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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. The trouble with your comment is you don't have any proof. There was a football organization to be proud of on 1/3/1993 and the the place was not sold out. There was a football organization to be proud of on 1/15/1994 and the place wasn't sold out. Excuse. Nothing more, nothing less.
  2. Settle this with a spearing contest!
  3. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Perhaps. However, in order for the coaching staff to have screwed up, we have to assume that each WR competing for that one spot during TC gave the exact same effort while on the clock, mastered each detail identically, and put in the exact same amount of work study while off the clock. If that wasn't the case, and the evidence we have -while admittedly circumstantial -stongly suggests that it wasn't, then how can cutting Rogers be on the staff? This is a textbook case of a guy not doing enough to make the club if there ever was one.
  5. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/factoid?s=t
  6. In order for any of that to have happened, he would have had to have made the team. He failed to do so. The staff didn't blow this one, Rogers did.
  7. Incorrect. This must be one of those "rare occasions".
  8. TC isn't the time to be "handling" players. It's incumbent upon the player to do everything in his power during that time to catch the coaching staff's eye and essentially force them to keep him on the roster. Clearly, Rogers did not do that. Thus, he was released.
  9. Of course there was. Your second sentence proves it out. You don't roll with the talented guy because as was already stated, he didn't do enough to make the team in the first place.
  10. Every. Single. Time. Talent means nothing if you are not working hard. Rogers simply didn't work hard enough to make the club. Thus, he was cut. Yes, you do. Rogers proved he can't play by not putting in the effort requred to make the team. You already know this.
  11. It's not hard to understand. He didn't work hard enough in camp to make the team.
  12. Stevie Johnson is not a team captain.
  13. Eddie Robinson vs Chad Pennington
  14. For some bizarre reason I love Spiller in this game. Crazy?
  15. I'm not sure how to answer - are you asking who is the biggest threat on the road to winning out, or are you asking who is the biggest threat AFTER winning out?
  16. Do you have the numbers to back this up? Bill James sez clutch is for simpletons. He has? Link it. IMO the most misinterpreted (eagerly) comment of all time. Please provide a link to him saying this fact he has in your words admitted. Prove it. With science, not supposition
  17. Nope. Hopefully the Bills can stay off that list till after week 16. Don't believe the hype.
  18. People that eschew math in favor of instinct are idiots. Math wins every single time. Decisions based on proven formulas are always correct.
  19. Maybe you guys weren't listening when Brandon said "we are going to be an aggressive, attacking organization". Whether you tactically agree or not, the Bills told you strategically what they were going to do before they even hired a HC. What's with the surprise? Did you hear Trestman explain it afterward? It was clear that he knew EXACTLY what he was doing, and he backed it up with percentages to support his decision making process based on down, distance, and probability. You sound like one of the scouts at the table in Moneyball. Decisions based on math and science trump decisions based on "3 yards and a cloud of dust" every time.
  20. Well, clearly we need to define the criteria before we indict Beerball. If it's scooting to the side while a weak bladdered Thurmal34 abuses the nearest Men's Can...then he is guilty as charged I say!
  21. As much as I hate to see that as well, Owens has better numbers in every category. That said, "Undre" is top 12 all time in every cat. At some point he is getting in. Let's hope it's this year.
  22. When I first looked at this text on my phone I read it as they had signed up for a subscription to Juggs.
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