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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. is anyone a free thinker anymore? or do we just have 2 opposite factions, incapable of rational analysis of a specific issue?
  2. Thanks to this intrepid foreign policy, we are respected around the world!
  3. The state of American diplomacy has never been worse. How many ambassadorships unfilled? 47? How many mid level overseas appointments ignored? Let me guess...it doesn’t matter!
  4. Right, the truth is the worst thing ever. im seeking a redress from my gov. Idiots. Bring it on asscanoes.
  5. Are we crediting domestic economic growth to leaders of the executive branch again? It will be fun to see how it all plays out. ? We can do that, you and I. On Xmas eve, I learned the immigrants were taking all our manufacturing jobs. Damn them! If only we sent them back home the robots we built to bolt a fender on to a frame would stop operating.
  6. Such an easy play for the Bills. Sign bridgewater, draft this kid. Play him for 1-2 years. Get Mayfield. Profit.
  7. The nerve of people peacefully protesting something they believe is wrong!
  8. Go reality tv! Go ratings!
  9. “There is no solution” says the only country where this regularly happens. At least try to stop it. Somehow. Idiots.
  10. Yes, there are many racist institutions. They exist because people are afraid of what they don’t know.
  11. Baker Mayfield is standing out there in the open.
  12. If your country was under attack at it’s very core, base, and foundation, would you care more about the cool foriegners you knew or reality? If another land attacks your fundamental institutions and you blame a political party are you still capable of decision making?
  13. Allen Robinson would be sweet. Only 24.
  14. Dude, I’m a republican. What were you saying?
  15. I don’t care if I spelled it right or not. Iran had a democratically elected leader post WW2. Moghadesh. They elected him. Their populace. Their choice. Not BP’s though, and he was about to nationalize the Iranian-Anglo company (now BP). Couldn’t have that, so Kermit Roosevelt organized dissent in the streets in favor of the Shah That planned out well, no?
  16. Hopefully by the time the $1.5 trillion bill comes due for this 2017 tax cut a few thing will be in place; a president who gets economics 101, a willing populace to buy it, a chick with big breasts to promote it.
  17. Wonder if King’s protests would be considered “liberal” now or just. One thing we can all agree on. Our government considered this peaceful protester, this doctor, this leader, an enemy. One cannot argue otherwise, as the leader of the federal cops told this “liberal protester” to kill himself on multiple occasions. Most are more committed to order than justice.
  18. Gonna try to move this thread off of “whataboutism” and back to the thread title...who can share the real Trump presidency vs the media’s portrayal of it?
  19. If true this is an outrage of the highest order. An abomination. A kerfuffle. A conundrum. How could any any competent staff see Peterman as anything other than Frank Reich at best, Gale Gilbert at worst? If more, tar and feather them all immediately. Furthermore, send them all over the falls in a tar coated flaming ship with huge Ls on the side. Nathan freaking Peterman? Really?
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