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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. This thread is fine..... Please... Good points and little hostility...
  2. One of the best things about being a bills fan is the history. They have so much history because of the age of the team. The few times Buffalo came to Jax to play the stadium is was half filled with Bills fans. The point im making is so many of us can't go to the Big Tree. Your point seems self serving. The Bills fan base is coast to coast. We billeave our team should be seen on a national level. (I was at the game TO had the 99 yard touchdown at the Jags. The stadium erupted like a home game).
  3. Watching scripted decadence deal with trivial issues compared to watching young men fight and bleed and sweat and scrape for employment that they love. Great comparison. The only thing they have in common is there on television. It's funny to see the blanket reality TV argument used, and with such venom in many cases here. I don't have cable. I don't watch much TV. I don't have time. My children don't have TVs in there rooms like many parents allow now a days. That being said, I do share the disgust in shows like the Kardashians, or Real Housewives. Like I said, I have daughters. Making that comparison seems very petty. If Rex as on the staff I would understand.... Kinda(Rex brought enough distraction himself) but McBean are not Rex.
  4. Agreed..... As long as A.J. is the better QB at that point. And nothing says he won't be. It just seems like a cop out to not start Allen if he genuinely beats out the rest of the room. The guy made his way through JuCo and was never recruted. I don't think he's as fragile mentally as many think he is.
  5. It's smart to say he's 3 to the fans. We're fickel and without patientce. When looking at our QB room, it wouldn't surprise me to see him beat out the likes of Peterman and A.J. by the end of camp. Honestly guys.... Nate & A.J.? And this kid has fought for every step it took to get here. I don't see him as the type to crack or break. Just an unfounded gut feeling, but I think we got our guy... And I think Edmunds is going to turn this defense into something special too. Pass the Kool aid. Guzziling. Beet me to the same point?
  6. Every other Allen thread has digressed into irrelevance. This one hasn't, can we leave it alone?
  7. When was the last time a six foot five 255-pound 4.5 linebacker who was 19 years old, was in the draft? (With tape that shows he learns IN game) The fact the kid wasn't a top-five pick and we got him is astounding
  8. It really sounds like Raw is a catch phrase that pundits have used in lack of knowing anything real about him. He is the most experienced QB under center coming out of college. J Palmer and K Cousins have both got the impression that he understands pro concepts. I think the real thing to watch will be how he responds to a high level of talent on both sides of the ball. He has a calm confidence to him. With the arm and mobility I don't understand why he draws comparisons to Big Been. To me, I see another Panthers QB. He reminds me of Cam.
  9. You would think we know better than anyone.... But no. For over a decade this is unusual for the bills. I can't remember the last time we traded away multiple first round players under contract. Front office moves have been stagnant or slow developing changes. "Is this something unusual when a team hires a new coach and GM?" For this team, YES.
  10. I really thought that this would be a discussion about said plan or how it applies to Allen. I wasn't expecting the scene from Guardians of the Galaxy where they argue if there is even a plan or not. We are the worst board ever, lol
  11. The kid came in with a history of catching EVERYTHING thrown at him. I think the jump was big and the offense had issues all over. I expect he'll turn into an adequate slot guy soon enough.
  12. I would love to see them. Let's check out that "process!"
  13. It's been fun to read this thread. Damnded if we do. Damned if we don't. I'm excited. I haven't agreed with everything McBean have done, but I'm trusting the process. For what it's worth, only pundits and arm chair GMs seem to not like Allen.
  14. Just watched 15 minutes of the mans highlights from one season. Something else I noted was that he was double teamed much of the time. His motor is unreal. I have very high hopes for the d line rotation. Now if we can just find a linebackers.
  15. Its this ignorant hateful type of statement that makes it impossible to have intelligent disputes on this board. You have obviously taken your perceived deficiencies of his and taken it personal. When someone TAKES his job I will support it, but why hate the best QB on our roster? There are teams with much worse... and he's QB'd us to eight victories and still not out of the play offs just yet. As a matter of fact the team most likely to put us out, is the team we started Nathaniel Peterman for.
  16. Dude, pay attention. QBs don't grow on trees. Yes, draft one or two or three... But to say the guy can't play, and then ruin our chances of the playoffs with putting in someone who TRULY has zero talent.... Bring in a guy to TAKE the job. Don't scrap on our own guy while there is nothing better. If you listen to a lot of the idiots like your self you would think you're going to just get better with anyone in. And I cited that that's not the case. So just stop...we all understand your point. You don't understand the opposing view. Peterman is not an NFL talent. So stop. I bet you were a Hamden fan too.
  17. Anyone who watched Nate Peterman and then watched Tyrod Taylor come in in the same game, and then would make the argument that Tyrod Taylor is not even an adequate passer..... it would be amazing to have one week where we didn't bust out the Torches and pitchforks
  18. we gave up nothing for a TRUE #1 reciver.... And you don't like that value? We got a second and EJ Gaines for a player with less production, and a verified malcontent. I trust the process.
  19. damn..... just damn... But we all remember how that feels....
  20. I don't understand why folks don't think this team can make it far. I don't think many teams are playing better consistent football than us right now. you forgot to mention 300 yards....🤐😨
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