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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. Exactly my point. I have two kids..... I have the game.... Not the time, lol.
  2. That Titans game a few years ago. Tyrod took the game over with his legs. It was fun to watch.
  3. Only one to play under center. Played a pro system with pro reads and checks.
  4. I used to buy Madden the day it came out. Stood in line and everything. But, we grow up.
  5. For what it's worth, I understand it's a different conference and everything but Phillips last year in college is very comparable statistically to Suh's 2008 season in Nebraska.
  6. Good for you Richard. But...... You did open a thread about Madden?!?!? ?
  7. Aaron freaken maybin Aaron freaken maybin Aaron freaken maybin Me too.
  8. Actually I think we agree a lot. We just draw different conclusions based on experience. Not in every case. And some of us won't stand for it.
  9. That kinda reads like you are not on the jury so you can judge. It also reads like you believe since they both are liers you've made your decision. But maybe you ment something else?
  10. I sat next to the woman who accused me of DV at my daughter's graduation today. Years ago She almost cost me my job, my freedom andy baby. She never felt any repercussions.
  11. Dude, I think it boils down to condeming him before or after we know the facts. You seem happy to just proclaim them all guilty and wash your hands of it. Some of us think there is more we don't know... Or ever will. So let it play out. But it looks a lot like he will play and be a free man. So have a good day my friend.
  12. I think most people defending Foster here are of the opinion that we shouldn't be quick to judge. Especially since this woman has done this before to someone else. And since there is actually evidence that she was hurt else where. But I'm sure you know all this already. It's just odd how you miss understood the point opposed to yours.
  13. I have lynch, Watkins and Darius jerseys.... As much as I want to, I'm not getting an Allen jersey. EVER., lol
  14. I don't listen to any of that noise. So I wouldn't know. I will also say that I am a fan of the kid. Not necessarily the football,(I realize it's mucho importante) but I just see him as determined. I love that quality.
  15. I think it's odd to say the kid doesn't have any "swagger" what ever the funk that means. He has almost no arrogance. He hasn't been given anything. And he over came. You don't go from ZERO offers for college to a top 10 pick by not having "it". Most of why I love this kid is because he has worked though every wall in front of him. Because HE wanted it. I'm not comparing the guy to Brady, but his will to overcome is reminiscent.
  16. Not even remotely true. Mayfield thought the only QB that would go ahead of him as Allen. I think that speaks volumes about what pro evaluators felt. I don't much care what the kipers of the world say.
  17. I would really like to give credit to John Lynch. If this board was SFs GM, Foster would already have been fired. Lynch stood by the kid and may have saved his career. The Brian banks thing CRAWLS under my skin.....but I thought he said he didn't want her to go to prison. If i recall I believe he forgave her too. This Ann Killian is what is wrong with this freaken world. She is the winner of my new Judge Dredd award.
  18. The sensational story ends and we must move on to the individual to judge without context or information.... because the internet lives to make harsh judgments with nothing more than a snap shot of reality. I'll be honest, it almost digusts me to be human when we haven't moved past lynch mob mentality. Slander, filling a false police report..... I don't know. I'm not a lawyer but I'm sure what she did is illegal
  19. It NOT ABSURD. it is more important to remove the children from a situation like that. You want your kids to grow up believing physical violence is acceptable to dish out OR RECEIVE? Like I said before, I'm speaking from experience. It's not a chicken and egg situation either. If your girl is slapping you around, I doubt it started after you had your kid. At that point you have to assess your own decisions. As far as being a men's activist:. I support human rights. All humans.
  20. It seems like the only folks that weren't high on Allen was TV pundits and arm chair GMs. And that hasn't changed. I wonder why professional scouts and weekend warriors have such different views... And should I trust guys on this blog, or the guys who drafted Tre Day after trading down. The answer to that conundrum is: nobody really knows. And it's easy to declare a guy a bust when you have nothing on the line. So I believe that I am always going to stick to the guys whose livelihood is at stake. I don't care if McBean make any decision that makes any fan happy. Their decisions did take us to the playoffs last year. Folks, they showed us a baby. It was real quick but I'm not ready to pretend like they didn't.
  21. You're literally speaking from your own misconceptions. Every Source has cited that he can throw with anticipation that he does throw Guys open he can drop the ball on a dime. His largest college drawback was hero ball. And I don't think that's a drawback in the pros. I have already stated that it's going to be a huge jumping Talent from Wyoming to the NFL. And I don't expect him to be the best quarterback in the rookie class this year. But he can literally do things that Aaron Rodgers may be the only other player in the league, can do. Talk to text.... Sorry
  22. Getting through his progressions isn't his issue. He played under center and made reads. He even has shown he can look off defenders. It's even been shown that he can anticipate and throw a guy open. The "hero" complex was his issue. He would see the open short guy, he just felt he had to hit the deep low percentage throw. (In the pros...... I'm excited about that tendency.) 6'2" 130lb when he graduated HS. 6'5" 240lb when drafted. I wish I had that late growth spurt.
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