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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. This isn’t a thing. He’s a weak coward lacking the balls to back up his rhetoric. He has zero support. The Secret Service will escort him off the property on 1/21 at 12:00 noon if he whines. Buh bye. It’s ovah. The bigger issue is dealing with the overt racism and hatred he has allowed to blossom. You can’t kill an idea and many people see Trumpism as their White Right.
  2. Is this the greatest team ever assembled that wasn’t fired?
  3. Yes, for tune e rock on idiots
  4. $3,000,000,000,000,000 Maybe not everyone understands the price of the tax cuts?
  5. Oof. Cat’s out of the bag. Did we miss the mass arrests?
  6. An abdication of leadership at the national level. "This is too hard. Push it to the states." The guy is still talking about TV ratings. Go Trump!
  7. suspend him - no diff than riley cooper
  8. Has his makeup portrayed him differently?
  9. I didn't read thru, on what page of this thread did people start accusing Bubba Wallace of something? 1? 2?
  10. I could care less if you call me a joke and reference this or that. Go for it. Even if you are correct, and burn me, i will be "oh no exposed" in front of like 12 ppl that post here. You got me! Bigger fish to fry. I don't care what your timeline is for me or how you think i should share my opnions. I'll do me, you paint yourself in to a corner. Oh and keep moving those Trumposts!
  11. All of the below statements can be true, yes? US Citizens have a right to petition their government with a redress of grievances. Most of the protests are/were peaceful. Infiltrators (white supremacist, young anarchist, undercover cops,) have instigated violence to suit agendas. The cops want to protect the people's right to protest. The cops are out of control. (both can be true) Lots of bad apples in the protesters (looters, rioters). Lots of bad apples in the cops (kicks to the head, shooting free press) All can be true, yes?
  12. You guys talking about the one around the White House?
  13. Love this! And who knows, maybe ALL the ideas i mentioned suck. I just wanted to get some points out there that we could use to get the ball rolling as the current model is NOT working. Only reason i added racism screen ( and yeah i have no idea what that even is but since we are the richest country in history we can probably figure it out) is the FBI's report that White Supremacist groups have infiltrated LE on the town, county, state, and federal level. Should i link the report?
  14. What do you think keeps burying you? i have no idea if there is or isn't, but it sure seems to have hit a nerve so far. The opposition, the unwillingness to try, volumes
  15. Pro tip - this is just the tip of the iceberg. The heavy handed police approach is FINISHED. Pick a side.
  16. I mean why have a constructive convo when we can disparage?
  17. Why unite when you can divide baby!?!
  18. Let's start here: New hires, mandatory four year degree dual major criminal justice and psychology Mandatory de-escalation training every six months Every interaction with the public, body cam not on, you are fired Mandatory racism screen every year Mandatory psych e v a l every year Mandatory town halls in the community you patrol Every use of force requires body cam any at least one other before initiation Civilian oversight board No qualified immunity Thats the BEGINNING. Why would anyone oppose?
  19. Thankfully Trump didn't praise China over and over again for their handling of the outbreak. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/15/trump-china-coronavirus-188736 What a resolute leader!
  20. Marv always said that character was never built, it was exposed. In that context, if you support Don Trump, your character says that you are: Islamaphobic OK with reporters being murdered OK with 23.8 lies a day OK with 33 9/11s in a row OK with voter suppression OK with no checks and balances OK with praising a rabid jew hater OK with a $2 trillion hole in the budget Confused about Capitalism Don't be ashamed, just own the above. Now is the time as the hoods are off!
  21. When the middle class worker licks the boots of the billionaire, the battle has been won.
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