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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. I see your point, but I am not going to draw a comparison between glorified high school players and guys that are actually on a pro team.
  2. I some of those throws... Open dump off guys and he goes deep. I'm not mad either. Kelvin Benjamin will be on the other end of a that now.
  3. One thing is for certian. He has a situation he needs to remove himself from.
  4. I intentionally did not let myself fall in love with any quarterback this year. Now that the chips have fallen and I've had a chance to look into all of these quarterbacks, I am the biggest Allen fan in the world. The kids physical stature and mental makeup are an incredible combination. I do believe he has what it takes to step up to this level. I am worried about how long it will take for him to adjust to the speed of the game. But the kid has clawed his way through high school and Juco to get here. We have a kid who obviously knows how to work for what he wants. How are you not a fan of that.
  5. If TO was at the age and circumstances right now that we took him back then, I would take TO in a heartbeat. You would think Pacman Jones would have taken Bitcoin, but then how would he have made it rain?
  6. A lack of emotion in Anger is what saved me and my domestic violence circumstance. Voting is the most important thing an American citizen can do. It carries more responsibility than almost any other decision that you can make pertaining to the welfare of your country. Anyone who trivializes the meaning of your vote doesn't truly understand the meaning of their vote. If you've ever seen the original Starship Troopers, they even make Civil Service a prerequisite to have a vote, lol. Not that movies really mean anything. But it is an example of how some of us view voting. Elections may just hold a special place in my heart as well, my birthday is November 6th.
  7. The issue about the gun was totally separate. That's why I even made a point to say I didn't mean to hijack the thread. I don't agree that there should be any laws abridging or taking away from the Bill of Rights. On my second note I have already discussed how domestic violence has influenced the way I view it. I've made my point clearly. I do understand yours. I made a point to separate the two points from each other. But you insist to take my separate points and argue them as one. I believe you just jumped in where I quoted your post. I don't believe you have actually taken a moment to read my view through this thread. Convicted felons do lose constitutional rights. They lose the right to vote, they lose the right to bear arms. I do agree with this. And if you actually go back and look at what I've stated, I know they take your guns. They took mine.
  8. Lol. I wasn't born yesterday. I didn't know this young man had been convicted of any crimes yet. At the same time I do believe you missed my point entirely. The irony of our 2nd Amendment right over time being turned into something in itself that's taboo. Our system preaches prohibition before responsibility.
  9. Unless you're right. Then it's suicide. The bailiff told me after the hearing that the judge could tell who was lying within 5 minutes. Apparently she figured it out sooner than that with my ex. I never even had to defend myself. But it's scary that we live in a system that the accusation is enough to bring a man to court, ruin his name, and put them at risk of losing his job. Unless you know something that we don't K gun, you are proof of my last point. And the worst thing is there are horrible acts of domestic violence going on in the world. In your neighbors homes. But we cling to The Sensational ones. Not the ones next door that we can prevent.
  10. And in my personal experience with two very good friends of mine also a woman's tool of Vengeance at times My bad, lol I've been to court for domestic violence. I have never laid a hand on a woman in my life. But my ex-wife used it against me and a custody battle. In the end I got full custody of our daughter.
  11. Not to hijack a thread, but it always amazes me that we have a second Amendment and still see headlines about people arrested with guns. The irony of our 2nd amendment being posed to us as a crime.
  12. Sounds like it doesn't matter what Kim pegula's experiences. It sounds a lot like she's a natural.
  13. I don't even remember anyone saying he had a great arm. I just remember the hands. Hands. Hands. EJ had huge hands. Sport Science did a piece on EJ, and it was about floating the ball. They never even brought up arm strength. If your analysis is true and accurate I think everybody on this board would be stoked
  14. I'm sure there's a lot of reasons for both. I for one am not the kind of person to abondon a plan easy. Perseverance and patience may be what is needed over abandoning a plan. At other times it may be obvious that a new plan is needed. My problem with conversation is that the perspective is placed on a specific time when a change is necessary. Military personnel have a five paragraph planning system. The fifth paragraph disguses how and why to change a plan. We call it a fragmentation order. Or FRAGO. Having a method to apply back up plans in already in place is our method. Changes to the plan are always necessary but to state that it has to go down at the half I've always thought was obsured. Why?
  15. 26 corners Joe B. thread had zero b******* in it. I'm over it. Enjoy.
  16. Can we turn this into the complaints about the Allen merger thread, and start a new thread actually talking about Alan?
  17. I get it. Really. 90% of the time I agree. But this time I don't. Most of the Allen threads should have been merged. But this time around it was all swept under one rug with out looking. It's cool. It's the rule. Some of us didn't agree with the everyone being the same but its done and over. Back to my man Allen!!
  18. Point taken. Enjoy your box of stuff. I'm on this board on my phone while on the go. Always. Knowing what thread was productive was nice. You win. We should have to live through the search function...
  19. I don't post year round. But I'm no newbie. It's fine. It's their board. It just feels unfair to end a good thread for the sake of someone's need to fit everything in a box. And now the box is filled.with crap and I have to search for what was just infront of me..... Witch is why I don't post year round.
  20. I understand your point. Really, I do. But not every conversation about the same player is the same conversation. I didn't want to participate in a thread that has multiple different topics that have been washed away into a mass of stupid crusaders. But thanks for not getting my point.
  21. And it ticks off people to not be able to truly have a conversation in a thread because it's digressed into something stupid. Maybe there should be rules about the content of the thread and whether it's even on topic before we worry about starting a thread and having a good conversation. What's the point of a rule if it literally creates a bigger issue than its trying to prevent?
  22. To bad it's not the 80's and 90's anymore. And I love how well the fans travel. But I can't. And it's 2018. And this BUSINESS depends on TV viewership. I trust that McBean are not the types to allow a circus. And they have made a point to remove distracted players and replace them with their guys. I suspect you're at least a decade older than my 36 years (I don't mean that in a bad way, but I see where your opinion comes from.) I think the "distraction" is over blown. Zoe told the world that Allen had some expaining to do. I don't think that fits into your naritive. I also don't believe any person should ever be put on a pedestal. I'm a soilder.
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