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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. I dunno, EJ is ok. Not bad. Seems like an appropriate backup.
  2. Since the poster could not provide a link, I scoured the web looking for proof of this claim. What I learned was amazing! Who knew that in football, wins and losses are a team stat?
  3. What is Cordy Glenn's record when the OC calls 30 pass plays?
  4. The two teams that accumulated the most penalties last year competed against each other in the Super Bowl.
  5. You bet. I'll take it. He'll get better. But today he won us a game. Not too shabby.
  6. This script for 10 of 3 was our script for so many years. Our team is loaded. Stacked. Bills play the second best team in the AFC next week. Let's see how they measure up.
  7. I don't claim to know more than the average bear, but man, so many freaking simps. Watkins can never catch another pass and not be a bust. What the heck simpletons?
  8. Yup. He wasn't great today but he grabbed this game by the balls. The Bills needed someone to take over today and he did that. Once our star players start to return he'll be even better, but he won us the game today.
  9. Can we let a QB play and grow and learn? For once?
  10. It's cool. Not everyone sees the whole field. Carry on!
  11. I guess maybe the point of this thread is getting lost. For some reason people seem to be confusing presence with production. Not sure why.
  12. Nothing. This is my Sunday distraction and my weekly hobby, but I gave up on being mad about it in 2006 after I had my first child. If they cant get their collective S together then that's on them. Morons.
  13. While Beckham's 5 catches for 38 yards were not impressive numbers, his presence on the field allowed other players to shine. That's the point about Sammy being out, so yeah, thank you!
  14. Now there are "TT apologists"? After four games? Can we just, for once, give a quarterback a freaking chance here in Buffalo? Smarten up. He's gonna suck some games. NE was one of them. Today wasn't. Let's let a quarterback develop for us once since 1997 please - warning - it may take more than a full season!
  15. Agreed, was shouting at the TV for him to just go OB, but I think that was a case of a player trying to do too much at the wrong time. As much as I hated the decision he made to stay IB, I think he fell victim to trying to make something big happen. We have seen him be successful in the #2 role many times. We know he's a really talented kid with good hands and a penchant for making a key play to keep the chains moving. With Sammy out and our staff having to know Percy would be blanketed, why wasn't he a bigger part of the game today? Did Taylor just not have enough time du to poor OL play? Or did Roman miss a chance? I'm not sure. I do know he certainly is capable of being a key cog in an offensive game plan. Yep. Even gimpy but on the field he brings value IMO.
  16. Yep. Other than his 2 quarter brick in the NE game, he's been fine. Gotta let him make his "mistakes" and learn as he goes. Today's loss underscored how much work the Bills have to do on the OL and how much work they have to do in playing smart. This is a dumb team.
  17. Dunno. Told a buddy to watch for Woods this morning, thought today was tailor (Taylor?) made for him. Should have been a much bigger part of the offense. He's as a good of a #2 as there is in the league.
  18. Spot on K-9. A playoff team does not lose this game in their own building.
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