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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Not too impressive. Embarrassing. People are people. Let’s use this thread to call out ALL politicians that use racially or religiously charged messaging. Deal?
  2. Anybody have any stats that show wage increases since Jan ‘17?
  3. Yeah right on here - nothing to do with anything investigatory. Just a weak coward afraid of criticism and using his bully pulpit to retaliate (in his mind).
  4. Nothing more than a cowardly attempt to stifle free speech. Brennan doesn’t need a clearance and doesn’t care if he still has one. Good for him. His record of service speaks for itself... My Dad is 73 and still has his top secret clearance from his time at Da Nang, which ended in Nov 1970. Never been revoked. Any bets on what would happen if he tweeted something critical of prez thinskin?
  5. I’m going with the data. If you want to tell ppl I’m emotional I’m fine with that, but I’ll stick with the data. I have said all along I respect your opinion. Guys - no one is blaming you - you don’t have to deny that it wasn’t you guys anymore. Let’s just work to take the top off a heat change that will fundamentally change the crops we consume and lives we live
  6. I don’t care why it does or doesn’t. That’s your problem. I have kids to ensure a bright future for. Human thrival > strange agendas every time.
  7. Fair enough Boyst, I like you but have no idea what you are talking about here. Still, I’ll assume your point is valid. However, I have a 10 and a 12 and owe it to them to be the best American I can be, so that they can taste freedom. I respect if you don’t want to admit that the years are getting warmer. I’m not interested in pushing a narrative.I happen to believe in the studies, but also respect if you don’t. All I have been asking is what can we do better as people of the Earth. If we are wrong about the planet heating up, then who cares? What’s worse? Preparing for a false threAt or being unprepared for a correct one?
  8. First one I could not disagree more. It’s human. Second, here is the info from NASA: https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ Third, who cares? I mean if it came out that a 19 yo loser with a fringe political POV started a chain of events that led to today’s global order would it make a difference? Why not focus on what we can do to mitigate and manage?
  9. Gonna fix this for you. Heroes have NOTHING to do with winning or losing a kid’s game. Heroes work with their local school district to change the face of education for those that need it the absolute most. Losers are forced to settle out of court for defrauding students in an attempt to create personal gain.
  10. Boyst, what’s up with this? Why the attempt to call me a liberal or turn the discussion political? The planet is heating up - indisputable. How can we work together to manage or at least mitigate? I mean what does this have to do with politics in your mind? (Respectfully asking)
  11. Seems like an off topic thing to say. This thread is about how the GOP has inflated the federal deficit and increased government spending on programs designed to deny basic services to people that need them.
  12. Pretty clear, with plenty of documentation To paraphrase: “If if we take kids away, it will deter others from trying to come to the US, thru asylum or other means.” Now our country has 572 kids, some as young as 1, that they have no clue how to get back to their parents. For a misdemeanor. Own it.
  13. Eureka! In all 3700 arrests of brown ppl despite police being called equally for all ethnicities for the same “offense” this must have been the case. Prior arrests and distribution? Sample sizes are not your friend. If this offends you so, why not add the Miami PD to the discussion? “Find random black guys with a prior to assign unsolved crimes to”. Want some links? Except if you are brown. I mean, the OP asked for examples of institutionalized racism. One or two examples were provided with supporting data. Immediately the supporting data is rejected and countered with mythology. Unless...
  14. Maybe learn to news? Says white ppl smoke at the exact same rate. What would lead you to believe “it’s probably true”? A racist institution?
  15. To Boyst’s point, I only post on PPP when I’m hammered. I rarely/never check back when sober, although it is fun to see roaches scurry when exposed to light. While I agree that Clinton’s comment hurt her majorly (as an undecided at that point I was HUGELY turned off), LA has it wrong here. He thinks Trump getting elected “helped the right”. Yet under Trump, the deficit has grown to record numbers, bureaucracy has swollen to make sure poor people don’t get any help, and the first amendment has been grotesquely infringed upon. All things abhorrent to the right.
  16. its freaking camp. he's in his second year. WHO CARES?
  17. What if I am sitting in between you and the Men's can? Then it wont be about going to the game and you will wish you ponied up!
  18. Maybe - I just feel like it's never been like this. It's like being a Republican isn't what Republicans wanted as recently as 3 years ago. Strange.
  19. A $1 trillion addition to the deficit with the tax cuts. A 40% cost vs savings growth in the bureaucracy to enforce Medicare work requirements. My republican party was based on individual rights, free markets, and limited government. What happened?
  20. Isn't the third world already starving? ****, one in five Americans goes to bed hungry. Status quo or attempts to improve?
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