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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Which is such a shame. The free press and journalistic integrity is vital in a free and open society. What’s so puzzling it it feels like no one cares that it is dying.
  2. Yawn. Another day, another insult from you. Whatever. If you’d like grow up and actually have a mature discussion, I’m all ears and would love to chat. If not, please save the insults for someone else.
  3. As a journalist, Hannity should not have commented on Cohen as Hannity was compromised.
  4. I’m not arguing anything, and I certainly don’t care what your position is. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Believe what you want.
  5. This thread is evidence that that we as a nation will never recover. There is a MSM reporter that was reporting on a story that said reporter was compromised on and this thread devolved into a political finger point, Idiots vs Idiots. Our republic is dead.
  6. Ok - sounds good. I believe you that that’s all they care about in Syria. They probably have no other interests there.
  7. I can’t reply, I gotta ask you to move so I can go pee.? i hear eat what you are saying, no chance I was voting for a Clinton and as a free thinker but right leaner on finance, defense, and FP seeing the Trump win on election night was electrifying. However, after seeing him in action I’m horrified. Not saying you should be or projecting on others. Just had high hopes and now now those are dashed on the rocks of self aggrandization, racism, and corruption. JMO.
  8. Maybe you aren’t aware of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 39? The one that replicated the Brest-Livotsk treaty and established a demarcation line in the middle of a third party country? The one that allowed UJ and Molotov to insist even as the USSR was getting crushed that any post war reconciliation and borders post an Allied victory must include the Polish land the USSR took in the fall of 39 and never gave back? Claiming land with a date means nothing. Or wait, does it?
  9. Just like shifting Poland’s borders to the west after WW2 was the “path to peace” and “stability” Why? Because it was EASIER. How do you think the Poles liked that? Endorsed by FDR, Churchill, because they didn’t want to upset UJ. Is Russia a US/NATO ally in your mind?
  10. Should I link Rudy saying Trump told him to make the Muslim ban legal? Or is it finally accepted as fact?
  11. Is Mueller a republican? How about Rosenstein? can we stop with the partisan **** and just trust the rule of law? after all, isn't this the law and order president?
  12. is anyone a free thinker anymore? or do we just have 2 opposite factions, incapable of rational analysis of a specific issue?
  13. Thanks to this intrepid foreign policy, we are respected around the world!
  14. The state of American diplomacy has never been worse. How many ambassadorships unfilled? 47? How many mid level overseas appointments ignored? Let me guess...it doesn’t matter!
  15. Right, the truth is the worst thing ever. im seeking a redress from my gov. Idiots. Bring it on asscanoes.
  16. Are we crediting domestic economic growth to leaders of the executive branch again? It will be fun to see how it all plays out. ? We can do that, you and I. On Xmas eve, I learned the immigrants were taking all our manufacturing jobs. Damn them! If only we sent them back home the robots we built to bolt a fender on to a frame would stop operating.
  17. Such an easy play for the Bills. Sign bridgewater, draft this kid. Play him for 1-2 years. Get Mayfield. Profit.
  18. The nerve of people peacefully protesting something they believe is wrong!
  19. “There is no solution” says the only country where this regularly happens. At least try to stop it. Somehow. Idiots.
  20. Yes, there are many racist institutions. They exist because people are afraid of what they don’t know.
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