Carter? I'm not trying to make a direct comparison but ODB reminds me of Chris Carter's hands. I still take that Moss speed strength and ability to get wide open. Maybe when we have a QB who dosent throw lame ducks down field, we'll see if Sammy can high point.
  7. Sammy does something that will ensure a long fruitful career IMHO. He separates from coverage so well, he hasn't had to make many spectacular catches. His best display of hands were on poorly thrown balls last year. Both players will be great, but its crazy to start putting a gold jacket on one or the other. I know Sammy experienced bracket coverage a ton. I wonder how teams game planed for ODB.
  8. in Rex's first presser he said something that stood out to me. Something like: if we keep drafting like we do, we'll be fine. A lot of people took it as a shot at the Jets, and it probably was. I'd like to think it was also a complement to Whaley and his staff.
  9. if you've ever seen either give an interview you wouldn't say that. One knows how display class, the other will put you on blast.
  10. He consumes the souls of those he coaches. Turning them in to subliminal mind zombie slaves for life.
  11. M. Williams, P. Brown, B Spikes, K Alonso M. Dareus, K. Williams, Draft N. Bradham, P. Brown, K. Alonso M. Williams, M. Dareus, K Williams, Draft/Hughes N. Bradham, P. Brown, B. Spikes, K. Alonso M. Williams, M. Dareus, K. Williams N. Bradham, P. Brown, K. Alonso M. Williams, K. Williams, M. Dareus Oh, the options.....
  12. No. I want the pats to win the SB, just so we can beat them while they are on top. My hate for Brady is because he's a Pat. So, I hate the pats, not Brady.... But while Brady is a Pat, I hate him. If he retired, Brady would be nothing to me, and I would still hate that pats.
  13. Parkers players always leave, This is good news folks.
  14. I'm not saying spend big money on Spiller. I'm saying I liked watching him when Chan called plays. Chan used him sparingly at RB and often on offense. If you really miss Hackett and Marrone, that's not something I'm going to argue about. Chan beat the Patriots strait up once. Gave all of us the best week of the last FIFTEEN years of our lives..... But.... Yea, what a loser.
  15. I've seen what CJ can do when used correctly. He was rivaled by A Peterson alone. I've never thought CJ was an everydown back. As a matter of fact, the only reason he's a "RB" is because the NFL requires players to have a position. CJ should have been used as a weapon all over the field. Having worked with Sproles in NO, I thought that was what Moron was going to do.... But........ Anyone remember that great sideline grab Spiller made a few years back, on a streak, over a corner? I've missed Chan calling plays.
  16. Alright folks, we need to stop getting so hung up on 34/43 defense. The real difference is an under front, and an over front. We ran each in the last two years and our personal excelled at both. You don't have to have a true NT to run an under front. K Williams played in that role with pettin. For what it's worth Parcells used an under front (34 small NT) with a lot of success. Wade Phillips used it in Dallas when he was there (Ratliff NT 280'). Rex used both fronts in Baltimore as well. This is going to be awesome to watch.
  17. This again proves to me that they are Win at all cost, not ultra competitive. Whatever.
  18. he was also blown out, and destroyed by the Bills the last three games..
  20. Sammy Watkins gets college open, than an uncatchable ball. I don't want to compare players. I think ODB is great. He may have the best hands in the game, that doesn't take away from Sammy, and what he endured this year. Both will have great careers. I take Sammy all day. That being said, ODB wins rookie of the year. How does he not?!
  21. I was hope they go the Dick LeBeau route, and Schwartz became the defensive fixture that our coach would join. Also, at what point do we stop giving credit to multiple DC's for outstanding defense, and credit the players that have been the constant? Btw, Nix: Dareus, Mario, Bradham, Aaron W. Searcy, Gilmore Doug: Hughes, Kiko, Preston, Spikes, Robey, Duke, Our last two GM's knew defensive players...
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