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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Zero Cinders?
  2. And yet he has a Stanford degree and you don't. Yep. Sherman rules. Hilarious.
  3. Now this I agree with, but try to follow along. My original point, which you disagreed with, was that the Evans trade to Bal was a great move. It wasn't that Evans was a poor pick on the first place. That is irrelevant to the point I made about the trade. It's astounding to me that you are so desperate to paint the Evans trade as a poor move. Why is that?
  4. If you are looking for a fool, check the mirror. Your inability to detect the sarcasm in my reply and instead label me an "apologist" for pointing out something that doesnt fit your arguement speaks volumes about your agenda. The Evans trade, by any set of criteria and in any context, was a home run for the Bills. There is no concievable argument otherwise. Saying the Evans trade was not a great move undermines your credibility and your position.
  5. I wanted to go with the picture of Nix rocking his maroon leather blazer at the combine a few years back, but I could not find it, so I chose the pimpin' red argyle sweater instead.
  6. RE: Edwards - everyone knew DL was going to be a numbers game at the end of pre-season, someone had to go. It came down to Spencer Johnson vs Dwan Edwards. Why is it so hard to fathom that the football people made this call? RE: Evans - If, as you claim, the money people made this move, then you need to give the money people credit because it was one hell of a move.
  7. Nah, the highlight of the Bills season that year for me was collecting a 4th rd pick for a guy that logged four more catches in his career.
  8. Why would you cite one of the best moves in recent Bills history to bolster your point? The Evans trade was an absolute home run from the Bills' perspective.
  9. Very true, hence my surprise when he called our WRs tops in the division.
  10. I have to say, I was surprised to hear him call our WRs the best in the division "by far". He clearly had no problem believing in our rookies. Sometimes in sports you get a group of kids together that don't know any better. They don't care about past history and they don't feel the weight of the city/team's past failures. Could this be one of those type of teams?
  11. I don't even care anymore. If he shows up, great. If not, i'm not going to wring my hands about what could have been. Whatever Jairus.
  12. I'm as excited about Marrone as the next guy, but when I read this, it worried me. Shades of that mullet Wade defended that got him fired...Ronnie Jones?
  13. TBH I didn't click on the link, but I didn't see anything in the original post about defense only. Sorry if I hijacked.
  14. It confuses me that anyone who follows the Bills in any way would think that anyone other that Spiller is our most important player.
  15. Errr, ahhh, vote Quimby? A direct quote from Brandon when questioned on analytics: "It's another layer to any process when it comes to football. But it'd be very focused on salary-cap management and everything we do on that front. It will never take away from the scouting process that we have in place now." You were saying?
  16. This + a bunch. Heitz is right, you never know. Exhaust every avenue. Best of luck!
  17. So you've never networked? You've never heard there was nothing available and then learned through a contact that something actually was? Geez, way to piss in the Cheerios.
  18. Not a joke at all. Anyone who followed Buffalo last year knew that had they beaten Indy they would have been in the driver's seat for a berth, based on their record at the time relative to all the other playoff contenders. It was clearly the biggest game of the year at the time. It's not debatable. Once they lost that game, they were on the outside looking in. Williams was huge in that game. Try again. Has anyone other than you mentioned Williams and the HOF in this thread? Who the heck said anything about the Hall of Fame?
  19. Yup, like any great player, up to and including Barry Sanders, Bruce Smith and Megatron. However, in Buffalo's biggest game of the year, Williams was HUGE. Are you a neophyte to the NFL? Expecting any player to do something "play to play" seems silly, and suggests either ADD or a newness to the game as a whole.
  20. Post of the thread. That was the game of the year at the time for Buff. Had the Bills won that one, they would have been in the driver's seat for a berth. Williams was a force in that game.
  21. Thanks to all here - called today and got Sunday Ticket Max for free, 3 Genie receivers (1 reg, 2 mini) for free, $15 off for 15 months, $5 off for 12 months, and $5 off HBO for 6 months. Took about an hour, spoke initially to regular customer servcie rep who was very forthcoming in telling me that I would get a better deal if I asked to be transferred to cancellation services. Used e-ball's line about wanting to cancel because the Bills stink, both reps got a kick out of that and it got the ball rolling with the discounts. Well worth the hour I spent on the phone with them.
  22. This thing will be wrapped up when it gets squared away.
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