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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. There really aren’t any democrats talking about impeachment right now. Most of them are saying impeachment is not a priority and that all the facts from the SC inquiry should be made public first. Seems all the impeachment talk is coming from scared Trump people right now. One can only wonder if that will change in the second week of November.
  2. By this definition, terrorism is the same as a freedom fight. Not it saying I agree or disagree, but based off this, the margin of right and wrong is THIN. So white nationalists, in your above stated view, are leftists? Want a dreidel for the incoming spin?
  3. DC Tom finally not an idiot. Yep, I’m sure you can do better. I believe in what is right. I believe in America. The fact that you see me as leftist speaks volumes about YOU as I am registered republican. Unless in your view the only people that care about racism are leftists?
  4. The law and order president decries flipping, a tactic used by law enforcement since the beginning of law and order. ?
  5. Look at this guy. He actually believes it. So so many idiots believe since he isn’t white but he gunned down 400.
  6. So many white idiots furious about how brown ppl not implicated. They don’t know what to do. Terror in America. Rationalize baby! so much white making it ok The very definition of terror.
  7. Wait, what now? 4,426 lies. Can’t wait for the new number!
  8. The fear of anyone identifying terror as Born in the USA
  9. Not a liberal. (Whatever that means in the context of defending this clown). Mental gymnastics baby! Almost always, the simplest answer is the truth.
  10. Start with Vegas and work backward from there?
  11. Hope he blows it. Let the kid start next year or at least later this year. The first four teams the Bills face have the potential to EJ Manuel him.
  12. Should we just re-title this thread? The last 10i(ish?) terrorist attacks here on our soil have been by Christians. Maybe I misunderstood this thread to mean it was focused on Islamic terrorism that occurs overseas?
  13. In other words- “Lets not discuss what the personal lawyer for the President of the United States tried to sell”
  14. This buffoon though. Epitome of party over country. So blind to the current president that he can’t see that real republicans don’t open 1.5 trillion dollar deficits for short term tax cuts or produce 12 billion in subsidies to plug a trade deficit they created by implementing tariffs - ummmm, free market? The GOP stands for free trade, individual liberties, and the Bill of Rights. You sold that for blind loyalty to a reality tv star. Good luck!
  15. Believe what we tell you, not what you see.
  16. Whatever you believe is the truth. Go alternative facts, errr, evolving facts, errr, truth isn’t truth. Best part is you get to regurgitate what the party tells you to. After all, it was their final, most essential command.
  17. No need. Your posts will be the legacy you leave. Out of curiousity, why would anyone post in this thread that wasn’t concerned things in America have become Orwellian?0
  18. Don’t believe the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final and most essential command. Been here since 02, meat. Matthew 7, first verse.
  19. I have a 12 year old daughter. Does that make it clear enough to you? This is some serious knuckle dragging stuff Boyst. I’m really surprised. Thought you were better.
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