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Everything posted by Thurmal34

  1. It wont matter, he'll just be more embarrassing than he already is. He hasn't attended a covid-19 briefing in 5 freaking months. USA! USA! USA!
  2. Let’s go Buffalo!
  3. I own it and admit it. Still don’t understand this moron but important to admit I didn’t get it right. Don’t know what next step is, have concerns this country will never see another election. Again, I admit I was wrong and own it. P
  4. It was all a lie.
  5. Trump is in court suing to strip Americans of their health insurance in the middle of a pandemic. He has claimed a replacement since 2016. What is it?
  6. The GOP is finished. Relegated to a regional sun belt afterthought. Fiscal responsibility? Ummm, show me a balanced budget. Inclusivism? Ummm, show me a set of policy initiatives that make Americans feel involved. Reduction of the size of federal government? Ummm, show me the shrinking/closing of any bureaucracy. Military power? Ummm, show me how many militias currently exist with the goal of opposing gov. I'm still registered as a repub. Anyone who supported Trump and didn't have the balls to renounce him as he went off the rails deserves everything The Lincoln Project throws at them. The racism the party didn't abjectly reject became a tacit acceptance, and part of the platform. The great divide, and the reason why the party is finished, is the division between college educated and non college educated republicans and the rush to accept the non. College educated repubs have now seen that It Was All A Lie, and that the party never really stood for anything other than power.
  7. At what point are you just embarrassed? Don't you know when you are on the perch of mockery?
  8. \Can you expand on what you mean here? Maybe drop specifics so we can come together?
  9. If you can't tell, you are the mark. Feel bad for ya. Buh bye.
  10. This feels like something worth making note of. Donald Trump, international diplomat. Forger of diplomatic relations. Yes, lets go life! Where are the 545 sets of parents?
  11. Who gets the QAnon prize for this thread?
  12. I’m in. 385 to Biden. 135ish to Trump. It’s ovah. It won’t be close.
  13. Mike Lee said democracy is not the goal, liberty and freedom is the brass ring. Forget the verbatim but it’s bad. Authoritarian language, which we all know those on the right abhor. We have seen the Republican Party (of which I am a member) recently pretend that democracy is a core value while openly discouraging people from voting, but this is the first sitting senator to say power is more important than structure and law. Fortunately we will get back to some sense of normal on 11/4 but that does not mean that the people that sold out for power are off the hook. A guy like Mike Lee, willing to sacrifice constitutional law and precedent for dear leader, will be held to account.
  14. Come oooonnnn!?! Shut up. So he’s good. If you want your opinion to count more than Beane’s you should have worked harder. He beat you out for the job you wanted. Maybe weigh in when you actually earned the job?
  15. This isn’t a thing. He’s a weak coward lacking the balls to back up his rhetoric. He has zero support. The Secret Service will escort him off the property on 1/21 at 12:00 noon if he whines. Buh bye. It’s ovah. The bigger issue is dealing with the overt racism and hatred he has allowed to blossom. You can’t kill an idea and many people see Trumpism as their White Right.
  16. Is this the greatest team ever assembled that wasn’t fired?
  17. Yes, for tune e rock on idiots
  18. $3,000,000,000,000,000 Maybe not everyone understands the price of the tax cuts?
  19. Oof. Cat’s out of the bag. Did we miss the mass arrests?
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