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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. If that's the case, what in the hell is the FO gonna do about the roster in 1-2 years? Completely start from scratch and be lauded?
  2. Mrags, you are a nice kid, I met you at the TBDHOT and had a great time, but yeesh man, you can't sit there and pretend to know what kind of pain it is to play week after week with broken ribs, especially when you have the luxury in your job of wearing a vest. I don't care what someone "told you", the kid played NFL receiver with broken ribs. As a rookie. Certainly NOT a kitty.
  3. Perhaps BB, buts it's the wrong rebuild. It's a 1-2 year solution.
  4. They sure did. An ancient RB, QB, and WR1 that will take them to a bad miss of the playoffs - again. Come on man, you know that won't make it. Why be jealous of a team adding old guys?
  5. I'm with KD in CA. No matter how promising a high pick looks we will find a way to grasp mediocrity from the jaws of hope.
  6. Right, great point. He was awful, not just average.
  7. Yes, he did. The correct grammar is "affect". But since you are such a great judge of pain thresholds you would already know that, correct? I mean after all Watkins is a wimp for playing through broken ribs his rookie year, right?
  8. They loved their matchup of their slot guy (81) on Gilmore and used it to the point of collecting fake penalties (the 3rd and 11 fake holding) and then some. Gilmore got clowned tonight. Need better than that from him.
  9. He got beat badly overhead by a second year player last week as well. Prior to this year, if I saw a QB throw it up to Gilmore's side, I felt good about a breakup. Is he not trying?
  10. I think they are gonna let himself earn his way out of whatever deal he thought he could get. They won't even franchise him. He's gone.
  11. What the fudge? Fitzpatrick? That's where you are hanging your hat? If the Bills had kept him, what would they be? 7-9?
  12. Thx for your contribution. Looking forward to QB Bills' take. Certainly we don't have the longetivity of a Riverboat Ron or a Marv Lewis or a Gus Bradley or a Mike Tomlin. I'm wondering if we will ever commit to 5-7 years of one coach before we pitchfork him. Probably not; two is plenty!
  13. To be fair to him that holding call they made on him on 3rd and 11 on the first drive was awful. Maybe that threw him off his game.
  14. I'm curious to see more head to head conversation of QB Bills, who clearly worked under Brandon, and Kirby, who clearly worked in FOs in other sports, debating Brandon's impact. Both opinions are valid, albeit different, and it's intriguing to hear the conclusion.
  15. Or am I just really bad at watching football? I'll admit, I had many canned personalities tonight, but to my mind, their slot guy waxed him early, which made him shy later vs Marshall. Pay the guy? I dunno.
  16. If we start 0-4, what is the point of clawing to 8-8? When we started 0-8 and clawed to 4-12, it cost us Cam Newton and got us Marcell Dareus. If we start 0-4, drive for 0-16 one time.
  17. If it's a move to ink Gilmore, then it makes sense.
  18. Why do we care? Is there a single poster here that thinks the Bills should have gone 3/12 on Hogan?
  19. Why would we five anyone time to develop? We are knuckle dragging morons that make out mind up after one year!
  20. This is about as good a deal as you can hope for in today's QB market. Kudos to the Bills' FO.
  21. I'm so confused. I can't tell if you are trying to tie a training camp injury to an indictment of the current staff or if you are saying that you want to be mocked in public. You need a couple bucks or something?
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