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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. your post that caught me was the statement you made if he's guilty cut him. Which sounds like a personal indictment from yourself already, considering he's guilty he's going to prison. The f*** with being cut. You fall in line with many on this board that believe that because the accusation has been made we should look so terribly critically at him. All of my comments have been about the situation particularly. I don't care about McCoy. And I don't care about his ex-girlfriend. And I haven't stated what should happen to either of them in any case. I have not made a 180. You mistakenly believe I defend Shady, when I defend the position in society that is gone a foul. To me, you're 180 statement is laughable. The kind of illustrates you don't remotely understand the point I am attempting to make. So I'm not going to argue it with you anymore. Especially considering you accuse me of being so mean and attacking and aggressive, and then make insults to my daughter.
  2. Apparently she had just arrived home from the airport at 3 AM. Which makes everything so strange. I believe the call to 911 happened at about 3: 20. A. M. But I can't seem to find her lawyers allegations anymore. No. I have always been in the camp of let's look at the evidence. Especially considering now even those allegations appear to be suspicious.
  3. Yea, I mentioned those possibilities yesterday. And I want to find the actual assailant.
  4. The part that I find odd is apparently the police were called within 30 minutes of her arriving home from London, and the attack. If I am reading her lawyers allegations correctly.
  5. I read her lawyers allegations, and it reminded me of my ex wife's allegations against me. Not that I was accused of pistol-whipping or robbing, but that in an allegation you're free to accuse anything you'd like. That said, without the Instagram pics and accusations, I'd be more likely to believe her. But once social media is used, you've corrupted the issue to me. Is it justice or vengace she wants? The victims lawyer made her dumb ass friend take down the post, so I believe at least her lawyer agreed.
  6. Her allegations do sound damning. Still to me, a lot hinges on finding her assailant.
  7. Police report in progress. The sheriff was called to the scene at 330 am. but shady was accused a state away on Instagram, by a friend of the victim.
  8. I love George Carlin, but I don't know if he's been to the middle East.
  9. Militay bud. Besides, I love living here. It's clean, safe inexpensive, low cost of living, no income tax, beautiful... Thriving middle class, St parks, hell, tourists pay our taxes. I've lived all over, including New York, CT. And Mass... North Florida is awesome.... There is no influx of people moving up north. Not the same here.... It's funny. My northen family never want to vacation in New England. And they all plan to move here.
  10. What was taken? I haven't heard yet. If the items taken or requested were reported I wasn't there.
  11. Fair enough. How about, think he's dumb enough to commit a crime he has no need to commit because he's an NFL player. Better?
  12. I would like to know what specific items he was looking for. Something he saw on her... Something she bragged about in public, or was it a possession of Shady's in his house that he couldn't send for? You seem to know what was stolen or asked for. Soooooooo, what was it?
  13. Why is nobody worried about the actual assailants who broke into the home. I bet you if we find them we'll find many answers. We're ready to bury Shady, but we are not worried about the dude who assaulted two women?
  14. I have seen a report that he requested items, but I haven't seen anything specifically say they were Shady's items. As far as I can tell Shady had moved out with the exception of furniture. But she was living in the house with her items as well right?
  15. I can do that as much as you can show me he is involved. That's where we're having our problem. We live in an innocent until proven guilty country. Especially considering the accused wasn't in the vicinity. When it starts to become apparent that facts and evidence are showing Shady participated, I am all for burying the guy. But having had a woman accuse me of violence wrongfully in my life I am not prepared to crucify Another Man based purely on an accusation
  16. or because they have personal history with false accusations like myself. Like I've spoken about willingly through this and the Reuben Foster Fred thread. Then there's individuals like Reuben Foster and Brian Banks. The later of witch went to jail for 5 years. accusing someone of being a misogynist because they don't share your view is morally reprehensible and borderline fascist. Especially when there is tangible evidence of women making accusations in a vindictive manner. Not all women are vindictive. And not all men are innocent. But when we get in the habit of treating the accused like he was already guilty we are slipping down a dangerous path.
  17. You implied that merely the implication was defamation of character enough for him to be fired. I contend that if he ends up being innocent, then the accuser is the person with a character issue. Then she should get fired! If I misunderstood your point let me know.
  18. If he didn't do it, shouldn't he fire the ex-girlfriend then? For lying?
  19. Well, She lives there. He's been gone for months... I see what you are doing, and it really was covered hours ago. really, you can use the search function and find it yourself. I said flat out I don't remember where I sourced it from. And you can look for it on your own.
  20. I've repeated them consistently since I've been in the thread. Google Brian Banks. Reuben Foster we covered weeks ago. My own experiences with in this thread that I've expressed and the Reuben Foster thread. This Thread has literally taken your point and faced it with facts. I now believe you are sticking to your convictions without listening or reading the thread
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