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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. 400 years. Thankfully we have you as the arbiter. That blood in the wood of the ship's deck? That's the human property that laid in his own leftover for 90 days.
  2. Nope. Only Tammi says that. Cancel culture at it's finest.
  3. what the actual hell? that's cancel culture right? the world's least self aware group. the only ppl that do something and complain it was done to them.
  4. Yeah, it was the cops, the boogaloo boys, and the proud boys that attacked. I saved EVERY SINGLE RECEIPT. Want to review? I have attacks on stores with a hammer, spray painting, cops spitting on detained ppl, cops attacking ppl on public property. I have at least 25 vids that i saved because i knew what the narrative would be. Want to watch? Do you have the balls?
  5. Out of curiousity, have you ever seen the map of what part of our current lower 48 was settled by Spain vs what part was settled by England vs what part was settled by France? sorry guys this was meant for SoCalDeek and NOT in an adversarial way just more of an informative way.
  6. Ah, yes. Whataboutism. Which left wing terror incidents are you referring to? Keep in mind, I have receipt after receipt of videos on my phone, including the Auto Zone looting by a white cop designed to create pretext to attack. Another of a white cop spitting on a detainee. Another of cops rushing a person merely talking. And another. And another. Want to see them all?
  7. Ooof, sounds like a Q boy here. Well - maybe. Can you point to recent violent attacks (post 9/11) that were not linked to right wing terror? Like one, specific, one?
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/02/10/most-republicans-see-democrats-not-political-opponents-enemies/ Right wing extremism is the defining threat of our time.
  9. I feel like this is the quote. Yes Trump is a child and moron, but any trumptard that thinks they are hurting Trump's adversary WHILE boosting trump is a double bonus of watching.
  10. We really need to make sure we keep spending Six Trillion on killing brown people. We wouldn't want the idea of helping Americans to get in the way of that.
  11. He should protest on his own time. Not while he’s at work.
  12. You are worried about the new prez showing the world's like 40th best economy and like 35th best military who is boss? I mean, no wonder you support trump coward?
  13. Good job TB! Also lets remember that we all love the Bills and Sat is gonna be lit! q also ignore that q - im not a qidiot
  14. A lot of good stuff here, i whole heartedly agree. Let's talk! Let's engage! What is working? What isn't? How can we improve? What are we doing poorly? Let's do it!!
  15. Looting is the tool of the leftist radical socialists!
  16. im not trying to say the bills have this or that but it feels like they are top 6 incoming new chili! torn meniscus?
  17. Ooof, sorry you feel that way. I still believe in your ability to think for yourself! I agree with the second bolded, this confused old man is just embarrassing us. My comment below isn't directed at you per se, please don't be offended, but the reality is the reality. He's like 7 years old. He's a poor person's idea of a rich man, a dumb person's idea of a smart man, and a weak person's idea of a strong man. The flailing and the grasping now just makes him look that much more pathetic.
  18. I know you are! I believe that to my core! Different sets of beliefs and ideas do NOT mean "bad person/enemy". Uhh, well, i'm not so sure about that, i mean i'm not sure how productive it is to argue about it but the law and order president was accused by our nation's law and order apparatus of encouraging or at the very least not reporting a foreign attack on our republic. His response was to attack the law and order apparatus. I hope we can move on, but one thing should be very clear - Americans are not your enemy. No matter what Fox news told you.
  19. This isn’t hard. What evidence of fraud have the Trump lawyers produced under oath in a court of law? There is your answer. Sorry you got got.
  20. He can’t refuse. He will be escorted out unceremoniously. That said, after this, it’s clear that there is one party that is anti democracy in this country. If a more competent, less narcissistic, bigger picture thinker had been in charge that may have been the last election we ever saw. “Ruling party attacks democratic process for 48 straight days after suffering defeat”. America. I am so sorry man. We share a love of the Bills so I know you have fiber. Find it now. In what world is EVERYONE wrong except for the con man?
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