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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. One of those groups wants to erase people from the Earth, the other wants to stop being killed by cops. What's with the "whataboutthemism"? Why are you rationalizing Nazis by pointing at someone else?
  2. Doubt it. Do you think our history of chattel slavery, genocidal western expansion, and apartheid is a history worth celebrating? It's ok to be proud to be an American and also admit that our history of oppression and genocide is real. Nothing wrong with identifying a mistake and working to improve.
  3. I'm not going to call you names, but if your book fighting Nazis and what they stand for makes me an idiot, then I proudly accept the moniker. There are Nazis, and there are those that fight them. There is no middle ground when it comes to Nazis.
  4. I thought we didn't like participation trophies anymore. Or are we handing them out again? Someone tell me what to think!
  5. I think you are on to something here. I mean, I suspect they would spend the capital to draft theyvguybthey think is a franchise changer but short of that I think what you posit has a lot of traction. This group is looking for high quality volume on which to build a legacy. Those six pix could just as easily yield a stud DE, a cornerstone LT, a contributing DT, a promising OG, and two R3 players as one QB.
  6. What do you mean which side? There are Nazis, and there are people that fight them. In America, that's only ONE side.
  7. Peterman is our long term backup. Our long term starter arrives in April.
  8. Yeah I hear this, spot on. No idea what they are thinking here. Only thing I can imagine is they know Cordy's foot is cooked. Also agree worried about Wood's stoutness.
  9. Bummer. They could certainly use him right about now.
  10. He was not suited for RT b/c of injury and planting outside leg on that side of line but at LT right knee injury far less of a factor. He was always more effective on spot duty at LT than at longer term duty at RT. That said, it's blurry who let him walk...was it indeed the new regime?
  11. Groy looks like he has a future, and Miller while getting beat by FC tonight is solid but what is the future looking like? Is Seantrell part of the picture? Who takes over for Richie? We need continuity and depth there badly.
  12. Sorry, should have made my OP more clear. What is the long term plan to improve this group? Not expecting miracles in 2017
  13. Thin at starter, thin at backup. E Wood expires when, at the end of this year? Incognito old, Cordy's health an unknown. What is the plan for improving this group?
  14. There are so many (or one) men who assured all of us since we are such simps that McCoy would be on radio by now. I hate (or love) to point out when my fellow opinionators are wrong but chances are it's best to not say anything and have ppl assume you are an idiot than to boldly proclaim something, be wrong AGAIN, and remove all doubt.
  15. It's either take a QB every draft or it isn't. Take a freaking position one time.
  16. Many times a power screwdriver can resolve the issue.
  17. If this is true then Whaley /job If not then Vic is also /no accountability Whoops! Seems you are defending Whaley, since you cite 31 other FOs that made the same choice as DW inyourexample
  18. Hammer mentioned this a while back, that his truck was almost always gone by 5:30-6:00. Not too impressive.
  19. It's amazing how close the Buffalo Bills came to beating the Seahawks in their building.
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