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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Why would I? Did you say something negative about women? Pecker with complete immunity. Cohen about to spill to the SDNY. The best people.
  2. The little man on the TV said white farmers in SA are being attacked so it’s now national policy.
  3. And here is supression 101 - insult the person who thinks something is suppressive. At at least your handle has KGB in it so we can know you are Trumpian.
  4. Remember when Romney said the biggest geopolitical threat was Russia and Obama mocked him? Who was right?
  5. Maybe I’m wrong, but aren’t they actively working to suppress freedom of the press?
  6. I don’t need luck. I have you. Anyone who calls someone a racist for pointing out Apartheid makes me not racist. Thanks!
  7. TakeYoToTasker cares about SA genocide in August of 2017. With the history of that country, think about what he’s actually concerned about, and what it says about him. I’ll take a moment to review his posts about Apartheid and let you guys know what I find. No need to stay tuned!
  8. Oh? Link? Incapable of that, are you morally weak?
  9. Will be really interesting what Pecker has to say now that he has full immunity, or Cohen now that he has been subpoenaed by NYS.
  10. You made it about what the second amendment says. I took issue with a gunman killing 59 people in one fell swoop. Am I to interpret those are synonymous in your eyes?
  11. Someone in my response was making the death of 59 people into an attack on a well regulated militia? Who, specifically?
  12. No you are correct, same as Adams and Hancock.
  13. So fake. I’m only going to post here once, because this thread is already nothing more than a distraction attempt. Where was the outrage when dozens of Americans were killed and hundreds wounded by a gun nut? If not previously posted and cited, enjoy a nice glass of non-politicized STFU.
  14. There really aren’t any democrats talking about impeachment right now. Most of them are saying impeachment is not a priority and that all the facts from the SC inquiry should be made public first. Seems all the impeachment talk is coming from scared Trump people right now. One can only wonder if that will change in the second week of November.
  15. By this definition, terrorism is the same as a freedom fight. Not it saying I agree or disagree, but based off this, the margin of right and wrong is THIN. So white nationalists, in your above stated view, are leftists? Want a dreidel for the incoming spin?
  16. DC Tom finally not an idiot. Yep, I’m sure you can do better. I believe in what is right. I believe in America. The fact that you see me as leftist speaks volumes about YOU as I am registered republican. Unless in your view the only people that care about racism are leftists?
  17. The law and order president decries flipping, a tactic used by law enforcement since the beginning of law and order. ?
  18. Butt - this thread will never die
  19. Look at this guy. He actually believes it. So so many idiots believe since he isn’t white but he gunned down 400.
  20. So many white idiots furious about how brown ppl not implicated. They don’t know what to do. Terror in America. Rationalize baby! so much white making it ok The very definition of terror.
  21. Can’t wait to hear the outrage. Just cant wait.
  22. Wait, what now? 4,426 lies. Can’t wait for the new number!
  23. Look at all the gymnastics from him tho...
  24. The fear of anyone identifying terror as Born in the USA
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