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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. The fear of what she represents is palpable here. What are people so nervous about?
  2. Meet Emantic Bradford, Jr. buh bye.
  3. I can dig most of that, but no dice on the owning property part. That means only those with means can vote. Sorry, that’s not America. Maybe if you don’t like it, leave? (tongue planted firmly in cheek). Hey, there is always the mail order steak racket! You certainly have a right to your opinion. I respect that.
  4. Which is absolutely ridiculous.
  5. Fear, baby. Nothing motivates insecure old white guys more than an old, fat, weak, coward telling them to watch out for brown people!
  6. Every American has the right to vote. Are you seriously saying there should be a qualification test? Goalposts moved. Try not to change the subject!
  7. 31 cases of voter fraud in 16 years since 2000 have been cited. If I’m missing any, plz feel free to add. Huge threat. Lets send troops!
  8. Adding voters is clearly the goal for anyone that supports a healthy republic. and yet ?
  9. So embarrassing. The gymnastics. It’s a laughingstock for all americans. Let the excuses flow! Only the one who broke the law. Unless perhaps you advocate something different?
  10. Folks that need a boost. A slight hand.
  11. Such a fragile coward. As the numbers roll in, it becomes more embarrassing.
  12. Thx for the informed post. I’d be willing to bet that anyone posting in this thread with an agenda won’t dare touch your points. Good to know there are still ppl out there willing to seek out their own facts.
  13. Yeah probably. No one is looking to improve anything. Those that are, are rabble rousers. Accept the status quo and don’t ask questions!
  14. Mocking the attacks on people seeing a flaw in a system and attempting to correct it is all. It’s almost like some people think we have achieved Utopia.
  15. Easy to see what happened in Georgia. Polling places closed, voting machines supplied with no power cords and dying off battery with four hour lines, voting machines in minority districts being left in the back, people showing up to vote and being told they already voted provisionally, people casting absentee ballots and them sitting uncounted at first. The Secretary of State (running for gov) refusing to recuse himself. This is stuff if plain as day for anyone with an unbiased set of eyes and a sense of right and wrong.
  16. It always puzzles me when people looking to improve a current situation that has room for an upgrade are ridiculed. It’s almost like “status quo or else” is a great idea and should never be challenged or something. ?
  17. Think it's related to the 10% tax cut for the middle class the President promised?
  18. Maybe ppl don't want to reply?
  19. That's Dear Leader's job. He promised it. Wondering if it's going to happen.
  20. You don't remember the promise?
  21. Prez promised. Is it happening?
  22. Nah no booze tonight DC Tom. Made a conscious decision to stop contributing to the division and just chat. What are your thoughts on statecraft in the era of isolation?
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