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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. I can remember being stunned after the game in my Dad's TV room. Since then he sold a house, bought another one, sold that one, bought another one. In that same period I have gone for 28 to 44 and all of the subsequent things that go along with that.
  2. This **** has nothing to do with politics. He committed a crime. Buh bye.
  3. Whatever happens, we deserve it. No one had the balls to say no. When fascism comes to America, it will be cloaked in the flag and holding a cross. A private special forces and espionage network loyal only to the leader. America.
  4. Don't worry everyone, we have investigated ourselves, and we found out we did nothing wrong!
  5. Thank goodness for the scared lemming.
  6. In order to subscribe to the theory that either the D or for that matter the O “quit”, one must first believe that said unit was quality. Right? In order to perform at a lower than expected level to establish “quitting”, one must believe that the “quitting” team is high quality and deliberately performing at a lower level than their expected capability for no other reason than spite for their coach. Therefore, it can only stand that a quitting team must inherently be of high quality and has made a conscious desision to not play up to the known standard of high quality that has been previously established. Is that what you or anyone else subscribing to this “quit” theory believes? If so, what evidence can you provide?
  7. I was considering becoming an NFL owner but then I heard you have to wear a suit on Sundays. I passed.
  8. Look, these new guys have done a great job. I look forward to the finished product in 2-3 years. But Vlad Ducasee over John Miller?
  9. for once, in life, can we a give a rookie some time? one freaking time?
  10. Has anyone ever considered just being a free thinker?
  11. When did trying to stoke public discourse encourage such blind hatred? One group is not showing blind obedience, the other is judging without listening. Which side is more American?
  12. Has anyone ever considered becoming a free thinker?
  13. Right, let's trust the cops. Wake up!
  14. To be fair, our country was actually built on exactly that. It's pillars are racism and shortly thereafter genocide. The question is how best to progress? To admit failure and move on in a progressive way...
  15. Boston CRUSHED it today. People not standing idly by. So proud.
  16. It's the correct take. Plenty of room on an actual battlefield to honor not only the fallen valiants but the leaders of both groups. The hallowed ground of Fredericksburg, Antietam (Sharpsburg if you are from the South), The Wilderness, Shiloh, and more all deserve monuments and statues to the fallen as well as leaders from both sides to commemorate what occurred there. No problem. That's our history. That's what happened. Memorialize on the spot in which occurred. Not 30 years after the Civil Wat ended in Helena, Montana. Imagine being a young professional black dude living in say Charleston, owning a condo in town, law degree in hand, eager to make your mark, and having part of your daily commute take you past a statue of AP Hill. Or Harry Heth. Elevated up on a large platform riding a horse in full battle regalia. You looking up at that every day as you walk to your new job.
  17. Those guys were Wehrmacht, not Nazis party members, so no. What I'm saying is Lee led the army of a traitorous nation that was founded on white supremacy and was defeated. Those guys led the army of a regime bent on conquest for lebensraum and based on aryan supremacy and was defeated. One nation admitted they were wrong and moved on.
  18. Ever been to Germany? Notice all the statues of Jodl, Von Rundstadt, Keitel, Von Paulus, and Rommel? Me neither. This isn't hard.
  19. Dude. Bro. Of course. But then the fascists in Charlottesville were threatening Jewish existence as well, weren't they?
  20. To quote my man George Carlin, we are the only country that mentions rockets and bombs right there in our national propaganda song! Were the pyramids built to honor traitors and seditionists?
  21. Who said anything about silencing any free speech, at any point in this thread?
  22. Yep, agree 100%. All about hearing stuff I don't like, and even listening to it and giving it consideration. However, I also reserve the right to reject it, especially if it's a tenet of superiority based on a particular pigmentation.
  23. Welp. My original point was there is only one side that any American can take, and that's being against fascism. However you want to rationalize your feelings and beliefs is up to you. I will stand against fascism until I'm dead. I owe that to my children.
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