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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Don Trump or Bob Woodward - Who’s track record speaks for itself? Who has a history of lying? Who has a history of solid reporting on now eight presidents? I guess Woodward said “!@#$ it” and decided to straight up lie only about this guy. Makes sense. The rush to discredit one of the most thorough and complete journalists of our time speaks volumes by the people doing the rushing. Trip over yourselves. History is a cruel mistress.
  2. Did you not read the post from the Tibbetts family clowing you use of "mollie's" first name? im guessing no, since they came for someone else and you have NO balls.
  3. Funny part here, is no Dems are talking about impeachment. Should we replay Linsday Graham on a loop over and over or actually believe him?
  4. Great point, i'm clearly on the same moral message board equality as the prez of the US. 4,332 lies told by our Dear Leader. Did you want to defend your boy or own up to your territory?
  5. Didnt he lie about a possible charge IIRC?
  6. Maybe basic human decency not really your thing?
  7. Wait, lets dissuade the media from showing the truth. i havent really seen a lot of Americans to own the bottom line but guys ouch Why would you believe anything?
  8. Ugh! I'm such an idiot. Thank goodness this guy cleared everything up for everyone.
  9. I hope he didn't do anything now. What do you think? Nervous?
  10. Based on the patterns, i'm expecting the next indictment to be Trump's kid. Luckily, we have no nepotism and family members in government positions. Whew!
  11. Did i post about them on a first name basis?
  12. Why would you?
  13. Out of curiousity, do you see our Prez as a truth teller? I.e. do you actually believe what he says? Or, alternatively, do you know he's lying but just believe it anyway because therefore you aren't a lib? Or, worst, do you actually believe what he says?
  14. The freedom of open speech, free religion, the free press (see Simon vs Glik, circa 2009), and the freedom to petition my gov with a redress of grievances. That's amndment 1. the freedom to bear arms and to keep a militia - IMO this is a direct impediment to tyrannical overreach. the freedom to not have british soldiers quartered in your house. want me to go on?
  15. Unfortunately for you, this group just blew a 1.5 trillion dollar hole in our budget, due in only 9 years. Now, the same group is propping up farmers with a subsidy and also telling ppl that they should not respect a great American veteran while attacking people that do the same thing I'm registered as a Rebublican, but f that. Individual liberties, free market, and personal responsibility. That's what i believe in.
  16. Here is the alternate buffoonery - some guy who read some Shelby Foote once in grad school thinks he can tell people not to believe first person sources and that they "meant something different". Funniest part is is this guy has no idea what group Stephen Gorka was a part of BEFORE her got hired Trump. If you don't care, then you are COMPLICIT. The very definition of "fake news". Touche Rhino. I was clearly mistaken. Since we are on the topic of impeachment (i fully admit i was wrong), what is Rod Rosenstein doing these days? I mean since we are on the topic
  17. No Dems have talked about impeaching - at all. Maybe scared that they arent'?
  18. Let's keep this thread at the top of the page so it never falls. Of specific interest, let's focus on the colloquialism of the thread starter. "3rdnlng" - I'm asking you specifically - do you know the family? Do any of you?
  19. Here's a guy who works for the President, suppressing the free press. Think about that. If you don't have the courage to speak up, you are COMPLICIT.
  20. Trump draining swamp in 3, 2, 1, with all the best people?
  21. Right so we don’t care about moral life. What’s he been winning at?
  22. Thanks! If you believe it, it must be true. Bottom line - we have a president who cares more about himself than America. You pointed that out so thanks!
  23. And yet there is no Junta. so. Much. Dilusion.
  24. Keep telling us about the best people and the best economy (that’s been rising for the last 30 quarters). Come on, tell us how we are all wrong and can’t think for ourselves!
  25. And yet you reply. If you’ve written me off, don’t say another word. Just stop and let my buffoonery speak for itself.
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