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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. @ 34fan In the actual article it's self, it supports what I have said. In fact, the second article specifically mentions my point about being able to play with it. Also, not disputing they took an injured player, but it sure seems the team had a plan with contingencies.
  2. If we were talking about Jan, Feb or march.. OK. But I'm not going back some unspecified amount of time. When he was drafted, this was no secret. Im saying the bills knew what they were getting into in april. Nothing the Bills have said strikes me as a lie. We were talking about what the bills have said about the situation...or do you believe the Bills took him without knowing....?
  3. I didn't get that read. I'll watch again. He's not a guy who like to praise guys that much... Witch made the Ed Reed question so funny to me... Thurman said somthing like: he's right next to me, i feel wierd talking him up.. or somthing like that. That to me is his personality. Also when asked if his role changed with Rob in the building he said no, and made a WTF face. I have valued his presser more than any coach on our staff. He strikes as a very smart guy who keeps his card close to the vest and doesn't BS. I'd work for him.
  4. the title of the article IS a conclusion. One never supported in the article itself. Unless you read what you want into it. Rodak does this often and is not respected by most readers. If you didn't link it, I wouldn't have read it. Thanks for reminding me why I don't go to ESPN. Everyone knew he had an issue. Most folks believed he could wait till the end of the season to have surgery. After an issue that he could have played through, they ELECTED to have surgery now. I'm not sure why you feel lied to, or any incompetence. I'll put it like this... most of us see it going down how we expected...and how we've been informed about it. If you feel lied to, that's your own perception. As far as taking him at 19 knowing all of this, well,I was psyched. We got really lucky he slipped. And the team seems to feel they got a player they shouldn't have. Sooooo.... If you disagree with the fact that we got a talented player, ok. I'm not going to cross that bridge.
  5. cheese and rice... HIS defence got MARK SANCHEZ to the playoffs....twice.... before Mike Tannenbaum's wonderful GM skills did wonders for the Jets talent pool. Oh, yea forget his defense WON a super bowl with Trent Dillfer at QB... I'm not view anything in a vacuum. There's extenuating circumstances for good and bad years he's had... but his good years have LITERALLY BEEN RECORD SETTING. so go away. P.S. they started looking like a Rex Ryan D after the bye last year. I cant wait to see what it looks like without malcontents and personal understanding a complex scheme for real now.
  6. it really looks like Rodak came to his own conclusions and made that the head line for his article. Still... after posting many links, it seems like you base your opinion based on the headline and don't actually read the articles. You call it "positive spin cycle". I think you've arrived at a conclusion and won't come off it... just like Rodak. Most of us read the articles and see it for what it is. And I haven't seen any lies or incompetence. I do see an impatient snap judgment type culture that's developed; that "reporters" take advantage of.... because many people don't make it much past the headline... or belive that a short article can provide real in site on business that is inherently secretive.
  7. what is an "unfiltered interview"? I loved Thurman's interviews last year as well. That man speaks methodically. Roman has a lot more personality than I expected. Rex has always taken media pressure of his team's and handled it. Thurman seems to do interviews as little as HE can.
  8. Mario's situation reminds me of when Haynesworth went to the redskins, and Shanny asked him to play NT. Albert became a malcontent. He also admitted it was because he found himself playing a position he wasn't good at. He credited Jim Schwartz for understanding how to use him. Shanny changed the scheme from 43 to 34. So in comes Rex. A defensive guru with his own 34 system. And well.... damn, that story seems reminiscent of Mario and Rex. So Rex has defense that when played by players that have bought in and learn his complicated system, is dominating. The only draw back to it is it takes PROFESSIONALS to run it. Schwartz's defense was very effective but it also failed us when we needed it and couldn't stop the run. Soooooo, F@#* mario. Rex was handed a defense with 43 talent. What did we expect last year. Schwartz's defense was simple. It asked very little in the way of reads and checks. Last year Rex asked them to play with their mind more. Right now, we look like a 34. My only concern is NT. I don't think Darius should be there. He was a DE at Alabama. That's what got him drafted. I'd still love a space eating NT like Jenkins or wilfork. just because it's hard, doesn't mean it's bad. Most plans that fail don't fail because it's a bad plan, but because they were poorly implemented. So some of us expect PROFESSIONALS to be just that. I have a feeling that the D rebounds big time this year. Especially against the run. Communism? Really? Some of us belive equal pay breeds complacency. Fair pay drives innovation. Communism? It's not even a good idea on paper. Communism.......
  9. talking about the outcome of the selection of the player. The level of talent that team ended up with. Please stay on topic, we're not comparing the Rams as an organization and team to the bills. But the fact that the players selected, started their career injured, bt but Gurley still ended up being a very talented player. I am not going to make any argument about the value of taking a running back in the first round. My only argument is the players talent obviously met expectations.
  10. come on dude, it's disappointing, but let's not pretend that this is anything other than A KID, who didn't prepare properly... most likely because of maturity level. Disappointed yes...but also somthing that happens a lot. Good news, he's like 22 or 23, (I don't even care to look). I recovered from all the stupid immature decisions I made at that point. If he comes in fat next year, than that displays apathy. At that point step back to the ledge, or grab your pitchfork....
  11. um....did you see him play, or his stats? If we cut him, he'll get paid and start somewhere.
  12. Do the rams look foolish for taking Gurley? Let's see what we have in Shaq before we bust out the pitch forks and torches. If he doesn't pan out, well than it was a bad pick and his injury didn't matter. If he ends up a perennial pro bowler, than it was a good pick and the injury didn't matter.
  13. he deals with adversity well. After a horrible half he made great strides in that game. After he started playing well (with two beautiful TD'S to Woods and Easley) the rest of the team contributed to that loss as well. Shady's fumble was big. Please don't think that I believe EJ will develop into a top tier passer, but I also think people can get so set in their view, that can't see any good in him any more. We reached for him. The word on him was he wasn't ready. I still think he starts for somebody at some point.
  14. many folks forget that EJ played great the second half of the jax game. Shady even fumbled away a great scoring chance late, and EJ took the lead in that game. The defense couldn't hold on late. We were up 31 to 27 with 5 minutes left.
  15. Grasping for straws during the off season. Haters going to hate.
  16. not one or the other. Gotta have a few. Until we're paying a QB I don't mind spending to keep a full stable of RB'S. We have a shady value thread and a Karlos key thread. The subject is kind of repetitive. If we didn't have both and Gillise we would have been up poop Creek.
  17. @commonsence I kinda did. And it kinda got classified for me. Whaley expects him to become a dominant type player. He doesn't care about the first four months of his career. If they missed on the pick when he comes back...flame away. When you're in the business of accumulating talent, you take chances. EVERY team does. I promise they have a risk management or risk assessment system. Do I know this? No. But it's asinine to belive they were ignorant when making the pick. I guess when we see what kind of player he is I'll make my judgmeng... on Lawson and Whaley both.
  18. I'm curious what your occupation is. I belive many of the injuries that keep NFL players out for time, wouldn't effect us the same way. I could and would work with Sammy's and Lawson's injuries. Just, not fair to use how long you'll be out of work as a condition for "major surgey" I tore my meniscus in the army. They considered it minor surgery. I was on profile for 4 months after surgery.
  19. I expect the same thing that happens every year. Every RB on the roster will probably get meaningful carries. It benefits us to have so much talent at a position that needs to be shouldered by many. Every year and every team has injuries at that position. We are run first team without a top five QB. I wouldn't like to be in the position of having only one or two talented backs. Shady isn't key Karlos isn't key Johnathan isn't key Gillise isn't key Run game IS key.
  20. As far as I can tell, he's always played a hybrid for us. Even when we played as a 43 under Schwartz he played in a 2point stance off the ball a bit. I'm no football expert but I noticed him ply that way a lot. Let us not forget he played all year with a broken bone in his wrist.
  21. Orton had him looking good and reliable for a short while. I'm still giving him a chance.
  22. Hopefully this year Tyrod Taylor can find the center of the field. I think a healthy Woods and a quarterback looking at the middle could show us what he's about next year.
  23. not to speak for Tasker, I think saying he has that kind of ceiling is not the same as saying the same caliber player. He's obviously not on the same career arc but I think he can have a few productive years to maybe Wards level. It's not likely. Doesn't mean he can't remind people of Ward in his play style.
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