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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Bully for them. It was the correct play. Byrd's past is irrelevant relative to a future contract. Any team that signs a player to a long term deal is paying for expected future results, not past performance. These guys are commodities, not family members.
  2. Wait, weren't we told by WEO that the Bills FO was completely incapable of creating draft related smokescreens and that anyone who believed that they could was delusional? This can't possibly be true.
  3. When Watkins was drafted I texted a buddy and said "well, Stevie's gone." Its too bad, the guy loved Buffalo and loved playing for the Bills. Hope he does well in SF.
  4. I miss Stevie but I also get why they moved him. Wish the best for him in SF.
  5. Golisano and Pegula we know about...I wonder who the third is.
  6. In your opinion, what significant steps will correct the Bills' special teams' problems? Be specific.
  7. Kellyto83TD - yup. WRT the topic at hand, history is not on Brady's side. The drop off in QB production from age 36 to 37 is precipitous. Brady may become an outlier, but there is really no evidence to suggest he will be. For some reason I can't embed this chart, but here are the all time numbers - the age 36 to 37 drop off is the most alarming. There is no reason to believe Brady will be any different. http://www.profootba...posite01_sm.jpg
  8. Smapdi, if Spiller returns to 2012 form, we'll have the best RB group in the league even if Fred and Brown never get a single touch.
  9. Good news for Boyst and Beerball, I won't be able to make it this year, so my frequent trips to the men's can will not interrupt any TD celebrations. Good on you Jay for organizing this. At least we can guarantee my buddy won't crash into anyone's truck. Have a great time all...Mead can you FedEx stromboli?
  10. Isn't the Buffalo TV market the 9th largest in the league? Didn't they pull some of the highest shares in the NFL even last year, at 6-10? Perhaps i'm wrong, but I seem to remember this being tweeted more than a few times last season.
  11. NE's D has been below average long before Spikes got there. What statistical argument can be made for their HC being among the best in the biz defensively, particularly since the league became a passing league, as you correctly point out? Is there any evidence that Belichick is among the best in the biz defensively over, say, the last decade?
  12. Agreed. What the Bills had at LB in 2013 wasn't too shabby. They have certainly made a concerted effort to upgrade from that in 2014. We'll see how it pans out. Agreed on the Jets but the Pats? Where do you see their strengths in the front 7? Wilfork off an Achilles and Mayo off a missed year can't be on your list. Hightower was exposed last year to the point of losing reps. Spikes is here now. Chandler Jones isn't bad, and the white dude with the beard can get to the passer sometimes, but otherwise there is nothing formidable there, unless perhaps I am forgetting someone?
  13. Love how this guy uses his hands. Every catch you see him make is away from his body and all hands. Larry Fitz?
  14. This is the greatest reply of all time.
  15. Geographically and demographically it makes perfect sense.
  16. Good to see, but IMO this should be the expected behavior, not a newsworthy item. I fully expect any player on the team I root for to work year round. Not ripping on any of these guys, just saying that this should not even be worth news. Some guys spent some time trying to get better at their job. Happens every day across the country. Ho hum.
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