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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. So a guy heckled Obama at a meal and was then used to introduce Paul Ryan at a campaign rally. Should I post the video or do you want to bravely soldier on? It’s not a political issue. It’s a private business owner refusing service, sans regulation. To make it one just makes you more of aclown
  2. Why does no one know who he is? Ostrichism?
  3. What protests? The owner asked her to leave. Actions have consequences. If a public employed is going to take up an action that certain Americans disagree with, they should expect to suffer the result.
  4. If the defense of the President of the US for congratulating a white supremacist is to call the person who pointed it out an idiot then we are truly !@#$ed as a nation. I mean we have nothing left and are political robots.
  5. Name calling exposes you for your simpletonerry. 2016 stats are great...what month were the stats you posted recorded? Either way it’s not good for your case. I’d be interested in 2017 and also first half of 2018 numbers. Have them? It would also be useful to see if other countries imprison at the same level we do...
  6. Right ok so now that you pointed it out, is being a white supremacist but not a Nazi the “ok” line for you? I mean are you openly admitting that you don’t mind whites being in charge but when it comes to incinerating people that’s where you draw the line? I mean, why are you offended by me calling Stewart a white supremacist? He admits it on his website. Our President congratulated him.
  7. Dunno where to start here - where did I say “white supremacist”, as you quoted? Second, which “him” are you referring to? Based on my post, you seem really confused. Third, “retard” is not the correct nomenclature. Mentally disabled, please.
  8. I don’t have any idea what that means. I’ve seen your football posts and can tell you are not a dimmoch. I’m going to assume you know that parties should never be outlawed and instead believe that more should be added to our rich republic. Public discourse is the only remedy for overt disagreement.
  9. Who cares who it was started by? Do you want political parties outlawed?
  10. This thread and the Stephen Miller thread are gonna stay at the top here. I mean, how can you support Trump with knowing either in great detail? If you don’t support either, then how do you support Trump? If you support one or both, how are you not a supremAcist?
  11. We are outlawing political parties now? Does no one study history?
  12. The irony... Should I link the times Trump told the crowd to attack? Or just let you reminisce over the good times? You should. I’ve read more about the late 20s and early 30s than you could possibly imagine. If if you want to give the government the power to stop free speech, then I’m not sure you can be helped.
  13. And now you call it married for 15 years with two kids, one thru her first year of middle school and the other about to enter middle school. You call it long term careful retirement and college payment planning. You call it an attorney and an IT professional working together to crush a mortgage, retirement, and two colleges. So many simps.
  14. I don’t usually do this, but wow, I just kicked your ass. Sorry man.
  15. Billions spent to imprison. No money for Medicare anymore. What are this country’s priorities?
  16. For some reason, this poster thinks he can associate me with “whatever”, who cares. Yawn. Clearly, we need way more than just two political parties in this country but beyond that, for some reason the people that scream and yell about free enterprise and open business without regulation want to tell business owners how to behave. Can we get a group that actually does what they say?
  17. In the context of what happened in the 30’s in Germany, no, I don’t. This is the best I can do for my children. I owe them that and more. Never again. Get used to it. Get used to answering for every single one of the people in the administration that you support. Get used to answering for policies and papers that you should well be aware of. Get used to your position being more sophisticated than “Trump is tough, I like him”. Get used to owning what you love. You are a Stephen Miller guy now!
  18. You really should. Remember, ignorance is no excuse! Corey Stewart is an open white supremAcist running for election in Virginia. The President of the United States congratulated him on winning his primary. How owe can you possibly admit you have no idea and support this stuff at the same time?
  19. Parse away LA! Pretty clever actually. ? Stephen Miller stays at the top. Have ypu researched who he is, what he supports, and why he’s a member of the Trump administration? If so, is that who you are?
  20. It’s almost like you are trying to normalize white supremacy in the context of sexual assault. As if to say you could tolerate his white supremacy, if that was the end of his bad behavior. If that’s the position to you want to take on Corey Stewart not only am I gonna let you have it but I’m gonna pin it to you for the next 20 years. Dont believe me? Check my sign up date.
  21. Yeah I don’t really care. If ppl don’t know who Miller is but openly support his policies then all I can say is “see? I told you they only cared about being white, errr, I mean right.” How can anyone support this administration but not know who Miller is? Unless...
  22. If you publicly lie to America, expect to pay a price, whatever it may be. America is a nation of law and order.
  23. Have we talked about why the United States locks up young kids to punish their parents as stated by the current administration? Or or have we just railed on and on about how bad immigration is? Let’s try to have a constructive convo - maybe we can start by no labeling each other!
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