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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. And in sure that’s the ONLY propaganda being pushed. Dude.
  2. EH whatever, the Clintons, as corrupt and dirty as they are, are just a distraction now. They lost. !@#$ them. Move on.
  3. You have the freedom to choose what you want to believe. Hopefully you fall on the right side of history! I prefer truth from my employees, but if you are good with “hyperbole”, good for you. The hoods are off!
  4. Victory for you! Yay!
  5. This one was hilarious. Trump spoke to thousands of Korean War vets parents. Thousands. This is our President. People actually believe him!
  6. Sure you can. You can choose your position on every single thing that comes up. I feel bad for you that you are unable to do so. Give it a shot, you can probably handle it. You seem like less of a dimmoch than most here.
  7. Thx for cluing me in. I’d have never recognized the tactics had it not been for your keen eye.
  8. His children were caged? Link? 5 Guilty pleas and 22 indictments. How is this about “Democrats”?
  9. These clowns are cooked. Why does anyone even care anymore? They are out of the picture.
  10. Choose a lie, make it big, keep it simple, tell it over and over. Sooner or later the people will believe it. Party over country?
  11. Did anyone run the quick comparisons of all the criticisms of our last President but praise of our current President for doing the same thing? If no one has yet, should I?
  12. Yes, all in on my Pop. Moved to CT at about 8 yo and my Dad made sure it was all Bills, all the time.
  13. Should I link the tweet where the President of the United States of America congratulates this guy? Wonder why he doesn’t want this “son of a B word” fired. Hoods are off. Who’s burning crosses?
  14. I’m hearing in this thread that if an American is convicted of a crime that American is separated from his/her family. I challenge anyone here to link an instance where the child of a convicted American offender is put in a cage. Do it. Link it.
  15. My point is Trump campaigned on improving the ACA. He lied. He has made the ACA prohibitive and while doing so blamed the other party. I'm a free thinker. Not a repub, not a Demo. How has Trump's administration made Americans healthier and granted them more access to the care they need? No matter how much you guys all hate brown people, when your lower middle class white mom has to shell out $87,000 to live 2 more years you might finally get it.
  16. So we are clear - the Department of Justice is not currently suing to have pre-existing conditions removed from people's insurance policies? http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/391292-justice-dept-argues-key-parts-of-obamacare-are-unconstitutional Is that your contention? Didn't Trump say on the trail pre existing conditions would be covered?
  17. Just answer. Right now, people can have a disease and get treatment. Under this new lawsuit by the DOJ, if they have a disease they cant get treatment. Is that your America?
  18. So in your America, the one you want your children to grow up in, if someone is born with "a burned down house", they have to buy health care or die? What is America actually great at? Are we number one in anything?
  19. Can a President pardon himself for anything he sees fit? If yes, does that make him/her above the rule of law in America? If no, is he subject to the normal investigatory process? Discuss.
  20. when financial conservatives blow a 1.5 trillion dollar hole in the budget. that's when.
  21. Did the DOJ sue to eliminate/deny insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions for Americans Friday night? If so, why? If not, maybe someone can explain the lawsuit to me?
  22. Is the current administration going to force energy distributors to buy coal and nuclear power? https://www.wsj.com/articles/energy-department-prepares-new-plan-to-prop-up-nuclear-coal-fired-power-plants-1527882928 Go free market! Er...
  23. Nope. I live in Wenham, MA and while I detest all things Patriots, I dig the Sox and Celtics and don’t even hate the Bruins. Now if the Bs and Sabres were competitive it would be different, but for now I’m fine with the Bruins.
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