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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. We are lying to America about taking away pre-existing condition protection, in fact we are suing to remove while we tell you we support it, but look over there, 5,000 brown people are 1,500 miles away and coming here on foot for the hope of a better life. Maybe a job at Home Depot or honest work in construction or disaster clean up. Let’s point guns at them!
  2. I'm not showing you *****. That's on you and your boy to show yourself whatever weird point you are trying to make, which who knows what that is. International diplomacy has been an abject failure since 1787. Thank goodness GG was able to point out that Benjamin Franklin's mission to France had nothing to do with America defeating England. Because, you know, brown immigrants or something. The stupid.
  3. Didn't our nations press secretary release a statement saying that the Supreme Court under President Trump was now secured for decades? Under. One of these things is not like the other. Does this administration not understand who is in charge?
  4. I am? That's what I said? Interesting to see how few ambassadorships have been filled since Jan 16, it's unprecedented. Bringing it up will get me mocked though, i'm sure. "we don't need ambassadors", "it was intentional, etc". Hey, why use diplomatic statecraft when we can weaken our stature worldwide with the best words and an unsecured telephone?
  5. We should leverage our ambassador to Turkey and our ambassador to Saudi Arabia to help us figure out this situation. What? We don’t have either? I should have known.
  6. Summit? That’s not even a cookout. But sure, let’s rush to cover a hotel conference room fulll of about 250-300 people. That’s a story why?
  7. You guys are right, words from people in leadership positions don’t matter!
  8. Ok. I see how that is a rational explanation. Good luck!
  9. To be clear - you are fine with the US prez blabbing unsecured?
  10. Let’s tally the lawmakers who have voted to get rid of protections for people that actually have a condition before they apply for health insurance. Ill post the numbers here.
  11. I do have to say, these posts will be useful artifacts to look back on when my kiddos get married and move on to successful careers. This board’s posts capture the “angry white man” ex majority narrative better than I could ever articulate. Best bet is to just watch Gangs of New York to figure out what is happening. Im a registered republican and have been since I was 18, but I have to wonder why my party wants so badly to find ways to deny Americans the right to vote. That’s not too impressive...what are you afraid of? Yes, murder! State TV for everyone!
  12. This inability to assess issue by issue based on the facts of the matter is breaking our already feeble constitutional republic. Funny thing is, the people that aren’t able to rationally discuss things one at a time are the same people that want to stamp out what they consider “dissent”. In a free society. Kill the “left wing media”. Like seriously - cut - them into pieces and eagerly wait for State TV to tell us what to do. Our society will be much more transparent if we keep stifling investigation into the facts. I mean people want people to be killed because they are shining light in things the person disagrees with. Kill them. Kill people that try to report on things. Kill them if you think they are too close to the truth. Kill reporters, the enemy of a free society. Kill them for trying to learn the truth. Kill them. Any acknowledgement of a left wing media tacitly accepts and admits the existence of a right wing media. So what the hell? Dont believe the evidence in front of you or what your eyes and ears say. Wait for the state to tell you what to think and believe. Then, like a good race soldier, repeat the narrative you were instructed to espouse.
  13. I’d love to believe you. I wish I could. But then I come across a bunch of posts here on this very board (not that that’s a representative sample size) that advocate for State TV and cheer on investigative reporters being killed by states when they get too close to the truth. That’s where we are. We are finished.
  14. I agree, we have anyone looking for the truth! A fist fight. Right. 18-1, with a bone saw. Why is killing reporters is being normalized? What the hell is happening?
  15. Who is proud of Trump? Post below: tell us what a great American he is. Go on record. Tell us why you think this is a key part of republican policy.
  16. Here lies the angry older white man. The one science and demographics passed by. The one that depended on supremacy to keep the clock ticking. The guy that was so angry that we had a black president that he voted for Donald Trump. And then got proud of it! Don Trump. Own him guys. Own him!
  17. hahahahahhahaa Gorsuch clowns Kavanaugh> Due process lives, for now. Loved the Kavanaugh hire at first, but dude, sorry !@#$, you work for me. You don't get to lie under oath and keep your job. Uh buh bye.
  18. OMG can this please stop? What's with the Reps/Dems? Can someone grow up? People just want an administration that does not lie. An administration that does not seek to eliminate voters...(ummm, hey !@#$ southern clown, what are you afraid of?) Leadership that actually acknowledges the problems and trade pacts of the day, I.E. TPP, etc. People just want our leaders to not be stupid.
  19. Probably be relatively normal. My god, get a grip. It’s not like the lifetime appointments can’t spill blood at the tree of liberty.
  20. Are you sure about your blanket statement? What exactly is “leftist” about me? Is it my belief in a free market? Maybe my belief in personal responsibility? Or how about my insistence that the Bill of Rights be upheld? What, recently, about “the right”, has made you feel good, besides the white supremacy? Be specific.
  21. Sounds like everyone is super confident that nothing Nixonian will come out of the Mueller investigation. Go you guys!
  22. Here is the exact example that causes a free market, personal responsibility, bill of rights person like me to ask where ppl stand up for themselves. White man rage at its finest.
  23. I’ve always respected people that have ignored science. Studies show they end up on top in the long run.
  24. 18%. It’s just a matter of time. Keep raging though.
  25. Kaepernick is clearly one of the best 72 QBs in the land (assuming ev1 keeps 3 Not ev1 does.). That said, if he's not a starter, then he's not worth the distraction. That's the true reason he hasn't been signed IMO.
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