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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Im sorry you feel that way. I’ve learned over my 45 years that when someone tells you what they are or what they do to believe them.
  2. I’m a registered Republican. But keep telling me about myself, I’m learning a lot!
  3. I take sexual assault seriously. Figured you did you. I’m disappointed, I thought more highly of you.
  4. Yeah Fables of the Reconstruction, Murmur, and even Document are fantastic.
  5. I’m confused here. What do you mean “can’t take losing an election”? Do you think that I think Trump is a weak, cowardly, buffoon because I’m salty Gary Johnson lost? Or do you think I thought Trump was a weak, cowardly, charlatan before he ever ran for office?
  6. “I just grab em by the kitty” You own that. That’s your guy.
  7. If you think this is an "issue: for Trump to win", then you have said plenty about not only who you are but who you want to be available when you get to the polls. It's hilarious how many working folks side with the billionaire business owner when race is involved...guess what - you are getting clowned! Keep dreaming tho! Anyone who would align themselves with an admitted sexual predator is complicit. Own it! what a moron...lets not talk about Wilbur Ross who is accused of stealing of 120 million or Scott Pruitt ot any other swamp drainers...
  8. Between the attacks on the free press, the retaliation against anyone who criticizes him, and the codified dog whistles, it's clear that our Dear Leader is more interested in his own peacocking pecking order than American principles. The guy bragged about grabbing pussies on tape. That's sexual assault. Which excuse do you have queued up for that one?
  9. I’m sure you are correct. Not worth any further discourse. Hope the Bills have a solid season this year, gotta be encouraged by Allen tonight! The point about free speech isn’t about what he disclosed (nothing) it’s that he spoke up against the current adminstration. It’s retaliatory, like so much of this thin skinned administration’s behavior. Softest humans to ever govern. Shouldn’t we be talking about Wilbur Ross?
  10. 0 visits. No namecalling. And i I still respect your namecalling!
  11. I hated this pick but wow dos he look good. still hope he doesn’t start till week 10 or later or even next year, esp with the first 3 pass defenses the Bills face. still, wow!
  12. Funny. He’s here, right now, asleep in my house in Mass. We had a long talk about this topic tonight. I have a first person account. But I’ll believe you, because you said it.
  13. We are engaged in a few active war zones and have troops deployed in 150 countries. He’s your boy man, not mine. It’s up to you to show us how much he cares about the troops. Or did the news about his Mar-A-Lago cronies running the VA spook you off of that topic?
  14. Hi Tom - respect your stuff, maybe you missed my first post here? My Dad still has his from almost 50 years ago. He still has his top secret clearance. Is he a risk? I mean, it doesn’t even matter. Brennan doesn’t care. Yet here we are - hook, line, and sinker. Another distraction from what’s really going on.
  15. This thread is ridiculous. In order to contientiously object, one has to have a moral compass. Or bone spurs.
  16. Oh? Is that what he’s done? I don’t care if he has one or not. Nor does he. What I care about is the punitive nature of the removal. It’s just more paint in a picture of an insecure charlatan who loves to have his ego stroked.
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