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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. Great read! Pressure, pressure, pressure. Gots to get that pressure!
  2. Every player in the secondary is new this year...credit the staff for knowing what the were looking for.
  3. I'm sure there was no pressure in that locker Room from the way James Harrison was talking. I'm glad in the end the man followed his heart. I served in the army. My brother was a ranger in the army. I agree with all the protests, but I myself could not find myself doing anything other than standing for my national anthem. It would be hypocritical of me to say I fought for our freedom to speech and had anything other than respect for the protests. But at the same time, the protesters must also respect that there are people who do agree with them but not with this particular type of protest.
  4. Last night I watched Shannon Sharpe and skip Bayless tell Villanova he was wrong for coming out during the anthem with the steelers. I think it demonstrates how disconnected athletes and social media people are when they expect a man who's had friends who have died for the flag, to protest the flag just to stand with them. I'm sure he supports their protest, but why can't they support a man who's had friends who have died for that flag. The man was an army ranger. He was a graduate of west point.
  5. Never had a problem with it before he spoke out against Le Sean mccoy. This is just another case of If you're not with us you're against us, Dressed up as tolerance for all.
  6. I feel like a lot of teams will go to the quick passing game because of our line. We may not see the stats we want, but if we can continue to force teams to be one dimensional: stop the run, terrorize the QB on 7 step drops.... I consider that a win.
  7. considering the Yankees have the highest payroll in baseball, that's a strange analogy. It reminds me of when the rays put them out of the penant race with a team making less then ONE yankee.
  8. sweet, I didn't know you were a player on the team!!!
  9. the commentators even mentioned it during the game. Stated the d line was Doing so well the jets had to go to a quick passing game. It will bring the pressure count down, but They forced the jets to be one dimensional. That to me is brilliant. And after running through the Jets front line, bring on the panthers.
  10. Why? We've run through any rush defense for 2 years now.... really.... if we can stop the run, shady will carry us to the promised land. My fear is of losing shady. as bad as our own fans perceive this team, a lot of "good" teams looked bad last weekend. if Trent Edwards was still on this team I wouuld see your point. Now it just sounds like a blanket bitching hopelessness. I feel kinda bad for you.
  11. please, stop being reasonable. This isn't the ace for it. You need to make wild assumptions based on opinion instead of fact and then become offended by it. Then, start an overly dramatic crusade that doesn't allow you to see what anyone else is actually saying.
  12. It's amazing how many people will act as if you're calling someone great when you say there not the problem. It's an annoying crusade by some. We stopped nothing. We were a top team in the red zone. We were top 10 scoring. How did rex's defense do? Who has a job now? Rex or Lynn? Call me crazy, but I think we're Competaint coaching away from the playoffs.
  13. we were a top 10 scoring offense. We let let everyone walk all over our defense.
  14. I can't believe you compared to any of those names to Calvin Johnson or Barry Sanders
  15. we live in a country that unarmed black men get killed by police in front of their kid and woman. There is a reason the framers made it the 2nd amendment. It sounds like an over reaction by the police. He was released the same night? I wonder if he took his weapon home that night?
  16. it's insane to think that in an industry making that much money there should be a limit to how much money the people who create the product should make. Sooo.... who gets the rest? Owners..... the Comish? It's fans who pay the dollars into th sport, and then we fault them for wanting more of it? Sounds like a lot of hypocrisy. You should be paid with a market dictates your product is worth. Not what some a****** thinks.
  17. it would be more interesting to see a guy who weighs 267 Even build up a head of steam
  18. yeah specially watching LeSean McCoy lead block for Felton the last 2 years, the jobs are so similar, I don't see why we would need to distinguish them.
  19. If that's the case, Just find a list of full backs and you'll probably find a few guys built like that. I just checked..... never mind. Lol
  20. yeah, and it would be very nice to have Clay and one of those other guys as well!
  21. 1000 when he takes a stupid chance, or being out of position. On the Hogan play, he seemed to not even know his assignment. I think he is incredibly physically gifted, I don't think he has the killer cornerback instinct.
  22. I think Cook and Bennett have had more thrown to them. When given the opportunity Clay has shown ball skills, and elusiveness in the open field. But he runs blocks as well. If we had a defense like Denver's, our #10 scoring offense may have won a super bowl. I'm not saying it would have or not, but It kills me when we stick to cliches as fact of matter. The thing that most of these Super Bowl contending teams have in common is defense. The better of them have offense as well, or at a minimum a QB. But I think was actually shown in the last 10 or 15 years is defense wins championships. I'm not saying the offense was good the last two years, but our defense was absolutely horrible.
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