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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. Butler will cover Sammy, because Gilmore isn't that good. I have always been a Gilmore fan. But I've always felt he thought he was better than he was. He seems like he can be top 5 at any time, but his focus on the field just isn't always there. Granted he will make some good plays for you, but he is not going to force any turnovers. He always had an amazing ability to give up a horrible big play at a terrible time. It would have been nice to keep him, but not for what he was asking. It's also nice to know that there's a corner on the Patriots we know we can take advantage of.
  2. to quote Tom terrifies wife "he throw and catch it" I watched that whole game. Every "reciver" we had on the field couldn't catch a cold. TT made some very nice throws.... hit guys in the hands... even one to clay.... in stride... for a first down, hit his freaken hands too. It looked to me that by the end of that game TT didn't trust a pass catcher we had. To be clear... he's not Tom Brady. But how can you fault TT for the amount of drops he had to contend with sunday.
  3. you did not watch the game. If you have to ask that..... you didn't watch. Really... this crusade is childish. Not even going to dignify your question with an answer other than.... you obviously didn't watch the game. Why don't you tell me about the offensive skill players TT played with yesterday? Tell me about how they did.
  4. that stupid Hughes trade.... what was he thinking... and bringing in TT? What good has that done? Don't forget that we've come to expect his 3rd round draft picks to be day one starters.... because of his "talent evaluation skills" Why do we even tolerate this guy... Wasted a seventh rounder a guy like Henderson.... Don't even get me started on clay.... that guy blocks! And can play receiver? Where does he even get off thinking that's cool? And who even carries a FB anymore.... Felton.... why?
  5. I agree with everyone's assessment but would add that a fumbled exchange that the nines turned into 3 and a blown coverage that the nines scored on made it seem closers than it was. The run game and defense controlled the game from start to finish.
  6. no. I mean you and he are just as entitled to your own positions.... and it's good to disagree... but there's no reason to be disrespectful. No double standard. Go boo. It's you're right. That's isn't disrespectful. But why the personal attacks and threats? (Not accusing you, but people are) He's a jock with an opinion. Why make a mountain out of a mole hill. Personally I'm happy to live in a country where having an opposing opinion isn't a death sentence.... and I've fought for Kaep's right to express his opinion. I don't agree with him... but it would be hypocritical of me to fight for the rights of people like me... and not what my country stands for.
  7. well, I'll sleep better at night knowing you're grading the rest of us at life. That being said, I want to see a healthy Sammy. I think running off talent in a production based industry is ignorant. If TBD had its way, we'd not have TT, Sammy, MD, Robert woods, Goodwin, gilmore... I mean.... do some of ya'll even hear yourselves? Fans hated Lynch. He won a super bowl. By the way... I'm not a good person to assume hasn't achieved any kind of greatness.
  8. It's pretty pathetic that anyone would even have to ask that. Not agreeing with someone's stance, decisions or statements is no reason to be disrespectful.
  9. adhd is not an excuse for violating the substance abuse policy, and he is acknowledged that. lol, ya got me😆
  10. Sammy Watkins comes from a neighborhood where the attrition rate for children to adulthood is similar to Gettysburg. For him to be heckled by fans for being injured is deplorable. I think under the circumstances he's earned a pass in my book to lose his cool and say something stupid. The damnedest thing is he's not wrong. So Tasker, go back to your little job. Or collect your allowance for mowing lawns, I don't know.
  11. I don't dislike you at all. I'm actually enjoying watching you flail. The best part is you don't even realize you are. Please continue. I'll take your remarks over the air
  12. Sooooooo...... Beautiful weather down here in the J-ville. Cool breeze.... good game on. Bulldog and daughter both passed out on me.... Wait, what were we talking about?
  13. judging from you, all of the above. Reading your posts from this thread... you are every thing you hate and you fall into the very category of people that you apparently are fit enough to judge. Go you. I want to be you. You so smart. You so right. We should vilify everyone who offends you or just don't like. It's kinda funny... in my experience the people I've met who dislike others that strongly, and up being pussies. And.... me thinks you live with your parents still.
  14. I think I'm one of the few people on this site that don't put players on a pedestal. They're just athletes. Not Role Models, not something I would want my children to Aspire to be, just athletes. That being said give me the talent. I'll take the Ray Lewis after he stabbed someone, I don't care. Entertainment. We don't judge politicians by the same standards that we judge athletes on. It's asinine. Sammy needs to get back in a hurry.
  15. well actually we were only soft vs. The Jets. And our corners were burned. Rex likes a healthy dose of blitzes mixed with artificial pressures.
  16. A good defense and special teams is sustainable. A good offense of line that creates lanes for the running game is sustainable. A quarterback that doesn't turn the ball over and can make huge plays as sustainable. He has a winning record as a starter and is 26 touchdowns to 10 interceptions. If he was six foot four and stood statuesque in the pocket, would we give a crap about his numbers if you had a winning record and was 26/10 in 19 games.
  17. I can't think of any game that TT lost us. I can think of a few games that he's thrown clutch balls to win games. Even down right put the team on his back and run it down the titans throat last year. He could be a better passer. I think he will be. Some of the things he's does already blow my mind sometimes. Planting that ball in Goodwin's lap.... running a 3rd and super long for a first.... So he doesn't play the game the way people think he should. I don't care. He doesn't turn the ball over. He is a threat to the defense. He's smart about taking hits. He makes clutch throws. For my second year starting QB, with no credible WR's, I'll take it. We could still have Fitz?!
  18. the other hot thread right now.... the one that says TT has played awful yesterday.
  19. I don't even know what to say.... your sacrifice will be remembered always... If we keep winning!
  20. We have an amazing ability to find interior DL. Every year somebody steps up and plays well for that group. We have a superstar, a complete savy vet and seemingly endless talent to draw from. After that. Amazing.
  21. nobody on this board over rates Gilmore. Most everybody thinks Darby is better. It's just so many people think Gilmore is bad that the people who say he's not get lumped into some mythical grouping of Gilmore hall of fame pro bowl believers that actually doesn't exist. I for one am happy that we have two corners that finished in the top quarter of the league in coverage last year. And out side of the Jets game have looked just as good this year.
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