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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. Yeah she needs to go to jail Then I apologize. Sometimes it's good to get clarification on what an argument is actually about, to prevent stupid bickering, ????
  2. I chimed in because it seems as though you were saying 110 lb woman had no business of ever being accused of domestic violence. If I'm wrong then I apologize. But I just went back and looked and I'm pretty sure that's what we were arguing about.
  3. I've made no attempt to categorize or sum up any kind of offense at all. Please go back and read what I said and explain to me what point you are making I said earlier with in this thread that I personally have experienced a woman accuses me of domestic violence to take my child away from me. My biggest concern is the fact that there's no consequences or not heavy enough consequences for false accusations. That girl ruined Foster's name and almost cost him his job. So you're right, no harm no foul right?
  4. You're comparing apples to oranges. My son is my ward. He is my responsibility. I am raising him. I am not raising a woman. And I hope you get your son prepared for the fact that when he turns 17 and 18 and puts his hands on another man or woman he is going to be arrested for assault.
  5. Your entire Point lacks rational. It's not the fact of whether someone can hurt you or not. You also seem to live in a perfect world where every man is 250 lb and every woman is a hundred and ten. There is no right reason to commit violence on another person. Now imagine if there's children within the household that have to see this. The emotional abuse that goes along with any physical abuse regardless of how small the woman is. I believe that a woman can do anything a man can do in a in what we turn a man's world. That includes being responsible for their actions and where they put their hands. Anybody can be a tough guy. To be clear, I understand your point as being no man can be abused by a woman because of sexual dimorphism, right?
  6. That is an absolutely awful example. If you are fine with being slapped there you have an issue. If you feel you deserved being slapped then you have a bigger issue. There is never an excuse. Really, I'm speaking from me experience. I've had it happen to me.
  7. Politely answered the questions he could, and politely ignore the ones he didn't like. I like the guy
  8. Congratulations to all the little Richards that condemned the young man here. And good on John Lynch cor standing by his guy in his time of need.
  9. I'm not sure.... But I thought the tyrod joke was actually a shot at the fans.....
  10. "thank you for showing my son Brayden what a spineless kitty looks like"
  11. Our defense can be damn good by the end of the season. Possible sooner, but a lot of new pieces. But we seem to have talent at every level now.
  12. So many talented QBs came out in the first round, you'll not avoid comparison for years to come,?? I've said before that I didn't sell myself on any QBs before the draft (maybe Mayfield a bit) but I think we have the best career guy of all the Rooks.
  13. None. McBeane have just started to put their identity on the team. Yes, I have been shocked. I haven't agreed with everything but we can't expect them to build somebody else's team. We made the playoffs despite everything last year. They have earned some room to move. (I'd love to see the process on Hard Knocks ?
  14. That's a little unfair. It's not like hapless is crusading. And until the season starts and we see what we have all his points are still valid
  15. Well damn. Does look like he has a little more of a shot than the regular tryout player. She looks like he could turn into a special teams Superstar as well
  16. I believe that Allen is the kind of guy who knows how to work in his issue. That being said it was mentioned that Wentz had a similar issue by the end of his first season. If it works out that same way, we may have to be patient. But I think Allen becomes the best QB of the draft. Just not the best rookie QB.
  17. The point of either observation still proves the point at hand. The first accusation was found to be untrue. This time none of us know. So maybe we wait to proclaim the young man something he may or may not be until we know.?
  18. I love that our guy gets some national love,and locally we crap on him. Yea, we billeave.
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