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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. 631 missing so far - but I haven’t checked since beginning of Sabres game so that number could have changed. Either way, nothing political about this except for Dear Leader inciting his minions, right? Dry weather, power lines vulnerable to falling limbs, and high winds. Right?
  2. Nah, chilling tonight. As as you said, the White House does not take a dump without a plan. Not a big deal if you think it was a matter of logistics and I think it could have happened. People disagree all the time and it’s all good. American leadership was not at it’s best that day, regardless of the reason. Can we agree on that?
  3. As usual, JW nails it. More pieces will be put in place in 19, but the way this reads, 20 is the first year that we can start to evaluate these leaders. There is is a plan. At some point the Bills need to stick to it. The lumps up front are the sprint, but this is a marathon.
  4. Also Mar-A-Lago member. Not sure if she has any international diplomatic experience. How important is statecraft these days? Does it matter anymore? Or are we in an American global hegemony with the chops to break new ground in the field of international relations? Thoughts?
  5. Exactly. There is always a backup plan. And then a backup to the backup. The weak coward didn’t want to get his pate wet. We then got trolled by Canada. Canada.
  6. How do folks feel about the right to vote as an American citizen? Lots of takes in play: - Should all Americans be automatically registered as voters at 18? - Should that right be taken away if convicted of a crime or is it inalienable? - Should there be independent bodies that govern and demarcate districts at both the federal and state level? - Is the goal to restrict the eligible voting populace or to expand it? What is the reasoning for either approach? Curious to learn where folks are on this. Thx!
  7. The White House ALWAYS has a rain plan. Always. And no, not boozing yet, but this one should be easy guys. You show up and honor the dead. Hearing Trudeau troll Trump just now is just embarrassing for us.
  8. Attacking our republic in action is rewarded by fellating a dictator on the world stage. Meanwhile, trying to come here for a better life while having brown skin is met by our CoC with troop deployments ready to kill. The pandering. There isn't a republican with and balls to stand up to this weak fearmonger. Just so I understand what my party stands for - we are tough on crime (read the 13th amendment), we are for huge government spends, and we are for paying for the big spend by preventing ppl from paying for thier health. is that us? oh btw we have 300 million. 5,000 ppl looking for better lives yeah that's really gonna crush our culture Stephen Miller This isn't even a talking point - I would say we should refer to our Ambassadors in Turkey and SA...oh wait we can't. No diplomacy Can't wait for everyone to tell me how diplomacy doesn't matter.
  9. If not, what are you proud of? If yes, there is still time.
  10. Sounds about white. I’m just going to go ahead and report this to the Fusion center. the blood of patriots and tyrants watering the tree of liberty and all. Want it to make sure you get paid a visit. Thx for the IP address.
  11. But lying the entire time about it. I’m a registered Republican - have been since 18 and will always support fiscal responsibility, individual liberties, and personal choice on a national level. That said, I have always voted based on what I know/knew about each candidate regardless of party and always will. I’m a free thinker. However, an abject look at the data shows that the Republicans, when in power, always expand spending and grow the deficit. Surprised? Who wants charts and graphs? Couple that with the way republicans work so hard to prevent people from voting and you have to ask...what are they afraid of? Then look at this picture and you see it. Good for you DC Tom! wish I was my own boss.
  12. Halloween party! Thinking of WFH tomorrow, but gotta email my boss relatively soon on that. We’ll see. Depends on the buffoonery I guess.
  13. We are lying to America about taking away pre-existing condition protection, in fact we are suing to remove while we tell you we support it, but look over there, 5,000 brown people are 1,500 miles away and coming here on foot for the hope of a better life. Maybe a job at Home Depot or honest work in construction or disaster clean up. Let’s point guns at them!
  14. I'm not showing you *****. That's on you and your boy to show yourself whatever weird point you are trying to make, which who knows what that is. International diplomacy has been an abject failure since 1787. Thank goodness GG was able to point out that Benjamin Franklin's mission to France had nothing to do with America defeating England. Because, you know, brown immigrants or something. The stupid.
  15. Didn't our nations press secretary release a statement saying that the Supreme Court under President Trump was now secured for decades? Under. One of these things is not like the other. Does this administration not understand who is in charge?
  16. I am? That's what I said? Interesting to see how few ambassadorships have been filled since Jan 16, it's unprecedented. Bringing it up will get me mocked though, i'm sure. "we don't need ambassadors", "it was intentional, etc". Hey, why use diplomatic statecraft when we can weaken our stature worldwide with the best words and an unsecured telephone?
  17. We should leverage our ambassador to Turkey and our ambassador to Saudi Arabia to help us figure out this situation. What? We don’t have either? I should have known.
  18. Summit? That’s not even a cookout. But sure, let’s rush to cover a hotel conference room fulll of about 250-300 people. That’s a story why?
  19. You guys are right, words from people in leadership positions don’t matter!
  20. Ok. I see how that is a rational explanation. Good luck!
  21. To be clear - you are fine with the US prez blabbing unsecured?
  22. Let’s tally the lawmakers who have voted to get rid of protections for people that actually have a condition before they apply for health insurance. Ill post the numbers here.
  23. I do have to say, these posts will be useful artifacts to look back on when my kiddos get married and move on to successful careers. This board’s posts capture the “angry white man” ex majority narrative better than I could ever articulate. Best bet is to just watch Gangs of New York to figure out what is happening. Im a registered republican and have been since I was 18, but I have to wonder why my party wants so badly to find ways to deny Americans the right to vote. That’s not too impressive...what are you afraid of? Yes, murder! State TV for everyone!
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