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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. The worlds biggest coward/***** is the only one to film a campaign backdrop on our dime. Cheer on baby!
  2. 90 in Anchorage. But that isn’t the point. It’s the permafrost that’s escaping gas that’s worrisome, no? Who’s got a link?
  3. Heya 33 speaking of lying, who is telling the truth about the concentration camps?
  4. It’s 1988. Watch.
  5. Yeah Mark Meadows sure proved that in the Ross hearing.
  6. He's literally dumber than himself. It's a half drama at this point. Let's say his veto overrides congress' rebuke? Then what? 32 years of land court? I mean, seriously.
  7. called this from day one, so far so good with this guy.
  8. Can't decide if I should start a new thread "terrorism" or just post here. Narrative failed.
  9. Does this post violate the TOS? Get help man. Anyone tracking his IP addy?
  10. Zay will not only be on the roster, but be productive.
  11. Maybe he wont grow the trade gap by $100 billion?
  12. Wasn't sure whether to post this here or start a new thread. Given the fragile and reactionary nature of the posting base here I thought in thread was best. Trade deficit grows by 100 billion under Trump: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy-trade/u-s-trade-deficit-hits-10-year-high-in-2018-on-record-imports-idUSKCN1QN1M4?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNews maybe an adult like Kasich will win in 2020. please.
  13. Let’s die. The most profitable country in the history of wealth. Yeah, let’s die. Go money! smooth, idiots.
  14. Feel bad for you man. Born at Roper hospital in 72. My Nannie and Dad diabetic. Fortunate to work at Man’s greatest hospital. Imagine being a welding monkey.
  15. It’s over white boys that think you are in cahoots with gov. goodbye. Green new deal is my children’s future. So cheap compared to future ignorance. I’m all in. If there are emergency billions to pay for ripping families apart there is def money to fund pontification Imagine choosing money over human life. ***** off.
  16. What was the guy’s name that drove around in the van and wanted to blow up lefties? smooth, idiots. Strong work. So so much grouperry required around here but no ability to rationally discuss.
  17. Sorry about your feelings man. Best bet for you is to stick to the numbers and do your best to deflect. Hang in there. At some point Islamic terror will become a < 5% part of the attacks committed vs the US if you wish hard enough. Let’s hope for 5% by Islamists baby!
  18. Seems pretty normal. What unmarried 77 yo would not want a rub and tug for 60 vs a bunch of fur coats and a Mercedes for 750k
  19. wondering what the reaction will be when the next prez declares a "national emergency" and then immediately admits on camera there is no emergency. /popcorn
  20. What is the number, something like 53 of the last 57 terror attacks on American soil have been carried out by right wing Christian terrorists? Maybe it's 54 of 57?
  21. To me it seems like I should be advocating for people to not die. just feels like the right thing to do.
  22. I usually flash a squirrel in a car when I don’t want to talk about white supremacy.
  23. Go Dev Null! The worst (or maybe best) part is the moronery that is the the literal GOP playbook for winning national elections. This is what the current day Republican party is reliant upon to capture the electrical collage. The more muralesque paintings of non college grads from the middle of the US that we can depict the more likely we are to tell people they have to die rather than blow their life savings to try to see their grandchildren’s second Christmas. Can’t have a black guy lead us to a better future, right? The latest is that that they only had 1.7 million saved and so therefore the rest deserved to die because you know, money over life baby! left my lifelong registration last year due to the official highjinxery going on in this embarrassing clown show of a party
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