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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. Pretty good for what we can expect in the future. neither was 'holding ground". sad that it came to that.
  2. what about a football town with a drinking problem??? to be fair to you, i'd go with drunk with posting prob. i only post on PPP when im boozing it up and dont care otherwise, unless im coasting along into the am.
  3. ok - got me. guess thats it! who cares? maybe someone actually says things matter.
  4. Don't believe the evidence of your eyes and ears, the party said. It was their final, and most essential command. Somehow, for being a free thinker, the attack begins. sorry, but ill never succomb to a mob mentality.
  5. What evidence do you have that a Dr. would make up a false accusation? Do you have a political motivation to make that claim? Just wondering.
  6. Pro tip: If unsure - always gamble on dead side being brown, and live side being less than brown. for legal precedent see Crow, Jim. if white evangelicals need more "proof" see Osteen, Joel. The way he opened his building to the Houston victims of flooding speaks volumes about brotherhood and care! Tom. Dude. The only guy that takes video of two fat white shirtless guys killing someone over an old mattress and tries to say fat white shirtless guys are the ****. do you want us to freeze this moment? how scared are you dc tom? i mean dude. at least the guys with guns prevailed! go guns baby, any time you can lose life over a mattress its a plus.
  7. a friend of mine told me the economy doesn't matter and he is right. who is paying for the wall? americans?
  8. You’re? So Billsy Arent you the guy that posited theory after theory? dont you get tired of subbing for Alex jones?0
  9. So good to see this stuff affect “normal people”. When my brother was a 17 yo senior in HS he got consensual bj from a 14 yo. No one cared, he was finished. Kicked off teams, etc. If my brother can be blackballed for nothing, so can local.
  10. Kavanaugh’s not too shabby, but we will see if he lied or not. No one is above the law in a constitutional republic. No one.
  11. Don Trump or Bob Woodward - Who’s track record speaks for itself? Who has a history of lying? Who has a history of solid reporting on now eight presidents? I guess Woodward said “!@#$ it” and decided to straight up lie only about this guy. Makes sense. The rush to discredit one of the most thorough and complete journalists of our time speaks volumes by the people doing the rushing. Trip over yourselves. History is a cruel mistress.
  12. Did you not read the post from the Tibbetts family clowing you use of "mollie's" first name? im guessing no, since they came for someone else and you have NO balls.
  13. Funny part here, is no Dems are talking about impeachment. Should we replay Linsday Graham on a loop over and over or actually believe him?
  14. Great point, i'm clearly on the same moral message board equality as the prez of the US. 4,332 lies told by our Dear Leader. Did you want to defend your boy or own up to your territory?
  15. Maybe basic human decency not really your thing?
  16. Wait, lets dissuade the media from showing the truth. i havent really seen a lot of Americans to own the bottom line but guys ouch Why would you believe anything?
  17. Ugh! I'm such an idiot. Thank goodness this guy cleared everything up for everyone.
  18. I hope he didn't do anything now. What do you think? Nervous?
  19. Based on the patterns, i'm expecting the next indictment to be Trump's kid. Luckily, we have no nepotism and family members in government positions. Whew!
  20. Out of curiousity, do you see our Prez as a truth teller? I.e. do you actually believe what he says? Or, alternatively, do you know he's lying but just believe it anyway because therefore you aren't a lib? Or, worst, do you actually believe what he says?
  21. The freedom of open speech, free religion, the free press (see Simon vs Glik, circa 2009), and the freedom to petition my gov with a redress of grievances. That's amndment 1. the freedom to bear arms and to keep a militia - IMO this is a direct impediment to tyrannical overreach. the freedom to not have british soldiers quartered in your house. want me to go on?
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