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Everything posted by Dexter

  1. "are they as serious a problem as people think?" Specify "they..."
  2. I believe Al Qaeda was behind 911, and that Israel didn't want The Northern Alliance to defeat Taliban and Al Qaeda in the Afghan theatre... which is why our deployment was too small, and why W eventually fessed that Osama was "not a priority," because the "priority" was to SUCK SUCK SUCK UP to the Israel Lobby at all cost... truth well documented here... http://prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=11539
  3. I'll be happy to do that as soon as you or any other coward here does something to refute my truth... which you can't, which is why you divert, card toss, lie, and insult instead of attempting to refute... I'd rather be boring than outed as a treasonous liar like you...
  4. W's "involvement" in 911 is that he 1. made those behind 911 "not a priority" 2. sent way too few after the "not a priority" and way too few to encircle Osama when spotted at Tora Bora 3. flipped off those at war with the "not a priority" 4. intentionally lied to sell out our troops in Iraq, liberating the greatest ever recruiting opportunity for the "not a priority" 5. first response to 911 was UNIONIZING BAGGAGE SCREENERS... doubling the cost to the taxpayer W is the greatest thing that ever happened to Al Qaeda and Taliban, and the worst thing that ever happened to the United States... Now, answer my question = is General Shelton an "anti-semite?" Did you cheer when W told us before the 2004 election "I'm a War President!!!"
  5. Obama is the natural reaction of a scared American public to 8 years of W's Bible Thumping Socialism and TREASON = a left wing big spending Dem. But at least Obama is trying to kill Osama, Al Qaeda, and Taliban, something W never did because the ISRAEL LOBBY didn't want him to... explained fully here... http://prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=11539 It is curious, how the "conservative" W supporters try to defend W and his porkfest by comparing him to someone they must also consider "conservative" = Obama.
  6. Same as Iraq - Dresden had nothing to do with 911. Did you and the ISRAEL LOBBY want W to invade Dresden too? Card toss Insult Card toss Insult And then anti-Israel becomes "hating all Jews," even as many patriotic Jewish Americans like the late Robert Novak and Russ Feingold were 100% opposed to W's Iraq Treason... LUMP EM ALL TOGETHER AND TOSS TOSS TOSS THOSE CARDS...
  7. So General Shelton is an "anti-semite" for refusing to sacrifice a US pilot to start a war with a non-threat in accordance with the wishes of the ISRAEL LOBBY?? The list of things and people "anti-semitic" is pretty large... and full of truth our "US media" censors...
  8. wow, we get some actual Israeli-speak from our resident Zionist, who started a topic crediting W for Egypt's democratic uprising, never noticing that he and the rest of W's apologists were 100% for KEEPING THE DICTATOR... Lie a lot, you do...
  9. Keith Olbermann and you had absolutely no problem with W outspending Jimmy Catta with a Demo Congress, and socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost. I did...
  10. The best was to refute a "raging idiot" is to actually document a refutation, which you and your cowardly pro-treason fellow W supporters cannot do, because you lack any facts and you have zero patriotism to the United States, and hence celebrate all the harm W did to the United States... Translation = you were 100% for keeping Mubarak, and you don't care one bit about democracy or the United States = all you care about is ISRAEL.
  11. You also cannot dispute anything in the topic starting post, or the fact that W and the rest of the Israel/sold out to Israel crowd, the FIXED "W supporters," were all 100% for keeping Mubarak in Egypt, yet there you were staring a lie-a-thon topic designed to somehow justify W's multiple counts of treason by pretending you and the rest of the Israel lobby really were not for keeping Mubarak, but rather for "democracy," which, of course, you weren't...
  12. Translation = as sub human supporters of W's multiple counts of treason against the US, we are too stupid to try to debate you, and hence would rather resort to hiding behind a sheet and tossing insults...
  13. W had absolutely no clue about Iraq, except that Saddam was a "bad guy." Three insiders are already on record that W didn't know anything about Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds after invading, endlessly babbling about "the Iraqi People," and responding to a Marine General reporting that Sunnis were blowing up Shia mosques "just kick arrrse, kill them, kill the bad people." We know that Iraq became the greatest ever AQ recruiting opportunity, as thousands of newly "liberated" Iraqi Sunnis joined AQ. And our "US media" keeps telling is it was all about OIL OIL OIL OIL... but was it really about oil, or THIS??? Rewind to 1998, Clinton National Security team meeting... http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/39582425/ns/today-books/ "Early on in my days as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we had small, weekly White House breakfasts in National Security Advisor Sandy Berger’s office that included me, Sandy, Bill Cohen (Secretary of Defense), Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State), George Tenet (head of the CIA), Leon Firth (VP chief of staff for security), Bill Richardson (ambassador to the U.N.), and a few other senior administration officials. These were informal sessions where we would gather around Berger’s table and talk about concerns over coffee and breakfast served by the White House dining facility. It was a comfortable setting that encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues of the day. During that time we had U-2 aircraft on reconnaissance sorties over Iraq. These planes were designed to fly at extremely high speeds and altitudes (over seventy thousand feet) both for pilot safety and to avoid detection. At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”" "“No, you should not have,” I strongly agreed, still shocked at the disrespect and sheer audacity of the question. “Remember, there is one of our great Americans flying that U-2, and you are asking me to intentionally send him or her to their death for an opportunity to kick Saddam. The last time I checked, we don’t operate like that here in America.”" Indeed, the desire to LIE to get the US to invade "threat" Saddam, who could not shoot down one plane, existed in the Clinton National Security team, with precisely nobody from the OIL LOBBY present. The OIL LOBBY is absent from the meeting with Shelton, but the ISRAEL LOBBY is there in spades = Tenet, Sandy Burglar, Albright, Cohen. So don't be fooled by our Israeli owned "US media" telling us it was about OIL. It wasn't. It was about the 1992 election, and all that Zionist cash and favorable Zionist media coverage that went for Clinton... and all the pro Clinton Zionists who were 100% for W... Dick Morris Judy Miller Rupert Murdoch Ed Koch Stephen Solarz Chuck Schumer Dianne Feinstein Joe Lieberman Dennis Miller YEAH, W invading Iraq was about THAT and ONLY THAT...
  14. Indeed, the W Treason Supporters cannot dispute any of my post, and hence "forfeit" by name calling instead. W's record is in the books. Whether the DoJ ever tries to prosecute Cheney and Tenet for the 'boardings, all about getting Cheney a lie to take to Meet the Press and claim "Saddam is arming AQ with chem," is up to Eric Holder.
  15. Fairley is a tremendous talent, but has a lot of "risk," especially playing for a losing team in extreme cold. He is also much more "penetrator" than gap filler. 3-4 DEs are usually more the latter.
  16. My favorite "value" LB this year is Iowa's Jeremiha Hunter, who would be a 3-4 ILB here, and has no trouble excelling in cold weather. I also think the Bills should take a flyer on Mark Herzlich later in the Draft. If he ever gets back to pre-cancer form, he'd be worth it big time.
  17. It is absolutely staggering to think any so-called "American" could still defend Traitor W. W inherited a superpower with a budget surplus. All he had to do, with a "Republican" Congress, was keep spending FLAT as Clinton/Gingrich did, producing strong economy and budget surplus. But W was way too dumb to understand fiscal conservatism. All W understood was how to use his last name to get elected. W was a "compassionate conservative," meaning he was for big government socialism and Bible Thumping. And W knew that W should listen to Rove and just Rove and only Rove... W had gone to AIPAC before November of 2000 and promised to take out Saddam, because the Israel lobby hated his dad for not doing so, and the ISrael lobby was 100% for Clinton in 1992, giving him the most biased media coverage in US history. When 911 hit, W didn't respond rationally at all. The rational US national interest response was to track down and kill those behind 911. But that was the sort of thing W's dad would've done (and why his dad was a GREAT US PResident), and Israel wouldn't like that. W wanted to get re-elected unlike daddy, and that meant selling out anything and everything he could to the Israel Lobby. So W made Osama and Al Qaeda not a priority, sent way too few (12k, barely enough to take and hold Kabul and Khandahar, and nowhere near enough to encircle "not a priority" Osama when spotted at Tora Bora) after the not a priority, and then flipped off those at war on 911 with those behind 911 via the "axis of evil," since Northern Alliance was armed and funded by Iran. Essentially, W deployed our troops to country A(fghan) to fight with ally B (TNA) against enemy C (Taliban/AQ), and then flipped off ally B with our troops still there and the mission not accomplished. The DECIDER was not finished committing treason and harming the US. Lie after obvious lie was dumped on the US public, and particularly the US Senate, about why it was necessary to invade non-Islamic Iraq while screwing up Afghan. Iraq provided our real enemy, Al Qaeda, with its greatest ever recruiting opportunity. The sum total of W's multiple counts of treason pushed Iran to Ahmadinejad. On the domestic side, W socialized senior drugs by lying about the cost, threatening the actuary who did the estimate. W's first response to 911 was to unionized baggage screeners, doubling their cost to the taxpayer. The end result of eight years of Bible Thumping Socialism was a trillion dollar deficit, a depression, and left wing Dems in total control... For Israel, W sold out The FED the TREASURY the Dept of JUSTICE the CIA US military US national interest all to get the money and favorable media coverage that went for Clinton in 1992. For Schwarzkopf, Scowcroft, Bush 41, Robert Novak, Pat Buchanan, Chuck Hagel, Bob Barr, and Larry Eagleburger, they got the bird from W/Rove for explaining to The Decider why lying to invade Iraq in 2003 was a bad idea. There is no defending W from a US perspective, since W was a total disaster in every aspect for the US. For Isreal and Israelis, no sellout was too big, with the final one, the Wall St. Choose 'em Ben Bernanke BAILOUT being the biggest, because in the end.. W cared about what the media was going to say about him, and absolutely nothing else...
  18. I certainly never said the "DL was OK," and it is Torell Troup, no "e" at the end of the last name. And I do think a one-gap 4-3 is in order with KW and Troup at DT, and likely Carrington at one DE.
  19. Sometimes those from warm weather climates don't respond well to moving to Buffalo... Trade down and take JJ Watt instead...
  20. W and the entire W apologist crowd were 100% for KEEPING MUBARAK, with FEAR FEAR FEAR about Muslim Brotherhood. Reason = Israel preferred Mubarak. Iran's "Islamic democracy" produced a two term moderate, Rafsanjani, an Ahmadinejad opponent, in 2001 that was arming and funding THE NORTHERN ALLIANCE (TNA) in Afghan, which, unlike W, was actually trying to kill Osama, Al Qaeda, and Taliban. When W flipped off Iran with "axis of evil," he flipped off TNA too, and W's betrayal of Rafsanjani, along with endless Iranian media coverage of Iraqi Sunnis blowing up Iraqi Shia mosques with the US telling the Shias they cannot arm themselves to stop it, that is the only reason why Ahmadinejad won in 2005 in a runoff. Iraq may be a tribal bean count "demockeracy" today, but Iran no longer is any form of "democracy" thanks to W's multiple counts of treason. The net effect of W's treason, other than keeping "not a priority" Osama alive because Israel didn't want TNA to take Afghan from Taliban, is that toothless Saddam and moderate Rafsanjani, actually trying on 911 to kill those behind 911, were replaced by Ahmadinejad, and the Shia beancount winner in Iraq who goes right to Tehran and kisses Ahmad's butt... http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/06/08/iraq.iran/ "TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday tried to allay Iranian fears over a planned U.S.-Iraq security pact, saying his government would not allow Iraq to become a launching pad for an attack on its neighbor. art.tehran.afp.gi.jpg Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left, greets Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday. Click to view previous image 1 of 2 Click to view next image "Iraq today doesn't present any threat as it used to be in the times of the former regime," al-Maliki told Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a Sunday meeting between two leaders, according to a statement from the prime minister's office. "Today's Iraq is a constitutional state based on the rule of law, and it seeks to develop its relations with the regional countries based on cooperation and mutual respect," al-Maliki said. Earlier, Iran's state-run news agency IRNA quoted the Iraqi leader as saying that "Baghdad would not allow its soil to be used as a base to damage the security of the neighboring countries, including Iran."" So there you have it. We are out about 2 trillion, Osama and Al Qaeda are still alive and murdering innocents, and Saddam and Rafsanjani have been replaced with Al Maleki and Ahmadinejad. In 2009, with W out of power, the Iranian people voted against Ahmadinejad, but it was too late, because The Decider had wrecked Iran... Those who credit George W Bush for anything passionately hate the United States. W did more harm to the US than his 42 predecessors summed together. W took over a superpower with a surplus and a strong economy, violated every tenet of fiscal conservatism by outporking, outsocialzing and outspending Jimmy Catta with a Dem Congress, returning trillion dollar deficit and depression. He made those behind 911 "not a priority" because doing the US national interest got his father defeated in 1992, while Dick Morris Rupert Murdoch Dennis Miller Judy Miller George Tenet Abe Foxman and the like were all 100% for Clinton...
  21. Having seen Torell Troup many times at UCF, he needs to be on the field, all the time. Kyle Williams played great last year, and hence he needs to be on the field. Is it just me, or are the Bills two best DLs Williams and Troup, and if so, why do we have a 3-4?? Oh, that's right, Maybin will start playing like Lawrence Taylor soon... .... ......
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