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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. agreed Does the press have the right to be on private property reporting on a privately owned business, or should we be grateful for the opportunity to have any reports at all. Especially considering that the Media rules don't seem to cover private citizens who are not being paid to be there? I don't know, I'm asking.
  2. I've said that to friends of mine. Hines Ward lite. I would take that kind of player on my team all day.
  3. Horrible stats from an old man. Just Turrible. Who would want an old man who's averaged over 1200 yards of offense a year....
  4. true. I've heard people mention that woods and clay were open over the middle many times last year, and didn't get the look. I'm not sure it's true or not. But I would love to hear more about it.
  5. I remember when it happened, they were mentioning some cutting-edge technique using super cold water or something.
  6. I play in a kinda serious flag football league (don't laugh, I live in Fl, a few D1 college players play in our league. Along with a couple of NFL washout's) I pulled my groin getting juked by a high school kid. I played the rest of the season, but I couldn't ever reach full speed, and couldn't cut on my left leg. As long as I played, it didn't get better. For why it's worth, after the season ended it heald up fast. So fast I kind of forgot about it. Woods is going to have a breakout year IMO. I'm sure he feels he has a lot to prove. He plays with passion and now he has a chip on his shoulder.
  7. If Sammy plays 16+ games this year, I believe the depth behind Woods will be enough. I just don't like the idea of Woods being the #1 for any length of time.
  8. I have a Jets fan buddy. He has an expression he uses a lot now. "Ronald Darby, I Win!" I think it's funny that opposing fans hate their guys being covered by him. I think miller takes a big step this year. He delt with much last year. I can sympathize, having delt with it with my grandmother and mother in the last 3 years. Excited to see this young man rise from the fog it creates and seek guidance from some of the best in the game. (It only appears as a fog from the outside, when the real issue is the intense focus that won't allow you to think of much else. I'm proud of the young man for handling himself well.)
  9. I can't take all the emoji's anymore. I stopped reading, and got lost in all the little yellow faces... like watching minions with my kid.
  10. or, his first off season as a pro, he made the decision to take his time off and train with the best of the best at his position.
  11. so, unless i missed somthing, not confirmed. Leaked...Witch means nothing to me.
  12. Jones? What Jones did we get in the first round like the rest of your lost?
  13. it was a response to the fact that all the players listed were in fact drafted. Not at the talent level of the players. Nobody is stupid enough to belive draft position is a direct link to production.
  14. ya know, teams that are successful year after year still have stricter media rules than ours. The Pats*, Packers, Seattle. The Buffalo media is just highlighting how bad they actually are. Is weather or not a guy looks good in pajamas two weeks after they started practicing football that important?
  15. Every year it becomes easier to deal with. I really thought we had a shot this year.... When we blew it, I laughed and watched the JAGS score 50 points...... Lol
  16. I watch more games for free now than I ever have before. The NFL has found a way to expand its market and viewers without costing me one extra cent. More games in primetime. Early early games... Everyone accuses the NFL of having a money grab, but I haven't paid one extra penny.
  17. you won't site reviving Alex Smith's career or taking Kap to the SB, but you'll bring up one year when dysfunction by managment sank the team..... You trolling?
  18. 1: how awesome would it be to see a Bills player compete in the Olympics. 2: why do people dislike him so much? 3: didn't Goodwin say himself his not playing last year wasn't because he was injured; it was a coaching decision?
  19. I don't think its a matter of intelligence, or arragance. Saben didn't make it in the NFL. I would never question saben's smarts. Rather, he has expectations based on past experience. He may adapt, he may not. I just think he believes his system will carry him in the nfl.
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