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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. I have already said this but im as middle class as it gets. Own a home in Essex county, Ma, work for a hospital based in Boston. 17 yo and 15 yo kids, about to pay for college. not over leveraged but have a mortgage and one car note, so some debt. volunteered for some boards here in town (little league, community house) and try to make a point to help the greater good. I'm 51. But yeah, mom's basement.
  2. when my folks bought their first house in 1984, they had a 18% interest rate on their mortgage. go off, king.
  3. lets bump this, since no one wants to admit the economy is BOOMING b umping again
  4. why does anyone care about the removal of statues of men and women that waged war on the US? its so strange. removing a monument to a traitor does not "erase history", all it does is not give that traitor props. the events still happened, whether the statue of the villain is there or not.
  5. lets bump this, since no one wants to admit the economy is BOOMING
  6. Poor B-Man - sorry for your extended inability to see the truth...you are in an echo chamber homes.
  7. Correct. Trump is all of the above and his commitment to depriving women of control of their own bodies confirms how ****ed we are. Agreed. You don't want to face it, but people care. In fact, 65% of the US believes every woman has a right to control her body. Abortion will be the defining issue in 2024 and less than 40% of Americans want it banned. You either want minority rule or you aren't listening. Either way, you lose. we did that in 2016, it was a disaster.
  8. If you want to know why Republicans will lose again in 2024, look no further than Kate Cox. Instead of adapting ideas and policies that appeal to most Americans, the GOP wants to force their myopic views on everyone. It's what will reduce them to a regional sun belt party, and it's why they want minority rule.
  9. So much tolerance in this here thread...let's let the accusations fly baby! Probably a lot of rational fact to back up the non crazy accusations. Probably.
  10. Lets def not talk about this!
  11. Would it bum you out to learn that many big corps here in the US get billions of gov subsidies? Yes taxpayer money straight to corporations. You want that to stop yes?
  12. B-Man would you please define what Marxist means to you? You make a headline about rich worker sharists and then make more claims about these same rich working sharists funding stuff... PROOF? Nah you dont roll that way do you?
  13. The tapes are just a self indictment...let em bloviate. they dont even know... Cant wait to see these fartstains vs an Apache... You wanna fight? Let's see how you defend vs infrared Idiots
  14. Right Wing Position: Zero to do with governance. This is a caucus of clowns.
  15. These same morons that were "peacefully taking a tour" are gonna "take a tour" vs a Apache squadron later
  16. what a weird thread. im a democrat now, left the GOP when they bowed to Trump, and im a pretty normal dude. most of us are. i own a home, i have two cars, my wife and i have jobs, and we are getting ready to send our oldest off to college next year. we have robust savings and investments and believe in hard work and the free market. maybe leave your echo chamber?
  17. here come the mental gymnastics biden way more mentally aware than trump, trump can't even form sentences. plenty of evidence, if you want clips i'll post em. gop openly admitting they want minority rule. posters here say that means i have dementia. whatever. you keep losing, and you keep doubling down on bad ideas, and then lose again. grow up and GOVERN.
  18. 4 years of Biden is far better than my kids and their kids not being able to vote. That's what at stake.
  19. GOP again ignores will of the people, wonders why they keep losing Trying to enshrine minority rule into law. Their ideas suck, and rather than listen to what 65% of the country wants and adjust their ideas accordingly, they lose and vow to not follow the will of the voters. That's today's GOP. MAGA has taken over, and because the true GOP had no spine, they will become a footnote in American history.
  20. No praying. Outside of the echo chamber he is DONE. The moderates that once voted for him because he hates who they hate aren’t willing to subvert American democracy because he’s too immature to accept the truth. It’s over. He had a shot. He failed. Buh bye
  21. We love the rule of law! America is a nation of laws! what? Our guy broke the law? attack all the people that enforce the law!
  22. You endorse fiscal responsibility yes? can you help us understand the outrageous expansion of the federal deficit under Trump? if you are to embarrassed to discuss happy to post exact numbers can you share what you think is “strong”
  23. Which polls? no one wants a guy who tried to overthrow America. watch. 0-3?
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